5 Horror Stories From Boarding School

5 min readJan 9, 2018


1. Madam Koi Koi

If you constantly heard about her but always wondered what her deal was, come closer.

Let me tell you a story.

Her name was Ms. Caroline Bassey. She was a teacher at a secondary school in Calabar in the late 1970s. She was a very beautiful and stylish woman who loved to wear high heel shoes and the students nicknamed her “Madam Koi Koi” because of the sounds her shoes made when she walked. She was also a very wicked teacher who flogged the living daylight out of her students every chance she got. You see, Ms. Caroline was a straight up sadist who used being a teacher as an excuse to inflict extreme pain and torture whenever she pleased. Her students, tired of the school management’s failure to reprimand her, decided to take matters into their own hands.

One night, as she was leaving the school, the students cornered her, gagged her so she wouldn’t scream, and began to beat her mercilessly. One of them even took of one of her shoes and beat her with it. Their plan was just to teach her a lesson by giving her a taste of her own medicine but they overdid it because she suddenly stopped moving. She was dead.

The students panicked. They threw her body over the school’s back fence and ran. People were going to assume it was a mugging gone wrong. They were in the clear.

Or so they thought.

One by one the students began to vanish. All but one. The one who had hit her with the shoe. He constantly told everyone what he and the others had done and that he heard the sound of high heels clacking around the hostel every night which he believed meant that she was coming for him but no one believed him. They thought he just wanted attention.

His body was eventually found behind the school’s back fence.

He had been beaten to death.

The school was shut down and all the kids were sent home. These kids, now knowing that the boy was right all along, spread the legend to their new schools.

The Legend of Madam Koi Koi.

She walks the halls of hostels every night, clacking the floors with her high heel shoes and if you hear her coming, shut your eyes. If you try to sneak a peak, well, let’s just say you won’t live long enough to tell anyone what you saw.

2. Bush Babies

They cry like human babies (which is how they got their name) to get your attention and draw you to them. When you do get to one and see what is (i.e not a human baby like you thought), you freak out and try to run but you can’t.

You’re frozen in place.

It comes up to you and makes you an offer you can’t refuse. It gives you a shabby looking mat (the legend says that they all have one), shows you A LOT of money and tells you that if you can successfully keep the mat in your possession for 7 days, all that money, and much more, will be yours.

Basically, it plays on the greed of humans.

The legend doesn’t say what happens if you decline (probably because no one has ever) but this is what happens when you accept. The Bush Baby lets you go. Just like that. What it won’t tell you, however, is that during those 7 days, it will try VIOLENTLY to take the mat back from you which, given its magic like powers, will most likely end with your gruesome death.

Did you really think it would be that easy?

3. Bunk Shaker

It haunts boarding schools. If you attend(ed) one, chances are it has watched you sleep.

According to legend, it shows up in hostels at night and only attacks people sleeping on the top bunk. It starts to shake the bunk, gently at first, gradually increasing the intensity until you wake up to see just what exactly is happening. This is what it wants though because immediately you look, it drags you out of bed and disappears.

You’re never seen again.

4. Mami Water

They’re also called Mermaids. You’ve definitely heard of them. Fictionalized versions of them have made appearances in art and literature for hundreds of years. What I’m here to tell you, however, is different from the sugar-coated depictions you’re used to (I’m looking at you, Disney).

A Mami Water is a malevolent marine creature that is said to only live in large bodies of water. It is said to have the head and torso of a human female and the tail of a fish. It is common practice in certain parts of the country to appease the mami water by throwing severed goat heads into the water to satiate its bloodthirst. When a mami water is not appeased, it is said to lure humans to the water and then takes them.

Remember this when next you’re at the beach.

5. Dog Eye Water

If you’ve ever wondered why dogs bark at night for no reason, well, here’s your answer.

Kind of.

There are people who believe that dogs have the ability to see supernatural entities and that when they suddenly go berserk at what looks to you to be nothing, they’re actually trying to alert you to the presence of a spirit break-dancing beside you. (Or whatever it is spirits do when they loiter. We can’t see them after all.)

Some people also believe that if you take a little of the liquid in the eyes of a dog and rub it in yours, you will also, though temporarily, have the ability to see spirits. Anyone that tries this should let me know how it goes because I sure as hell won’t.

That just seems like a perfect way to give yourself pink eye.

