What is the Plural of Medium? Is it Media or Mediums?

Grammar Palette
2 min readApr 28, 2024


Image by Grammar Palette

The Curious Case of Medium’s Plural: Media vs. Mediums

The English language loves to throw curveballs, and the plural of “medium” is definitely one of them. At first glance, it seems like a straightforward case: add an “s” and get “mediums.” But wait! There’s another contender: “media.” So, which one is right?

The answer, like many things in grammar, depends on the context. Let’s delve into the world of “media” and “mediums” to understand when to use each.

When to Use “Media”

  • Communication Channels: When referring to various channels of communication, like television, radio, newspapers, or the internet, “media” is the clear winner. For example, “We get our news from a variety of media sources.”
  • Mass Media: “The media” is used as a collective noun to represent the mass media as a whole. Here, “media” functions as a singular unit.
  • Digital Media: “Media” also applies to various digital formats like MP3s, videos, or images.
  • Art (sometimes): While “mediums” is more common in the art world, “media” can also be used to refer to different artistic expressions, like painting, sculpture, or photography.

When to Use “Mediums”

  • Spiritualists: When referring to people who claim to communicate with the spirit world, “mediums” is the only acceptable option.
  • Art (sometimes): For artistic materials or techniques, “mediums” is preferred. This could include things like oil paints, clay, or charcoal.
  • Science: In scientific contexts, “mediums” might be used to refer to intervening substances or environments. For example, “We studied the growth of bacteria in different mediums.”

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Remember These Exceptions

The lines between “media” and “mediums” can sometimes blur, particularly in the context of art. If you’re unsure, “media” is generally considered the safer choice.

Here’s a handy trick: If you can substitute “channel” or “outlet” for “medium,” then “media” is likely the correct plural.


Understanding the difference between “media” and “mediums” takes a bit of practice, but with these guidelines, you’ll be a master of the plural in no time. So, the next time you encounter this grammatical dilemma, remember: context is key!



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