A Green Stimulus to Rebuild Our Economy

Green Stimulus Proposal
71 min readMar 22, 2020


An Open Letter and Call to Action to Members of Congress

If you agree with us, please click here to sign onto our letter.

As a nation we face three converging crises: the COVID19 pandemic and the resulting economic recession; the climate emergency; and extreme inequality.

Unemployment is rising at the fastest rate since the 2008 crash, and could eventually reach 20% — twice as high as the Great Recession. We need immediate and sustained intervention to protect people’s health and economic well-being, with a special focus on the most vulnerable. We must also begin planning our economic recovery in a way that protects us from the impact of climate change and lifts up workers and frontline communities.

Many other groups are focused on the emergency stimulus package to stabilize our economy, on preventing harm in an equitable way — which we fully support — so this letter focuses on the longer-term challenge of jumpstarting economic recovery and transitioning to a more sustainable economy. The question isn’t whether we will next need a major economic recovery stimulus, but what kind of stimulus should we pursue? In response we, climate and social policy experts in academia and civil society, have developed a menu of solutions that would collectively comprise a Green Stimulus.

The United States confronts the danger of an economic stimulus that restores — or even deepens — our reliance on fossil fuels. This danger comes from explicit proposals to bail out the fossil fuel sector and roll back workers’ rights, and also from generic general stimulus policies that do not take climate into account. Indeed, infrastructure spending as usual — e.g. highway expansion — will lock in more carbon pollution for decades. We can avoid these problems by crafting a recovery that accelerates the creation of a 21st century green economy.

Thus, we propose an ambitious Green Stimulus of at least $2 trillion that creates millions of family-sustaining green jobs, lifts standards of living, accelerates a just transition off fossil fuels, ensures a controlling stake for the public in all private sector bailout plans, and helps make our society and economy stronger and more resilient in the face of pandemic, recession, and climate emergency in the years ahead. This stimulus should be automatically renewed annually at 4% of GDP per year (roughly $850 billion) until the economy is fully decarbonized and the unemployment rate is below 3.5%. A Green Stimulus would make short-term interventions, restructure political and economic power towards workers and communities, and build toward deep long-term change.

Most of the physical work proposed here cannot begin immediately. We must focus on halting the spread of deadly illness. However, we can do all the preparatory work now to make green projects “shovel ready.” Right now, legislative action as well as planning work, done safely through online channels, including public debate and consultation, can ensure that physical projects can commence as soon as it is feasible to restart major in-person work across the economy.

This preparatory phase must include building up capacity within existing federal, state, and local government agencies (and chartering new ones as necessary) to help manage the implementation phase of this stimulus. In the weeks ahead, the government will undoubtedly pass further stimulus measures. At each step, we must push for that stimulus to be green.

Our proposal for a Green Stimulus is aligned with the “5 Principles for Just COVID-19 Relief and Stimulus,” as put forward by over 300 environmental, justice, labor, and movement organizations: (1) Health is the top priority, for all people, with no exceptions; (2) Provide economic relief directly to the people; (3) Rescue workers and communities, not corporate executives; (4) Make a down payment on a regenerative economy, while preventing future crises; and, (5) Protect our democratic process while protecting each other.

Additionally, our proposal is grounded four key strategies, cutting across industrial sectors and bureaucratic domains:

  • Create millions of new family-sustaining, career-track green jobs in clean energy expansion, building retrofits and sustainable homebuilding, local food economies, public transit maintenance and operations, electric appliance and vehicle manufacturing, green infrastructure construction and management, local and sustainable textiles and apparel, and partnering with existing pre-approved apprenticeship programs to bring more low-income and workers of color into good union jobs;
  • Deliver strategic investments — like green housing retrofits, rooftop solar installation, electric bus deployment, rural broadband development, and other forms of economic diversification — to lift up and collaborate with frontline communities, including communities of color, Indigenous communities, low-income communities, communities that have suffered disinvestment, and communities that have historically borne the brunt of pollution and climate harm;
  • Expand public and employee ownership by leveraging existing public agencies and assets (including public transit agencies, local housing authorities, public school districts, and electric co-ops), taking equity stakes in companies receiving substantial direct investment (including the airline, fossil fuel, and cruise industries), and conditioning strategic aspects of the stimulus package on worker self-determination measures and cooperatives; and,
  • Make rapid cuts to carbon pollution consistent with keeping global warming as close as possible to 1.5 degrees Celsius, as the climate science tells us is required to limit further climate breakdown, and protect salaries, benefits, and retirements of fossil fuel workers.

