To be MUCUS or not to be MUCUS: Health is the question!

Slay Jr.
6 min readMay 8, 2020


Why is mucus so important?

What I would like to reveal in this article is much of a piggy back of my previous article.

That was about learning how to distinguish a lie from the truth in todays confusing and deceitful society. In compulsory education you were not taught the way of life, in the sense of being able to distinguish between a man-made product versus an item that is organic and natural (especially in the realm of food). In order to distinguish food properly, you would need a dense foundation in agriculture, industrial agriculture and plant husbandry to reveal what you really see when you walk into a supermarket!

Do you really “see” what you are looking at here? The word “food” is a contruct.

This would also bring clarity to your eyes when you walk into the supplements, vitamins and minerals section of the food store.

Do you understand oxide’s versus phosphates? If this is a no, everything else will only confuse you.

This is for another article. I piece stories together through the articles that I write. If you follow along you will see how they are tied together. Let’s move on. German Educator Arnold Heret is famous for the “Mucusless Diet Health System.”

Arnold Heret

Arnold was one of the first practitioners to advocate among the European community for fasting and a plant based diet. Understand he was not in the business of curing disease but more along of the lines of regeneration and a cleansing system through the practice of eating natural organic foods versus man-made foods. The terms thrown around these days would be foods that are alkaline versus foods that are acid base.

Continuum of acid and alkaline that is applied to foods.

This does not reveal truth to you, even if you were to select your foods just based on being alkaline or acid on a pH scale. You must take it a step further and look at the biochemical make up of the plant to determine what the plant will due inside the body during metabolism. Yes, you must go back to biochemistry classes ladies and gentleman, hopefully you all made A’s….(awkward silence). The CHO group (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen) arrangement will determine the chemical affinity of the foods you consume.

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen

Also the genetics or cellular composition of the plants, which you learn from plant husbandry, takes it a step further. It will tell you how gene splicing and gene modification effects the nutritional profile of the food you eat. Yes, hybridized plants may potentially be harmful (I say maybe to leave up a conclusion to you. I have came to my conclusion on the matter).

Do you know the implications of hybridized animals and plants on your brain and body health?

Also this will tell you that constructs such as starch, glucose, protein and vitamins are not what you think they are. Again look at disease incidence in this country and tell me how this system of food is by any means effective? Everyone is popping vitamin and mineral supplements, eating more than enough protein and getting a hefty load of starch, yet preventable diseases are being auctioned off left and right to people every second.

Give me a break

Genetics will tell you nutritional predispositions of the plant and biochemistry will tell you chemical affinity of the plant. This gets down to how many electrons per atom does the food posses! You will be surprised how many hybrid foods contain inorganic substances that are extremely harmful to your body. This is what acidity is more so referring to, the negative by-products of the food during metabolism inside your body along with the inorganic substance made up in the plant.

Genetics and cellular predispositions are always overlooked when looking at groups of people. We are different, and that is ok!

This will be an article in itself and will reveal these in later articles. Let’s not get off the point.

Arnold believed that mucus forming foods (man-made foods with an acid base) were unnatural for humans to consume and that humans should eat natural organic foods that compliment the human body by nourishing it. He performed fast that were monitored my German and Swiss officials. He completed several fasts within a fourteen month period of twenty-one days, twenty-four days, thirty-two days and a forty-nine day fast (which was a world record at the time, the only documented and watched fast at the time). His works seems to spark the beat generation, vegetarian movements, veganism movements and fruitarianism in the United States.

Do you know what starch is and its role in gene splicing and gene modification? Don’t give me this is what an accredited chemist told me. Go look at the facts in industrial agriculture. Thats not a valid defense of an argument.

These are the key takeaways from Arnold Heret’s discoveries (you may not like this but its not by job to write for your thought of me, asses the information and repudiate with evidence that says other wise)

  1. If you remove man-made (mucus producing) foods from the diet it would turn a Caucasian’s or light complexioned person’s skin darker. Caucasian’s with exposure to the sun would produce a golden bronze skin complexion like that of a Native American. Heret tested this theory on himself and his colleague Mr. B. He proposed this phenomena was due to the cleansing and elimination of waste from the blood.
  2. He believed that there was something superior to a mostly plant based diet, when observing the strength and endurance of the Egyptians when he visited. He attributed the superior qualities of Egyptian civilization, during the times of the 25 dynastic periods, to what would be called a “scanty” diet of plants.
  3. Lastly, he experimented and concluded that on a diet full of man-mad (acid by-product forming) foods, that wounds would not heal properly and take significantly longer if they did heal at all. When he ate a diet deprived of those man-made foods and replaced with natural organic plant food when he made an incision on himself the wound healed completely in an accelerated fashion without forming pus.
The book if interested.

There you have it, you be the judge and based on your research, you determine whether there is some truth here or not. But I must suppose that if you read this and pause to pick up a coca-cola to quench your thirst, take a quick sip of coffee or even unravel a Reese’s cup as a quick snack, then by default you should be investigated for psychosis.

Keys: disconnection from reality, can be caused by chemical use (food is a category here), delusions is a symptom and not being aware of the behavior as well is apart of it. Not my words but the APA’s.

You should not even judge this information and you should first figure out what you are drinking and start there. Just because something was grown on a tree or was grown in the ground does not make it healthy or nutritious. Nothing in this article is personal or directed to any particular individual, it is information that I felt people should look at and think about. Live your best life as you choose.

This is where your compulsory education boxes your mind in and you cannot even fathom the premise of what was just said as true. Your mind won’t allow the tease of such a claim. Your open mindedness has been calcified. Think deeply and lets reactivate it!



Slay Jr.

I love to connect dots from various fields and help people critically think about their situations and lives. Peace, Love & Truth is what I want spread!