The Solfeggio Frequencies And Their Benefits

Aylin Saatlou
7 min readSep 27, 2023


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” — Nikola Tesla

Another impressive habit I learned that has wonderful benefits is consistent meditation. When I started meditating, I experienced significant changes in my life. I was meditating 10 to 15 minutes a day, and after a while, beautiful things started happening to me often.

Typically, I would locate a quiet area and clear my mind of any thoughts. After getting into the zone, I would start visualizing what I want for life while listening to soothing meditation music.

I recently discovered that this soothing music was one of the Solfeggio frequencies that made me feel at complete peace (I used to listen to 432 Hz and 528 Hz).

That is when I decided to research and share this pleasant discovery with you. I hope you enjoy reading about Solfeggio frequencies, listening to them, and reaping the wonderful benefits.


Although there are several different opinions on their origin, it is believed that the Solfeggio frequencies were first introduced by Guido d’Arezzo, a Benedictine Monk and music theorist, in the 10th century.

Guido d’Arezzo put music to a poem called “The Hymn To St John The Baptist.” This hymn, which is a Gregorian chant, is the most widely celebrated example of the use of the Solfeggio scale in ancient music.

The six original tones of the Solfeggio scale are all present in it.

Ut queant laxis

Resonare fibris

Mira gestorum

Famuli tuorum

Solve polluti

labii reatum

Sancte Johannes

You may notice that the musical scale of Ut-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La is present, which forms the basis for our modern Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti scales used by musicians today.

Every scale has a unique frequency that can be measured in Hz:

  • UT: 396 Hz
  • Re = 417 Hz
  • Mi = 528 Hz
  • Fa = 639 Hz
  • Sol = 741 Hz
  • La = 852 Hz

The original Solfeggio scale consisted of six tones. However, three additional frequencies, which include 174 Hz, 285 Hz, and 963 Hz, were added to create the modern-day scale of nine tones:

  1. 174 Hz — Pain and Stress Reduction
  2. 285 Hz — Tissue and Organ Healing
  3. 396 Hz — Liberating Guilt and Fear (Root Chakra)
  4. 417 Hz — Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change (Sacral Chakra)
  5. 528 Hz — Miracles and Transformation (Solar Plexus Chakra)
  6. 639 Hz — Making Connections (Heart Chakra)
  7. 741 Hz — Awakening Intuition (Throat Chakra)
  8. 852 Hz — Returning to Spiritual Order (Third Eye Chakra)
  9. 963 Hz — Enlightenment or Divine Consciousness (Crown Chakra)
Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash


1)174 Hz is known as the healing frequency. This Solfeggio frequency has the greatest impact on the physical body. This tone can be used in the following healing capacities:

  • To relieve physical pain in the body, particularly in the back, legs, and feet.
  • To relax muscles and lessen tension in the body.
  • To relieve headaches.
  • To reduce stress.

2) The Solfeggio frequency of 285 Hz has traditionally been associated with the healing of the root chakra. Use this tone for its following healing properties:

  • Heals tissues and can be useful for restoring cuts, burns, and lacerations.
  • Because of its association with the root chakra, this tone can enhance feelings of security and safety.
  • It enhances the immune system.

3) Like 285 Hz, the Solfeggio frequency of 396 Hz is associated with the root chakra. It is one of the lower tones on the Solfeggio scale, but its importance can not be understated when it comes to healing the emotional body. In fact, it is one of the fundamental tones used in sound healing. Here are a few of the benefits of working with this powerful frequency:

  • 396 Hz aids in reducing or eliminating fear-based thinking. Since fear has a low vibration that attracts Negative outcomes, it is necessary to develop strategies for raising our vibrational frequency.
  • It heals feelings of guilt and doubt.
  • Some believe that this frequency can transform grief into joy.
  • 396 Hz can help when you feel trapped in a spiral of negative thinking. Because it has a powerful effect on the emotional body, this frequency can aid in returning your thoughts to a higher vibrational state of positivity.