Below, we outline a menu of practical policy interventions that align with these principles and strategies. Many of these interventions could be implemented by state and local governments and would benefit from immediate, purposeful planning and preparation, nearly all of which could be done remotely (including mass public procurement, targeted bridge loans and other emergency financial instruments, and expanded tax credits and rebates for high-priority sectors). The menu includes:

  1. Housing, Buildings, Civic Infrastructure, and Communities
  2. Transportation Workers, Systems, and Infrastructure
  3. Labor, Manufacturing, and Just Transition for Workers and Communities
  4. Energy System Workers and Infrastructure
  5. Farmers, Food Systems, and Rural Communities
  6. Green Infrastructure, Public Lands, and the Environment
  7. Regulations, Innovation, and Public Investment
  8. Green Foreign Policy

This is an inflection point for our nation. This is a pivotal moment to put tens of millions of Americans back to work, building a healthy, clean, and just future. It is heartening to recognize the very broad range of technologies and policy tools at our disposal to ensure that recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic can also dramatically improve the living standards of those most in need — a majority of Americans, in fact.

Moreover, a Green Stimulus agenda is broadly popular, as shown for instance by Data for Progress’s polling around the Green New Deal and green industrial policy. Their latest polling finds majority support for a trillion-dollar investment in green technology. And it finds majority support among Democrats, Republicans, and Independents for a range of public green investments — from renewable energy, to electric buses, underground high-voltage transmission, electric minivans and pickup trucks for rural and suburban areas, smart grid technology, retrofitting buildings with an emphasis on low-income housing, and battery technology.

Finally, we have the opportunity to learn from and improve on the inadequate 2008–2010 stimulus that resulted in a sluggish recovery and centered firms and companies instead of workers. We need a bigger stimulus, more investment in low-carbon projects, and more immediate relief for Main Street. Now is the time to begin the political debate, and legislative work to pass Green Stimulus policies to create jobs, lift up communities, and tackle the climate emergency as we rebuild the economy.

The co-authors of this letter, and endorsing signatories, are listed below, after our policy menu. We call on Members of Congress to consider and carry forward these policy ideas in this forthcoming and any future stimulus packages, to ensure addressing current public health crisis doesn’t exacerbate the climate crisis.

