Get 5% GRAIN Tokens With Our Referral Program
3 min readFeb 23, 2018


As the word spreads about Grain, why not help a little and get rewarded in the process?

Our referral program rewards both you and your friends with a 5% bonus.

When someone who used your referral link makes a contribution, he/she will receive a bonus of 5%. At the same time, you’ll also get 5% of their contribution!

In this post, we’ll outline how exactly the program works.

How can you get your bonus?

It’s very easy, all you need to do is follow these steps:

Step #1: Log into your token sale account on

If you don’t have an account yet, you can create one here.

Step #2: Complete the KYC process

On your dashboard, you’ll find the KYC section. Follow the outlined steps to complete it.

After your KYC has been verified, your personal referral link will appear on your dashboard:

Step #3: Share your personal URL

To maximize the number of bonus tokens you receive, spread the word wide and far: email it to friends and family, share it on your social media accounts, Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.

With the 5% bonus, they have a great incentive to take you up on your offer.

However, that doesn’t mean you should spam people with your referral link. Even though it’s a great offer, being unhelpful and annoying won’t help you earn more bonus tokens.

People will only use your link when it’s offered in the right context and in an appropriate way. So be careful and considerate. Please.

Step #4: Wait for people to use your link

When someone clicks your link, they will be brought to a Grain sign-up page:

If they then create an account, they will be marked with your referral ID. So as soon as they start contributing to the token sale, their contributions will be automatically attributed to you.

Step #5: Receive your bonus tokens

When we receive contributions, your dashboard will indicate how many bonus tokens you will receive from the referral program.


  • The referral bonuses are not cumulative with other bonuses that are offered during the first week of the ICO: When someone registers through your referral link and makes a contribution any time during the first week of the ICO, you will still get a 5% bonus for their contribution. However, that person will only receive the general bonus that is applicable on that day.
  • Your bonus tokens will not be locked. You will receive the bonus tokens at the end of the token sale.
  • Please do not spam your referral link.
  • If you have questions about the referral program, please reach out to



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