Jakub Bartkowiak
2 min readJan 18, 2018


I have started with the sample application ‘AnalogWatch’. You can create it from New Tizen Project -> Sample -> Custom profile (TV-samsung 3.0) -> Web Application -> AnalogWatch. First I wanted to run it on the emulator I got left from trying to play with Tizen in .NET. I got the folowing error:

Then I saw that I can create a new emulator with platform ‘tv-samsung-4.0-x86’ instead of ‘tv-4.0-x86’ so I went with this option. I couldn’t launch it because of the folowing error:

To fix this (or hide the problem) I needed to edit the vm_launch.conf file located here: C:\TizenSDK-data\emulator\vms\t-0118–2 (last part is my emulator name). Inside I had to comment out lines that start with this:

-device maru-virtual-tuner

-device maru-external-input-pci

After this I was able to run the emulator, but the weird thing is that nothing happens when I click the SmartHub icon on the remote. Other than that it looks like it’s working (I can move the coursor, change channels, volume etc). So I tried running the sample app, but it hangs at this step:

So my final try was running the application using the simulator instead of the emulator and this works.

So far it seems that you can’t run the old app on new emulator but you can use latest Tizen Studio to develop them…