A Green Stimulus Policy Menu


  • Massively expand the federal Weatherization Assistance Program to cut utility costs and eliminate homes’ carbon emissions, fund state-level equivalent programs, and provide grants to community-based weatherization programs to scale up local efforts, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.
  • Place moratoria on electricity, gas, and water shutoffs and late fees and reconnect those disconnected prior to the crisis, and rental evictions. Suspend rent and mortgage payments, without fees, and with potential to forgive payments. This will protect the most vulnerable, from some of the immediate effects of the recession and provide indirect income support to communities of color, Indigenous communities, and low-income communities.
  • Expand funding to and beneficiaries of Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, (LIHEAP), while green retrofits are underway. Change eligibility to 200–250% of federal poverty line, thus increasing program beneficiaries. Work to make enrollment automatic based on tax credits, and expand outreach to households that may not have anyone who files.
  • Repeal the Fairthcloth Amendment and infuse funds into the National Housing Trust Fund (eg, $50 billion in year 1, $100 billion year 2, $150 billion in year 3) for no-carbon mixed-income social housing, creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.
  • Double tax-credits for Low-Income Housing Tax Credit affordable housing construction, mandate zero-carbon standard for operational carbon (building operations), and a low-carbon standard for embodied emissions of building materials. Fund union apprenticeship programs in communities of color, Indigenous communities, and low-income communities.
  • Pass and funding the Green New Deal for Public Housing Act, to begin immediate public housing retrofits that improve living conditions, create tens of thousands of union jobs for public housing residents and other, nearby low-income workers, and create a new mass market for green building materials.
  • Commence immediate public procurement of building materials and appliances to retrofit public housing, federally funded Indian housing, and all relevant government and military buildings. Offer states, cities, and other public agencies the ability to join these heavily discounted bulk purchase orders.
  • Invest in dramatic improvements to housing conditions throughout Indian Country through healthy, sustainable retrofits, creating thousands of jobs in those communities.
  • Fund school retrofits across the country, with priority for Title 1 schools. Remove fossil fuels, install heat pumps for heating and cooling, and remove all toxic and unhealthy materials including lead, mold, and asbestos, and create tens of thousands of jobs. Increase funding for wraparound services and to make school year-round resiliency hubs for their communities, including by providing disaster relief services.
  • Establish a federal green and equitable housing fund, to partner with municipalities that invest in rent-controlled housing for low-income citizens near transit hubs.
  • Ensure government-funded construction projects take sea-level rise into account. Restore the Federal Flood Risk Management Standard, and, unless required for national security, do not build any new federal buildings within 3 feet of the historic 100-year coastal flood elevation.
  • Require states to adopt most advanced current building energy codes, reach codes (e.g. “Zero Code”), and local land use and zoning reforms (e.g., the abolition of parking minimums and single-family zoning) including the provision of competitive, supplemental funding for state and local governments that adopt these reforms. Green building grants should include funding to hire staff in state and local government to internally manage the planning and implementation.
  • Enact federal zoning regulation reform to facilitate construction of both dense and affordable housing, with a priority to building near public transit, to ensure new social housing is located in walkable and transit accessible-neighborhoods.
  • Develop a subsidy and loan regime to support decarbonizing the building energy use, which would also cut utility costs for homes and businesses, and spur US manufacturing of more affordable, and efficient electric heat pumps, heat-recovery ventilation units, energy-efficient lighting, and building controls.
  • Develop a subsidy and loan regime to support decarbonizing construction materials and increasing the carbon-sequestration potential of our building stock through increased use of carbon-smart forestry, low-carbon concrete, fossil fuel free insulation materials, and increased use of plant-based build materials made from agricultural wastes and waste fiber streams, such as hempcrete, compressed strawboard, wood fiberboard insulation, etc. This would support American manufacturing, forestry and agriculture sectors.
  • Develop a national green rental subsidy program that provides incentives to landlords for passing the savings accrued from solar and energy efficiency on to tenants (i.e., rentals free of utility charges).
  • Implement a green mortgages program through all federally backed mortgage lending that includes an incentive program of 50 basis point reduction in mortgages for zero carbon emissions homes and 25 basis points for zero carbon emissions-ready homes.
  • Fully resource ($10 billion) the Public Housing Operating Fund to ensure residents employed in management and on-site jobs are protected, ongoing green retrofit and maintenance contracts are fulfilled, and that local housing authorities are fully prepared to meet their obligations to their communities.
  • Provide new funding through the National Endowment for the Arts, Smithsonian, and other federal cultural institutions to support out-of-work artists, designers, and other makers.
  • Create a Climate Justice Resiliency Fund to ensure our infrastructure and communities are protected from the unavoidable impacts of climate change. Begin with a national survey to identify areas with high vulnerability to climate impacts, public health challenges, environmental hazards, and other socioeconomic factors. Create grants for communities to fund projects to safeguard vulnerable groups from extreme weather and other environmental harms. And establish an Office of Climate Resiliency for People with Disabilities within the fund to meet specific needs of people with disabilities.


