5 Reasons Why You Need to Leave Your 9-5 Nightmare

Take that Scary Leap of Faith and Go from Employment to Self-Employment

Anthony Thompson
2 min readFeb 1, 2024
Image by Silviu on the street from Pixabay

It's a beautiful life when you get up and go to your dream job. You're so happy to go to work that you just can't get to it early enough and leave it late enough. You're beyond blessed to be so fortunate to love your job.

However, the reality of many other adult-age workers is that they don't enjoy their jobs at all. Many more even declare their jobs as their worst nightmare. The sad truth is that whether you love or hate your job, you need to give some serious thought to leaving it for good. Let's look at five good reasons for doing so.

Image by Mircea - All in collections from Pixabay

1. Potentially Life-Threatening
Occupations bear the weight of potential danger, with some employees paying a very big price. That price is workplace violence resulting in serious permanent injury or death.

2. Monkey-Head Bosses
Most bosses are incompetent in their positions. Many resemble monkeys swinging from one misguided decision to another. Many of you have horror stories of working with arrogant, hypocritical, and brainless supervisors and managers, and still can't believe that they're charged with leading their more astute subordinates.

3. Expensive Daily Commute
It costs a lot of money to go to and from work. The commute to work becomes a costly journey, draining your wallet, your monthly budget, and your financial stability. Most jobs pay low wages while demanding that their employees arrive on time every day regardless of the transportation cost.

4. No One Loves It There
Many people are unhappy with their jobs. You are surrounded by them daily. The workplace lacks affection, filled with discontented souls bound by their shared dissatisfaction. At almost every turn, there is always someone expressing strong disdain for their current employment.

5. Exhausting
A 40-hour workweek is exhausting. It serves as an energy-sapping marathon, leaving individuals worn out in their contnuous pursuit of monthly earnings.

There are hundreds of reasons why you need to quit your job. This post is only scratching the surface. Do you have any other reasons that you can think of? I'd love to read about them in the comment section.

While you’re at it, you might be interested in reading 5 More Reasons Why You Need to Leave Your 9–5 Nightmare.



Anthony Thompson

I've always had a passion for learning and understanding the world around me. My favorite niches are life, self-improvement, business, health, and writing.