50 Ways to Get Things Done Fast

Grant Cardone
3 min readMay 26, 2017


If patience is a virtue, then urgency is divine. You want to move with speed and urgency in your business — and your life. You won’t get big if you don’t move fast. Alexander the Great and Ghengis Khan knew this, so they built armies for speed and mobility. Speed is power. There is a direct relationship between time and money, that’s why I’m in a hurry. Plant more crops each day and you’ll have a bigger harvest. Are you ready to get fast?

Here are 50 ways to speed things up today:

1. Wake up before the sun pops.

2. Carve your day into 15-minute blocks of time.

3. Quit making excuses.

4. Don’t manage time, control it.

5. Protect your time like you do your kids.

6. Never let the phone ring more than twice.

7. Listen to music that jacks you up.

8. Quit organizing, take action.

9. Get great at starting things — and finishing them.

10. Do the hardest things first.

11. Hold yourself accountable.

12. Think in terms of domination, not competition.

13. Be willing to fail.

14. Get in a Mastermind Group of winners.

15. Don’t have endless meetings.

16. If you fear it, just do it.

17. Live near your work — no need for a long commute.

18. Invest in yourself.

19. Eat healthy so your body can go from one activity to the next.

20. Work to your potential not your quota.

21. Keep a full pipeline.

22. Set priorities and chase after them.

23. Become an excellent communicator.

24. Seek to squeeze hours out of minutes and weeks out of days.

25. Get enough sleep so you have energy.

26. Write your daily battle plan.

27. Be super positive.

28. Do a little more than the day before.

29. Never measure your speed by those around you.

30. Never allow others to put you on perm-hold.

31. Never be interested in the status quo.

32. Cut out negative people that bring you down.

33. Fly first class.

34. Become passionate and find your obsessions.

35. Keep statistics on everything.

36. Focus on the future, not the past.

37. Don’t be a perfectionist — they procrastinate.

38. Stay hungry.

39. Make a commitment to get things done long before required of you.

40. Do so much people start criticizing you for it.

41. Be a maniac.

42. Take responsibility for getting things done.

43. Emulate and connect with those more successful than you.

44. Be in a hurry to help people.

45. Keep your calendar packed full.

46. Never accept good as good enough, keep pushing for more.

47. Stay uncomfortable.

48. Do what others refuse to do.

49. Take massive actions.

50. Show up early and stay late.

If you want to start getting your finances in order fast, sign up today for Cardone University

Be great,



Grant Cardone

CEO of Cardone Capital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule. Founded the largest business conference in the world, the 10XGrowthCon.