Happy 1st Birthday Kontainers
Today Kontainers celebrates being live for one year after being in Ignite100 accelerator during Q1 2015 and during Q2 being in beta and raising $1.3m seed funding from EC1 Northstar & Partech.
Our mission is to simplify ocean shipping bring it into the digital age and make it as easy and fast to price, book and transact an ocean shipment as it is a courier size box.
We have hundreds of customers in the UK, from global brands to SME’s, from Cornwall to Cumbria shipping everything from energy blocks for cows to playgrounds to Cheese. These companies trade all over the world and use software to make it easier, faster, more efficient and cheaper. Software like dropbox for sharing large documents anywhere globally instantly and cloud based crm tools such as Salesforce & Base.
Technological advancements the past two decades and the internet, have created a once in a few centuries opportunity by making the world smaller and enabling a brand new world of business possible. This past year we have seen significant action from all the shipping industry players to move online, if for no other reason than that clients now demand it in this digital age.
Internally, we compare completing our mission to the old adage of eating an elephant one bite at a time. We are one bite in and are ready for a lot more.
We have learned a decade worth the past year and will use that that to catapult us to open up new markets and products this coming year.
Already this entire calendar year we have seen 40% month on month growth against a back drop of rates falling off a cliff, down 70% on last year in some trade lanes. We also went live in the USA and launched five major new complimentary products -hazardous shipments, refrigerated, less than a container or pallet shipments, editable bill of lading and imports.
We would like to firstly thank our customers and promise to keep innovating building, improving and helping. Also a big thank you to our investors and everybody (long list) that has believed in Kontainers mission, what we stand for and helped us along the way. Last but not least would like to say a special heartfelt thank you to the incredible Kontainers teams, you are all world class and awesome.
We are looking forward to another year of growth and playing our part in removing the old world friction that still exists in world trade.