Week Three

Graphical Blues
1 min readDec 9, 2015


We made progress!

Here are the things we definitely have done:

  • Fragment-based lighting (no more silly vertex lighting for us!)
  • Shadow mapping (with some simple PCF for softer edges)
  • FPS camera system (WASD controls, mouselook)
  • Model loading (with diffuse/specular texturing)
  • Skyboxes (not pictured)
  • Basic heightmap-based terrain generation (not pictured)

Things that are in progress:

  • AABB collisions
  • Bump mapping for floor texture
  • Actual portal mechanic (we have stuff setup for it though!!)

We originally wanted some crazy things like SSAO and displacement maps, but we’re not sure we can get it done in time. We’ll see though!

(now back to work, heh)