  • Provide direct transfers to local transit authorities to ensure they remain solvent, well-maintained, and ready for active service when the pandemic recedes. Local transit authorities are existing, publicly-owned and operated entities managing trillions of dollars worth of capital infrastructure, employing thousands of workers, and they simply cannot be allowed to fail.
  • Create thousands of new construction jobs by investing in projects that incentivize densification, including Equitable Transit Oriented Development with an emphasis on affordable housing, through the USDOT.
  • Revive the Partnership for Sustainable Communities interagency initiative to align local, place-based economic stimulus projects administered by the USDOT, HUD, and EPA.
  • Create thousands of new jobs by offering grants and no-interest, no-match loans to local transit agencies and municipal governments to complete their backlog of shovel-ready ADA-compliance and Complete Streets projects. All disruptive roadway work should be paired with upgrades to sanitary sewer systems and other utilities whenever possible.
  • Provide grants and loans to local transit agencies and school boards to fund the purchase of electric railcars and engines and electric buses and electric school buses, with the goal of ending all diesel bus purchases by 2025. This must also include targeted investment to support electric bus and railcar manufacturing capacity within the automobile industry in the United States.
  • Create a “Fix It First” mandate for infrastructure and public works projects, as outlined here, requiring all new USDOT funding and financing be directed towards the maintenance and repair of existing roadways, bridges, and other projects. This also includes upgrading commuter rail lines to meet Positive Train Control standards and installing dedicated bike and bus lanes.


  • Provide grants and no-interest loans to develop and accelerate US manufacturing of electric buses (including school buses), electric pickup trucks, electric cars, and other electric vehicles; and, energy-efficient electric appliances.
  • Create a federal fund to support formation of worker cooperatives aligned with the goals of rapid decarbonization, such as solar panel installation, regenerative agriculture, urban community gardens, and larger-scale urban farming.
  • Implement a Green Durable Goods policy to ensure continued production of essential green products, via massive infusion of federal funds into electric appliance, vehicle, etc. manufacturing. Use direct government purchase of high volumes of green goods to drive increases of green capacity during economic slowdown, as done during the Second World War. Give priority to manufacturers who partner with pre-approved union apprenticeship programs.
  • Create a cash for appliances program, funded at least $1 billion, modeled on the Obama stimulus measure, but mandating recycling of all old appliances with a particular focus on preventing HFC leakage.
  • Create a public option for electric vehicles, appliances, and other durable goods procurement. All other governments, co-operatives, and non-profit entities would be eligible to place individual orders through this mass federal procurement, with grants and no-interest loans to support their purchases through the Department of Commerce.
  • Create a “feebate” program to transfer a pollution surcharge to those who purchase cleaner products. Include a low-income carbon credit so that individuals making within 200% of the federal poverty threshold and in rural households receive 2x or 4x the benefit for the purchase of energy efficient models.
  • Create an expansive Women in Cleantech (WiC) training and entrepreneurial support program through the Small Business Administration.
  • Provide new opportunities for disadvantaged American green entrepreneurial training and start-up grants through the Small Business Administration.
  • Provide just transition benefits for all workers in fossil fuel industries, including five years of wage replacement for displaced workers, housing assistance, job training opportunities, health insurance coverage, pension support, and priority job placement for displaced workers. Provide early retirement support where appropriate.
  • Provide tax revenue replacement support for communities impacted by the cessation of extraction and use of fossil fuels.
  • Identify and invest in economic diversification strategies for fossil fuel regions by fully funding the project backlog at the Appalachian Regional Commission, Great Lakes Commission, and Delta Regional Authority and creating similar projects in other fossil fuel regions.
  • Provide new funding to support opportunities for low-income women to pursue advanced training, new sustainable technologies, and formation of worker cooperative businesses in women’s traditional industries, including textile and apparel.


