Raul’s Story — The Truth About RedTech

GraphenTech 77G
4 min readAug 13, 2018


I’ve always had a strong passion for technology. Growing up in Ecuador, much of my time was spent learning about the issues in Ecuadorian society and exploring potential solutions. Regardless of the problem, I found myself looking towards technology for the answer, even to this day, I firmly believe that technology is the key to improving the human condition.

That belief inspired me to leave my country and search for answers; I was fortunate enough to study at institutions across Europe, in countries like Spain, Italy, and the UK. I took the knowledge that I acquired from my studies and work experience at several multinational companies and developed a magnetic model concept for an electric car. Two years later, I was recruited by Hewlett Packard (HP). While working with HP, I continued learning, traveling, and working in over 65 countries (in the last 25 years). Although I was a full-time employee, I never gave up on my dream of bringing the conceptual model to fruition.

Three years ago, I was invited to an exclusive HP event, Print Renaissance, at the end of the event, during Q & A, someone asked why good ideas sometimes fail. One of the presidents of the corporation said that for a project to be a success, it must have three points, it is not just that the idea has to be excellent, it also needs a good business plan, and financing; but if it has the first two, the third is practically there.

On this basis, after the event, I presented my conceptual models privately to investors and executives of HP. While I was there, I received a good deal of interest; this confirmed that I had an incredible idea, a solid business plan and that all I needed was capital. When I returned home, they asked me to introduce myself again, this time to the government ministers, everyone was excited, but I still needed investment. It was then that Justin Perry responded to an ad and called me saying he belonged to an organization called Seed Capital.

His father was extremely wealthy and told me that he could provide me with all the financing needed for the project along with more investors from the United States. That investment included over $3 billion and with that investment, the project was approved.

The government asked me to develop the project in the Yachay EP as a means of economic revitalization, we (Perry as General Manager) signed an agreement, for 400 m2. Once the document was signed, government officials made a press releases which stated that HP and Tesla were investing in the electric car project. As one of their promising employees, HP did sponsor my idea, but the company didn’t agree to any investment whatsoever. The statement made by the government was false, it was created as a political mechanism to drum up support in the upcoming election. We went to great lengths to ensure the truth was told, but we couldn’t compete with the media outlets. Shortly afterward, we found out that Justin Perry had also lied; he didn’t have access to the capital needed to fund the project, and subsequently, the project died.

I went back to Europe and found investors, but it was too late, the government retracted the opportunity. The loss was devastating, but our team regrouped and identified a new approach. Ultimately, we decided to break up the RedTech project into smaller ventures. These ventures would lead to an economically successful business with the ability to supply RedTech’s production. For example, the graphene developed by GraphenTech will be used to create the car batteries seen in the RedTech model. This dream is a lot closer than one would think. Currently, there is an Asian firm leading production for the model, but once they bring graphene production to Latin America, we will provide the graphene components needed for the battery. Not only do we have the opportunity to bring Graphene to the world, we also have the chance to provide the materials needed to bring electric cars to Latin America and beyond.

You may or may not have heard about the recent accusations that have been made against me on BitcoinTalk, but I wanted to address these accusations upfront. These accusations being made by Justin Perry are not true, he has shown no proof backing his claim against our company. After failing to provide investment, the government revoked Perry’s visa, and Perry was asked to leave Ecuador. Before leaving he made a feeble attempt to steal our engineering team by offering them the chance to be a part of a “meat drying” project — undoubtedly another scheme. Perry is upset and using baseless claims to interrupt the progress at GraphenTech, but it won’t work. To this day, not a single investor has lost any money with RedTech — only I have lost a substantial amount of funds, but that hasn’t slowed my pace. Our team is more focused than ever, and we have great things to accomplish.



GraphenTech 77G

The 77G token is a 100% security token to participate and support the upcoming revolution of graphene.