Are you a Pro an Amateur — or a Unicorn?

Grant Cardone
3 min readNov 4, 2016


Having the ability to self-motivate, remain engaged and super engaged about your work will determine your level of success at any organization. If you aren’t engaged and creative — acting like an owner — you will not see the opportunities as they reveal themselves. To be engaged like a Unicorn (big hitter) you must be attached to some bigger purpose. Surveys suggest that most people would rather make $40k at a job they love than $100K at a job they don’t.

The reality is people don’t like their jobs because they simply have not figured out how to be a PRO doing it. Any job can be great as long as you are the magical unicorn in the space.

Reasons Employers Despise the Amateurs (punks):
1. Employers don’t want to be your babysitter.
2. The anti-work attitude is not appreciated.
3. Your happiness is not the employer’s responsibility.

How to be a Pro:
1. Be hungry to make a difference in your position.
2. Do the things that others refuse to do.

The reality is that it is hard work to be great at your job and even harder not to be. When work becomes really fun and easy is when you take on the ownership position and quit simply working for someone and start owning the position. You need to be great, stand out, and be the standout producer — The Unicorn. You want to get to a point where people only see what you produce and overlook your character defects (I have so many). Make it your mission to be a STAR producer — the master of your universe and theirs — the Celebrity in your space that everyone is talking about.

The reality is most people never commit to being star producers and then go nowhere — only putting in the hours, getting paid for time and never truly engaged or happy with what they do each day. What a shame. Here are the three groups — make a decision which one you will be in :

3 Groups of Workers That Suck or are Stuck at Their Job:
1. Mr. Lame: Underperforming, missing targets; constantly making excuses; constantly changing jobs, late to work, early to leave, always being told what to do, never promoted.
2. Mr. Average: In the middle; average levels of activity. Good person, doesn’t cause any problems but always overlooked. Shows up on time and leaves on time. Just not a standout and believes he/she is just limited based on their talent. Tired, disengaged, lives for weekends.
3. Mr. Top Producer: This guy or gal is good and is always top two or three in the space. The comparison to the performance of Lame and Average is what holds him back to be the Pro. Trapped at some self-imposed ceiling he/she talks about how much better they do than others and knows they could do more but doesn’t. Comfortable and trapped and will privately admit it.

The Masters of the Universe:
4. Mr. Unicorn: This person performs at levels that are magical. Never satisfied with an insatiable appetite for success and achievement. The unicorn operates and understands the power of the next level of potential and is in an all out sprint, all the time — amazing others at their performance levels.

Steve Jobs, Bob Duggan, Elon Musk — they are unicorns. When you tell others your dreams, those who hear them think they are crazy. That’s what you want. You want to be on like a nuclear power plant, pushing all the time, and learning everything you can.

Commit to being the Unicorn because the adventure at those levels is magical.

If you want daily training, year-round mentorship, and to have me in your corner to push you to PRO status, check out Cardone University. It’s on sale now until the election for just $1995 for a full year of training—with the 2nd year FREE. It will make you a dominator in your marketplace — regardless of the economy.

Be obsessed or be average,




Grant Cardone

CEO of Cardone Capital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule. Founded the largest business conference in the world, the 10XGrowthCon.