  • Create a national clean energy standard through the EPA that applies to all power providers including rural electric cooperatives, climbing steeply to 100% carbon-free energy by 2030.
  • Restore the clean energy tax credits and offer a direct incentive to businesses, nonprofits, municipalities, tribes, and low income community members, extending the credit to energy storage so renewable energy sources can provide firm, reliable ‘baseload’ energy.’
  • Make all clean energy tax credits (including for consumers) immediately deployable; for consumers they should be immediate and refundable rebates, particularly investing in distributed and community renewable energy to build community wealth and resilience.
  • Make regulatory changes to accelerate the environmental review process for clean energy, storage, high voltage transmission, charging stations, and other low-carbon infrastructure projects, inspired by recent reforms in New York State Government, while respecting Indigenous sovereignty and ensuring no sacrifice of public safety.
  • Provide a revolving fund through a joint Department of Energy and Treasury initiative to acquire and/or purchase fossil fuel firms that are going bankrupt in order to decommission assets and provide a just transition for affected workers and communities.
  • Require a rapid phaseout of fracking and offshore and onshore oil and gas drilling, end new extraction, and end fossil fuel exports, in conjunction with the rapid expansion and unionization of clean energy generation.
  • Protect the right of clean energy workers to unionize their workplaces, and incentivize worker ownership in the sector.
  • End all fossil fuel subsidies and redirect the funds to help directly-impacted workers and communities in the energy transition.
  • Authorize Treasury, federal agencies, and other federal lenders to forgive all government-held fossil fuel debt of rural electric coops and municipal utilities.
  • Provide grants and no-interest, no-match loans to all electricity co-ops contingent on rapid decarbonization including implementation of battery storage technology at distribution and end-user levels.
  • Provide substantial finance to support the development and deployment of community-shared solar programs, which may work in tandem with the Department of Energy’s technical assistance program for community solar.
  • Plan and fund rapid decarbonization of Tennessee Valley Authority and other federally-owned power supplies, and provide logistical and financial support for a mandated decarbonization of rural electricity cooperatives and public power.


  • Strengthen organic standards and reform agricultural subsidies so that federal support goes to small producers who make investments in their communities and the environment.
  • Re-staff and fully fund the USDA and EPA science offices, and the network of agriculture extension offices, to quantify carbon reductions. Support regenerative agriculture and compensate farmers (including regenerative ocean farmers) for carbon reduction practices, such as carbon sequestration in soils, the transition to regional and local farming initiatives, and other practices based on the quantified carbon abatement or sequestration (carbon negative land use) of the practices.
  • Prevent food shortages and surpluses by establishing supply management programs and a parity pricing system for farmers that both ensures farmers, farm workers, and every worker along the food chain a living wage and ensures consumers a high-quality, stable, and ensures local supply of agricultural goods.
  • Empower the USDA to track, report, and address instances of “food deserts’’ in low-income and inner-city areas by ensuring that fair market priced goods, including organic foods, are available with similar quality and diversity as in other parts of the country.
  • Support indigenous farming practices and end biopiracy and contamination of native seeds by fully supporting the work of the International Planning Committee for Food Sovereignty (IPC) on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) within the Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations.
  • Enhance programs for beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers as outlined in the 2018 Farm Bill, to give them fair access to land and resources. Recognize historical crimes and injustices through a commitment to reparations for black farmers and indigenous communities. One such policy is to stand up a federally backed land trust to buy land from retiring farmers that would then be sold interest-free to farmers of color.
  • Incentivize community and cooperatively owned farmland to support local communities and urban residents, including by expanding USDA’s Local Agriculture Market Program, and funding food hubs and distribution centers.
  • Make government-owned farmland available as incubator farms for beginning farmers
  • Pass comprehensive legislation that provides grants and technical assistance to mitigate climate change by transitioning to independent family farming practices that are regenerative, ecologically sound, improve soil health, and sequester carbon in soil.
  • Create a new USDA program dedicated to research and policy development for ocean-based farming. Support regenerative ocean farming, a burgeoning, low-carbon industry focused on seaweeds and shellfish, including through the USDA’s Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program and Biomass Crop Assistance Program, as described in the Blue New Deal.
  • Direct the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Marine Fisheries Service to issue new guidance and regulations to better prepare fishing industries and communities for the impacts of climate change.
  • Support the shift towards healthy food consumption, by expanding access to the quality of food available through nutrition support programs such as TANF, SNAP, and WIC and classify Farmers Markets as “essential services.”
  • Direct the Farm Service Agency to issue no-interest, no-match loans via its land contract guarantee program to ensure failing industrial agricultural land is made available to new and small family farmers whenever possible; and issue no-interest, no-match loans to fund equipment purchases, organic and specialty crop operations, and alternative farming practices.
  • Secure the rights of migrant and permanent resident workers and their families to healthcare, food, and shelter without prejudice to pathways to future citizenship.


