The Best Edible Seeds To Eat

3 min readApr 27, 2022


Grainic — Edible Seeds

“ You are what you eat ”. The foremost preference for long life is eating healthy with happiness. Healthy lifestyle enhances good food habits and these habits are imbibed when you blend healthy food in your regular routine. Seeds are one of the healthiest and easiest inclusion in your diet. They are loaded with profuse nutrients, monounsaturated fats, Vitamins and important minerals and antioxidants. Seeds are great sources of fiber, munching different seeds daily remits blood sugar and enhances your Gut health.

Here are 4 Edible seeds you should embrace in your diet for healthy and fit body:

  • Flax seeds
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Sunflower seeds

Benefits of Edible seeds

These superfoods are tiny in size, but nurture ample benefits that keep your digestive system healthy, retrench the risk of cancer and impede weight gain.

  • Flax seeds

These tiny brown crunchy seeds have been used since Ayurvedic time. Flax seeds also known as ‘Alsi’ are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids which boost our health and digestion. Inclusion of flax seeds daily in your diet lowers the risk of instant cardiac arrest, works as anti-ageing for your skin, and is loaded with enough fiber. These fiber aids to weight loss and healthy digestion. Flax seeds also reduce cholesterol level, breast pain and enhance blood sugar level. You can munch these seeds raw, or toss them in smoothies, pancakes, muffins, and cookies. Flax seeds are one of the best substitutes for eggs. Mix 2 tablespoons of water and 1 spoon of grinded flax seeds, and when the mixture becomes frothy, add them to the cake.

  • Pumpkin Seeds

This seed is the powerhouse of nutrients. These nutty seeds have impressive benefits, loaded with iron, magnesium, zinc, and Vitamin K. The unsaturated fat present in these seeds helps your body to function properly and maintain energy levels. Adding pumpkin seeds in your diet uplifts your depressed mood as they comprise L- Tryptophan which enhances your bad mood, and impedes insomnia. Being supreme in fiber, it keeps you full for a longer period, and contains zinc that helps to boost hair growth and is healthy for pregnant women. Pumpkin seeds improve joint pain, robust immune system, and excellent source of magnesium and zinc. Munch these crunchy seeds raw or toss them in olive oil adding salt and pepper. You can even munch them with other edible seeds.

  • Chia Seeds

These tiny oval shaped seeds have a shiny and smooth texture, which is an all-rounder in nutrition. Chia seeds are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and omega-3. They comprise essential amino acids and protein, also a good source of minerals like calcium, zinc, magnesium, and iron. The fiber in chia seeds dilates to form a gel when it mixes with digestive juice in the gut. This process enhances blood sugar and keeps you fuller for a longer period. Chia seeds consumption leads to weight loss, reduces risk of Cancer and Arthritis, and boosts metabolism and heart health. Soak them overnight and add them in dalia , porridge or smoothie. You can even sprinkle them on salad and yogurt and keep your unhealthy gut at bay.

  • Sunflower seeds

These inexpensive yellow seeds are loaded with good fats, copper, antioxidant-rich vitamin E, and selenium. Sunflower seeds protect your body from infection and inflammation, and the essential fatty acids control cholesterol level. The vitamin E enhances recovery after exercise as it remit training-induced oxidative stress in the body. Every person wants a healthy and soft skin, and this can be achievable by munching pumpkin seeds. These seeds help in the formation of collagen and elastin which leads to glowing skin. These yellow seeds are loaded with Vitamin B1 which helps our body to be active the whole day. They also prevent muscle cramps, migraine and hypertension. Stir them in Oatmeal, or add them in a veggie sandwich, also you can mix them in baked goods like cookies, cake or muffins.


For a healthy lifestyle, Try to adapt yourself with healthy eating habits. Adding these healthy edible seeds in your daily life will always have a healthy effect on your body and soul. There are many ways to consume these seeds. You can always try munching these seeds raw or you can sprinkle them over sandwiches, pies, smoothies or morning drinks.




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