Motion Graphic Design Service: Motion Design Examples

Graphic Design Eye
10 min readMar 7, 2022


What is motion graphic design?

Motion graphic design is the term that stands for the formation of animated graphic design. images are used as the main element of visual communication and they are extensive in usage since three-dimensional images entered into the scene. At that time, the two-dimensional image started to lose attention. We’re now able to take 360-degree images as easily as we take normal image capture.

But motion graphics make itself totally stand out from 2D and 3D images. It is such kind of digital footage that helps to visualize things with motion, subjects and texts. In a nutshell, motion graphics is the simplest way of communicating or visualizing complex issues in an animated way.

Unlike images, a textual content that only shows and what the infographic only says, motion graphic design both shows and tells the viewer about specific issues.

At present, we see motion graphics, use them to express emotions and thoughts with social media GIF’s which is a kind of motion graphic. For its exceptional way of communication, motion graphics are also used for illustrating brand look, advertising, marketing and other sides of multimedia.

What is animation?

Storytelling has a special place in long human history. We not only used to write great stories in the collection but also brought them to the next generation year after year. For a long time, stories were just written and used to tell them in a humorous way.

But that’s the thing of the past since we have got the greatest multimedia technology, we use it to interact more to visually integrate than reading a book or writing materials. So, what’s the part of animation?

Well, animations are one way to put some story of a specific matter with a series of drawings but they are presented in a sequential way of illusion with motion, blend, sound and other animatography technology.

The process starts with some still images that are drawn manually or with computer software as there is some great software that can illustrate everything in our imagination. Then those still images got some explosion of sequencing movements, proper management with adding sounds and compelling textures and effects.

Materially, making animation is nothing but giving life to still computer graphics. Those graphics are only some 2D images before being animated and just show us not tell. Making them animated means they got the power of moving and visualizing those still objects running.

What’s the difference between motion graphics and animation?

The word motion graphics and animation used interchangeably in common usage. Because most of the common people aren’t so interested to find differences between motion graphics and animation.

But when it comes to getting involved with motion graphics for commercial or professional purposes, you should have the knowledge of what sets animation and motion graphics apart in terms and processes. Here are some facts about the same,


Motion graphics are short in length, they usually come with a minimal 10 seconds to higher 60 seconds. On the contrary, the animation is created in a way that they are healthy in length. As animations generally come with great stories, they have long sceneries to fulfil the story. Therefore, animations often come like 30 minutes to 60 minutes longer.


Both motion graphics and animation are the same in elemental configuration but animations are including a little more element than motion graphic. It is because motion graphics are usually created by combining shapes, texts and motion. Although there is no limitation of using many elements in order to keep the total demonstration feasible, creators always try to use fewer elements to keep that quick and easy capturable.

On the same side, animations are full of variable elements and characters. As animations are a glimpse of the story, therefore, it is easy to get a story that has so many characters and environmental surroundings. The creator of animations is responsible to draw all of the characters that are included in the story and also the overall nature is the same.


Motion graphics and animations are separate based on their purpose of being created. In the next part of the article, we will have a wide discussion about the various purposes of making animation and motion graphics. But at a glance, motion graphics use where you have to keep things simple, clear and easy to determine with an animated figure. And animations are kind of cinematography conducted with graphical figures to tell people about a story.

You can find motion graphics used widely in every online and offline marketing sector as they are versatile and come as perfect to fit all the needs of modern advert designers.

What are motion graphics and animations used for?

Actually, the usage of motion graphics and animations can’t finish by saying. They are now rapidly spreading and are used for both online and offline purposes to make complex issues simple and easily accessible to the people.

Motion graphics and animations have the power to tell a specific story relating to video content. That means, when someone is set to any of them, he clearly visualizes what it wants to tell. Because of the ability, motion graphics and animations are getting more important than traditional 2D images. Here is a little try to make you understand what motion graphics and animation are used for.

Visual communication

Visual communication approach as main behind creating motion graphic design or animations no matter what the purpose is. Images, videos, and even vector line arts are similar in the aspect as they create to communicate with the audience visually.

The modern world is running with visual elements. By using them, we are making things easier to show and present seamlessly. Visual communication is what we can’t ignore in our day to day life. Social media, for instance, we spend an average of 1–2 hours a day using social media. how things would be if there is no image or GIFs? that would be so boring without any hesitation.

These are making it possible to illustrate what we want to demonstrate in a visual component. This is why visual communication is at the top of the priority list of any presentation for those who want to create and for whom it is being created.

To simplify complex things

Motion and graphics aren’t a recent compilation in the history of multimedia. If you dig into deep, you can see the first digital photo was taken all the way back in 1957 where the first animation was made in 1908.

Here you may get surprised, how it was possible at that time to create animation? Well as you aren’t involved with the animation industry, you might not get the history and revolution of it. but it is true that the creation of animation started long before cinematography has come into the scene.