  • Create a Clean Water Corps that provides no-interest loans for municipalities and counties to invest in repairing/replacing combined and sanitary sewer systems, building out alternative stormwater management systems (green infrastructure), and performing other abatement measures (replacing lead pipes and upgrading treatment facilities). Pass the WATER ACT.
  • Create a new Civilian Conservation Corps through the Corporation for National and Community Service, chartered to hire workers to protect ecosystems, including forests and wetlands, modeled on the California Conservation Corps.
  • Create thousands of new jobs maintaining green infrastructure and climate resilient landscapes by providing new grants and formula funding through the HUD-DOT-EPA Partnership for Sustainable Communities.
  • Electrify and modernize our ports, to reduce harmful air pollution and prepare for sea level rise, as described in the Blue New Deal.
  • Direct and fully fund the National Parks Service and U.S. Forest Service to begin planning for the climate crisis and clearing their backlog of authorized projects, with priority given those that respond to ecosystem migration, biodiversity loss, and sea level rise.
  • Direct and fully fund the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to clear their backlog of beneficial dredge, habitat restoration, climate adaptation, and infrastructure maintenance projects.
  • Direct and fully fund HUD, DOT, and EPA to fast-track the approval and implementation of local parks and open space plans through no-interest loans and competitive grants for state, local and tribal governments.
  • Provide grants to state and local governments to establish “energy parks” that combine recreation (e.g., walking and biking trails, swimming areas, etc.) with clean energy generation, storage, and transmission infrastructure (e.g., wind turbines, PV panels, and battery centers).
  • Provide funds to public community colleges, colleges, and universities to develop and implement climate risk management plans and green economy training programs.
  • Provide new permanent funding for HUD, DOT, EPA, National Parks Service, U.S. Forest Service, and other built and natural environment-focused agencies to hire new architects, landscape architects, planners, and program managers to coordinate the surge in new projects produced by the stimulus, as outlined here.


  • Capitalize a national green investment bank to provide no-income (or Fed funds rate) loans to firms and consumers for any green retrofits, low-carbon investment, etc. Minimum $100 billion for initial capitalization.
  • Immediately pass a Federal Reserve Bank Act to make green bonds as secure as treasury bills, to drive down the cost of green investment.
  • Require that any bailouts or bridge loans to large corporations, like airlines and cruise lines, be contingent on economic, social, and ecological conditions: 10-year plan to substantially cut majority of carbon pollution with targets every two years; use funds to maintain payroll; government gaining long-term preferred shares or other equity in bailed out firms; provide $15 minimum wage within one year; no share buy-backs or dividends; set asides seats on corporate boards for labor representatives; maintain collective bargaining agreements.
  • Direct the Departments of Energy and Treasury to assume a larger share of the financial risks resulting from decarbonization and price fluctuations by requiring U.S. banks to report annually how much fossil fuel equity and debt is created, and/or held as assets, with respect to all fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure.
  • Diminish financial risks resulting from decarbonization and price fluctuations by instructing the SEC Office of Credit Ratings to direct credit rating agencies to impose process standard — like climate due diligences — that incorporate the physical and financial risks that climate change presents to securities and other financial assets, as well as to the companies that issue them.
  • