
Congrats. Can't wait for you to be a booster, dear Carol.


- write a shortform story promoting your pub and publish it in shortform (https://medium.com/the-shortform)

- write another one and publish it in new writers welcome (https://medium.com/new-writers-welcome/)

- write another one for Crows feet because they have a lot of parents/grandparents there, but tell them to send their non-parenting grandma stories to my pub! (https://medium.com/grandma-power)

I'm not sure you did these kind of promos already (?)

Could be a good way to increase the number of writers. (If that's what you want)

- Also, write an article to explain how you're using the list to keep people informed about your pub maybe.



Grandma Smillew

Grandma. Pink belt in social media marketing. I love flash fiction and stories about Grandmas (submit here: https://medium.com/grandma-power)