Angry at The Big Guy ?

2 min readFeb 10, 2020


I am angry at creation.
I understand why. Because I am in pain. That’s the only time I question it.
When I am happy I expand in nature and don’t give a fuck why I am on the planet.
Whether Creator exists or not, how would I know it?
If he exist and made such creation, I’ll say it’s flawed, just in logical perspectives. Reason? Well there is suffering.
If you create something, why add the nasty?
But I am not here to kill the idea of The Big Guy. Heck I even love God Stories and try to take some lessons of way of living in them or just getting lost in the beautiful way it’s narrated.
As much i hate the aspects of suffering in the world, I love the things i am surrounded with.
There are many things I enjoy in life. And that’s pretty cool.
So why write all this?
I think instead of getting angry at something we don’t know about (experientially), let’s understand the anger.

I found the anger very powerful. And I started to find something or someone to blame it on. Because, you know it’s fairly easy to blame.
Who to blame? Creator right?
Well since no one got an interview with The Big Guy, it seems pointless to be angry. I didn’t know why the anger now.
I was lost.
No one to blame.
Then I thought ‘Maybe that’s the way the world is’
‘Pain is there’
Lets accept that there is pain in the world.
Still why am I angry?
I am angry because I feel pain too, and I know others who feel it too, and I feel I spent too much time trying to get an interview with the Big Guy that I forgot what I am capable of as a human.
My anger is empathy in disguise because deep inside I know I want to do something about it.
Isn’t it true we can help each other in this world?
What can I do? Since I got no one to blame?
Everything comes to me. It’s a beautiful responsibility.
People die, people suffer. But if I get on the pleasant side, maybe, maybe we got a shot to change things around. Maybe I’ll leave the world a bit better.
You can too. We can. We should.

No more sufferiing




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