Delete it Now

sam zakaria
3 min readMay 23, 2017


Are you using Twitter to connect with students outside of class? Delete your account. Do it. Seriously.

Your Twitter use with students could be career killer.

Many districts have an explicit technology use agreement prohibiting direct digital contact with students outside of class. That is a reality. This is to protect teachers and students. Yet teachers continue to use social media.

A free heads up, if your student’s parents aren’t following you on Twitter you need a benefit/risk analysis. Save the hard work. It’s not worth any perceived benefit.

I’m about to drop some knowledge. Make sure you pick it up.

You can’t be friends with a child.

They’ll be your friend until it stops being convenient. Should their desire to protect you endure, your 9th grader’s parents may not have the same loyalty. Your district? Refer to the acceptable use policy.

Temple of Doom an Example of Worst Case Scenario

There is danger around every corner. Kali is itching to track you down. All he needs is one slip, and he’ll steal your heart.

Cyber bullying? Put yourself at the end of a Tweet associated with bullying. Can you see the boulder coming? Can you smell Kali breathing on your neck. The problem?

You’re not Indian Jones, and this is not going to end well.

Try explaining that to the principal. Could you stand in the same room with the parents with that explanation? You’re Twitter friends with their child…Remember that prohibited policy?


Teaching can be lonely. Gilligan lonely. A chief benefit of Twitter is connecting with Adults and Professionals in education. Immediate interactions with the greatest minds in the industry. All you have to do is @ them! Conduct the same risk/benefit analysis. Can you afford to not be on Twitter?

A digital currency can never replace human interactions. It can serve as inspiration, providing a brother in arm’s inside the trench.

Grow your network, expand your potential.


I created Education Hunt as a result of my Twitter igniteduval@greaterthan1000. If you are serious about your craft. You need to be on Twitter.

I have a Twitter Honey Pot overflowing with resources. It drove me to create Education Hunt.

Don’t be that person. Faculty meeting Wednesday’s. Arms crossed and upset. You dont have to live like this. There are mind melting resources available.

Even better than the resources? Start up officers are notorious for being accessible. I couldn’t count the times I’m asked to share my experience. Want to know the kicker? The conversations I shared are evidence they care. For once, they are not waiting for their turn to talk. They listen. When is the last time a publisher scheduled a conference call? Is your textbook that responsive?


Ask an admin about Twitter and 4 out of 10 will say “Twitter Drama”. There is no drama on the professional side. There are some people encouraging you to do some crazy good things. Simon Selenk, Les Brown, Maxwell to name a few.

Education is under siege. For some. For others this is an era of possibilities. Acting as the singular positive force is exhausting. Twitter is a perfect dose of happy after a hard day. Keeping your glass full is a perfect reason to jump in.

