North Or South China, Which Is Your Favourite?

2 min readSep 17, 2018


If you consider all Chinese as the same stereotype, then you will have some problems understanding the distinctions and differences between the Chinese from the north and the Chinese from the south of China. The border to define these zones are two continental cratons, edges merging near the Huai River as it shows in the following map.

The Northern and Southern part of China

As believed to be emperors, leaders, heroes, and conquerors throughout history, the Northern Chinese are usually rowdy, loud, animated, free-spirited, honest to a fault, loyal, and full of ‘yang’ (masculine).

On the other hand, stereotypically, Southerners are people reared in the pleasure-dome of abundance, raised on rolling rice fields. As a result, they become cultured, erudite, soft and refined, fond of art as well as industry.

Characteristics of South Chinese Vs North Chinese

Generally, the Northern Chinese have taller, broader body types, smaller eyes and longer faces; the Southern Chinese have shorter, narrower body types, rounder faces, bigger eyes with double eyelids.

Typical South China faces

Typical North China faces

Food and Cultivation
The South enjoys rice cultivation while the Northerners appreciate more noodles, dumplings and other wheat-based foods. Fruit-wise, the North produces apples, melons, and peaches, while the South produces more tropical fruits such as mangoes, bananas, coconuts and litchis. Root-based vegetables are seen in the north when the South produces leafy vegetables.

Typical food eaten in Southern and Northern China

When staying in China, you’ll definitely find both sides very interesting in different aspects. After all, it is the diversity that makes the culture so fascinating, isn’t it?

