5 Lessons I’ve Learned from Optimizing Content for 50 Websites

After redlining content on 50+ websites in the last month, here are the top 5 lessons I’ve learned in content optimization

2 min readJul 25, 2019
  1. Include a SINGLE Call-to-Action in every pane

Many websites I see include convincing sales copy, but then include multiple call-to-action buttons, leaving the user confused. Limit yourself to one “Download Now” or “Get a Demo” button to capture intent is more effective — choose one, don’t include both! This gives your webpage a singular focus — get visitors to ‘convert’.

2. Lead with Benefits

Face it, no one cares about your fancy AI. Customers just want to know how you help them make more $ or save more $. Get to the point fast by highlighting business benefits.

3. Use Numbers in Testimonials

Does your company save time and money for a customer? Great, now tell people visiting your website how much time and money it saved (approximately). This leads to much more credible quotes and builds trust with prospects.

4. Get Specific with Benefits

Stay away from generic words like ‘interesting’ and ‘better’. Instead tune adjectives to the service or product you are providing.

5. Add Locations to Testimonial Bios

Humanize testimonials by including the customer’s name and city where they are from. Also, if your product/service is for a specific location (i.e. Chicago or Spain or Brooklyn) reference neighborhoods or specific regions in the area to add credibility (i.e. River North, Andalusia, Prospect Park).

Want to optimize your homepage content for free? Check us out at grammative.com

