Graham Skelly
1 min readJul 11, 2017


you haven’t offered facts you have made claims you did not sight any facts, and I went over every claim in your last comment.

“All of those climate models,.. …said that we would already be seeing 5 degree increases in temperature and Florida would be under water right now.”

show me a model, point to a paper that said such, I can not find one. but i will review any thing you give me, so far in our conversation you have not given any sources.

We have a pretty good understanding of how CO2 works, we can measure how much energy it absorbs we know how it interacts with other molecules.

Yes population growth presents interesting opportunites and challenges, but doesn’t have anything to do with how CO2 works in the atmosphere…

okay your not reading my text so how can you claim I didn’t cover the claims you made. :)

