6 Ideas to Convert Your Decluttering Dread Into Delight

Sarah Grant
3 min readMay 29, 2020


Decluttering. It’s a word that can invoke two drastically different reactions in different people. Personally, I love it. It’s energizing to see spaces transformed and it leaves me feeling calmer and more grateful. But as a Professional Organizer I work with a lot of people who feel the opposite way. It’s not always evident right away…sometimes it’s a subtle comment before we begin about how long they anticipate working by my side. More often, it’s not until we complete a project that they admit their surprise at how much better the experience was than they expected, and how motivated they are to continue! This is the best outcome that I can hope for…not only to help people declutter their space, but equip them to tackle the next one on their own. The high of transforming a space can be contagious (in the best possible way) and often people just need a little help getting over the initial hump.

If your space is feeling cramped and you’re looking for a motivation boost to brighten it up, look no further! You CAN do it. Here’s what you need to turn that dread into delight and just get started:

1. Block off the time. Give yourself a set period of time when you’ve cleared your calendar and your space of other distractions. Tip for parents: If your kids are old enough, ask them to help…they’ll either give you an extra set of hands or get out of your way quickly.

2. Set the mood. Give yourself some positive vibes…open a window for fresh air, light a scented candle, play music that energizes you, take a before picture you can reference to track your progress and have a vision for your end goal. If what you’re working on reminds you of a friend or family member, let them know what you’re up to and make it social.

3. Start small. Choose a project you can complete during your dedicated time. The reward of seeing one space completely transformed will motivate you for the next project. It may be organizing your bookshelf, a drawer or the area under the sink. Tackling a long-forgotten cupboard may not be top of mind but it is often one of our favourite places to start to make space for more useful things that need a place. Tip for parents: Whatever you do, choose an area your kids won’t undo within 5 minutes…that will have the opposite effect from what’ we’re going for here.

4. Give yourself a clean slate. Clear your space entirely to see its full potential, giving it a vacuum or wipe while you’re at it. Keep 3 bags by your side to separate the obvious trash, recycling and donations as you go, removing any excess packaging, anything expired, and anything else that’s no longer useful. Even when people are convinced they have nothing to get rid of, this step results in a surprising amount unwanted items!

5. Break it down. Take it a step at a time as the real sorting and organizing of all your stuff begins, using as much objectivity as you can muster:

  • Minimize — Sort through what’s there, starting with the essentials and grouping into key categories. Distinguish what you actually use and value from the clutter.
  • Contain — Once your key categories emerge, give them all a designated place using whatever drawers, shelves, or bins fit best.
  • Maintain — Set yourself up for easy use and maintenance by labeling your designated areas (masking tape & a pen will do the trick).

6. Get it done. Keep your eye on the time and pace yourself to achieve your goal, allowing time at the end for finishing touches, styling with other found objects from around the house. Take an ‘after’ picture to compare to your ‘before’ shot and remind yourself just how far you’ve come!

The sight of empty boxes may not calm you (like it does for me), but with the right approach anyone can turn their dread of decluttering into delight.



Sarah Grant

Newly self-employed Mom, writing about home, family, careers & entrepreneurship | Founder of Be.neat Studio | beneatstudio.com