4) The Solfeggio frequency that matches the sacral chakra is 417 Hz. The sacral chakra can get blocked by traumatic life events, leading to repressed emotions and an inability to experience joy in life. Listening to this frequency can aid in unblocking this energy center. Here are some advantages of tuning in to the frequency of 417 Hz:

  • It can help remove negative energy from your aura and environment.
  • Shame and anger-based thinking can be healed by 417 Hz, as these emotions attract Negative outcomes.
  • It can aid in restful sleep.
  • This Solfeggio frequency can help you find the motivation to embrace change.

>>> 432 Hz is referred to as “The heartbeat of the Earth.” Some people believe that it is the frequency that is most in alignment with our planet, known as the Schumann resonance. When we connect with this tone, we are actually connecting to the energy and vibration of the Universe. These are the benefits of working with this powerful healing frequency:

  • It heightens intuition and connection with the Universe.
  • It can help release emotional blockages of all kinds.
  • Research has shown that it can alleviate anxiety and lower blood pressure.

432 Hz includes the Solfeggio frequencies and demonstrates that they extend beyond nine frequencies.

The website explains the science behind Solfeggio frequencies and why 432 Hz is another tone:

Photo by Sebastien Gabriel on Unsplash

5) 528 Hz is known as “The love frequency” or “The miracle tone” and is related to the solar plexus chakra. There are numerous examples of its use throughout history. For instance, John Lennon’s “Imagine” song was written in 528 Hz. Here are a few of the reputed benefits of this sound:

  • It increases creativity.
  • It reduces stress and hormone levels.
  • It improves concentration.
  • It can repair damaged DNA.
  • It can increase feelings of positivity and love.
  • It contains the vibration capable of healing the mind and the body.

A 2018 study from Japan discovered that music tuned to the frequency of 528 Hz significantly reduced stress in the endocrine systems and autonomic nervous systems — even after a mere five minutes of listening.

In a study published in the Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, the 528 Hz reduced the toxic effects of ethanol, the principal ingredient found in alcoholic drinks, on cells.

Even more astounding was that this frequency also increased cell life by about 20 percent.

The healing and energizing effects of music set to 528 Hz make it perfect background music when feeling unwell or needing to relax.

6) 639 Hz is the Solfeggio frequency most related to the heart chakra. As such, this is a powerful tone that has the ability to unblock the heart chakra, leading to more peace and positivity. Here are a few of the benefits of the 639 Hz tone:

  • It can help facilitate connections between opposites, which means it could have the power to restore balance to broken relationships.
  • It can promote clarity of thought and help you better express your emotions.
  • It can heighten your levels of tolerance for dealing with challenging situations.

7) The Solfeggio frequency of 741 Hz is known as “tone sol”. It is associated with the throat chakra and is a great frequency to work with if you want to dispel negativity and open yourself to a pure expression of your highest self. Here are a few of the benefits of listening to the frequency of 741 Hz:

  • It can heal emotional blockages and allow you to express yourself authentically.
  • It can dispel toxins and negativity in yourself and your environment.
  • It repels anger, jealousy, and lies.
  • It can detox the body from pollutants like viruses, fungi, bacteria, and electromagnetic toxins.
  • It can help awaken intuition.

8) 852 Hz is the Solfeggio frequency related to the third eye chakra. As such, it holds the power of awakening intuition and enhancing a positive connection to your higher self. Here are a few of the benefits of 852 Hz:

  • It can help you connect with your higher self and access inner guidance.
  • It can help you return to spiritual order.
  • It can help you cut through illusions and see the reality of situations.
  • It is great for meditation, Reiki, and astral projection.

9) 963 Hz is the tone related to the crown chakra. It is known as “The God frequency” or “The miracle tone”. This tone awakens intuition and activates the pineal gland. Here are a few of the benefits of listening to this tone:

  • It can provide a connection to the source.
  • It has the power to enhance your intuition.
  • It can return any system to its highest, most perfect order.
  • It can significantly raise your vibration, which is the key to manifesting Positive circumstances and outcomes.
  • Experiencing a feeling of “Oneness with all” is possible by tuning into the 963 Hz frequency, which connects to the infinite energy of the Cosmos.

Also, did you know that the human brain operates at about 60Hz, the same frequency as many electrical devices?

This means being near technology can affect the brain, which is why doctors warn about the effects of technology on our minds.

I am delighted that you have read until the end of this article.

Wishing you all the best, Take care.

