Grant Cardone
2 min readJul 2, 2015

Freedom is something we take for granted in the USA, but in truth it is not guaranteed. In fact, most people in this great country are not free or anything close to it.

If you can’t control your time you are not free. If you don’t have enough money to go to work or not go to work you are not yet free. If you can’t leave where you live because of a job, a home, or ideas that you have to stay in one place because of your business, kids, or animals you are not free.

Seventy-six percent of all Americans live paycheck to paycheck. The average American lives within 10 miles of where they were born. You can’t talk to strangers because you were taught to and you can’t brag when you do well. People want to go work for themselves but then don’t have the courage to do it. Where is the freedom in that?

When I finally understood that my freedom is something I have to fight for and earn not something I am just entitled to I was able to start creating a life of freedom. Freedom takes courage — The one thing I know for sure is if you want a life of freedom you have to put the life you have at risk. Politicians, economies, a title, position nor a flag you wear on your lapel can get you freedom only you can do that for you.

Grant Cardone

New York Times best-selling author of four books, a dozen best-selling training programs, international speaker and owner of four privately owned companies. Grant so writes for Entrepreneur Magazine, Wells Fargo and Business Insider.



Grant Cardone

CEO of Cardone Capital, international speaker, entrepreneur and author of The 10X Rule. Founded the largest business conference in the world, the 10XGrowthCon.