Think about infographic as an example, infographic makes the job easier for us to compile plenty of data in a fresh and comfortable way. but what if you design an infographic with motion graphics or animation? It will be the most catching infographic in the presentation you used that to present without a second thought.


The art of storytelling has been changed due to the extensive use of motion graphics and animation. Through them, storytelling is not just a matter of hearing stories in audio format or reading from books. Rather we are able to recognize how the story is going on overtime through animation.

As previously said, animation helps to present things in a simple way that everyone can easily get. At present, we can see the internet is filled with video content. Videos are getting priority in every online activity from making your Instagram or Facebook day to product review for online marketing.

Animation has unveiled a new trend in the world of videography. Animations are interesting, quick and effective to put the right message on the visitor’s mind.

Short animation

Short animations lucrative, very short in length but so powerful at the imagery and contents it includes. Short animations are also called micro animation. Short animation lasts ranging from 10 seconds to 40 minutes depending on the concept.

Because of its powerful approach, short animations are on the top of the online marketer’s demand. Therefore, there are particularly built up short animation industries and they are so creative and progressive in what they do.

Video intro

Video industry is now overflowing with what we have discussed previously. Videos are a one-step solution to emphasize matters on visual communication either you want to share it broadly or briefly. And the fact behind the sudden popularity of video content in content marketing is, video drives 150% more organic traffic than SERP’s.

As a consequence, we have now platforms where we could share only video contents and it can be whatever we would like to share. Making a video is often taken as people’s profession and a way of compensation as there are so many sectors to start with as a full-time video maker in YouTube and to create a huge fan base as well.

Advertising and marketing

Motion graphics and animations are highly demandable in the advertising and marketing sector. When you think of creating ads for your brand or product, you need to find the best way to make your ads easily captivating and memorable.

Although there are both online and offline marketing and advertising strategies that are experimented with by experts and you can go through any of them. But online is preferring the most effective way at present to spread product and brand identity widely because more than 3 billion people remain active online every day.

What are the advantages of using motion graphics in content marketing?

If you are familiar with content marketing, you may have the idea of how things are going on in this sector. Online marketing is getting harder than previous because more and more people are leaning on online activities such as e-commerce business, blogging, online service providing and so on.

Therefore, it is clear that the sector is no longer as easy to succeed as once it was. Marketers are intended to find unique ways and solutions to present their brand face uniquely to create a place in this crowd.

Fortunately, motion graphics are a way of hope to them. The reason is already discussed and now we are going to see why marketers should prioritize motion graphics more in their content marketing strategy than other elements.

To make your content unforgettable

Attention spanning is so short and people are too busy these days with their regular job. So, they don’t have enough time to focus on the ads around them. This makes marketers experiment with more effective ways that can easily attract visitors.

Using motion graphics and animation to make marketing content can be productive in this regard. Though still, life photography is at the root of online e-commerce business, people are more likely to watch videos and animations online.

Soon, we are going to see all types of online marketing will be done with video and animation. Because of its power of visual storytelling, motion graphics and animation are way more effective and create a strong first impression and also a memorable one as well.

To make your content entertaining and interesting

The way offline marketing takes part in businesses with offline banners, posters, leaflets, flyers etc. do people use to look at them? marketers used to print out thousands of leaflets and disclose them to the local people just to be familiar with them.

But the hard truth is most of them ignored by the people. there are reasons behind them, it can be lack of time or interest and so on. Online marketing brings the solution and gives us an alternative way that could be more effective than offline profitless marketing.

Think about online banners, posters, they are way more colourful, targeted and full of visual contents. and if you go through video content like 2D/3D motion graphics and animation, you are surely making a door of possible success on your marketing strategy.

Video contents are easy to understand and more than that, they come as entertaining. So, if you create your marketing content in that way, it will surely turn back you a lot of traffic or what action you want to get back from them.

To turn your content into a piece of cake

Creating motion graphics and animation may come a little bit expensive to you, but it will keep you away from worrying about how it’s gonna perform on the way. Do you know what things that marketers and designers emphasize more when creating such marketing content?

It is simply that we are talking about. Simple contents always win the competition as it easily gets into the viewer’s mind and tells them the reason why they are there.

However, it seems difficult sometimes to visualize importance within a short physique of marketing assets like banners and . Also, , , are more limited than that.

Unlike that marketing stuff, video, animation and motion graphics are completely different. No matter how short they are in length, animation and motion clarify the full objective within that short period of time.

Although, there are no limitations of time, therefore you could make up video animated content in the way you want.


Finally, animated video and motion graphics are versatile, that means, it can hook up any people and there is no age restriction in this regard. People from every age find great pleasure to watch quality videos in their favourite niches.

Especially, animated videos are more favourable for children. If you have a brand that deals with baby accessories, you can surely go with motion graphics and animation to make your marketing assets more powerful.

In spite of everything, no matter what business you run with, if you feel the importance of making your brand distinct from this challenging marketing age, then it will be better to take a step to something different. And motion graphics, the animation will add a different look to your content marketing if you properly build and share it up.

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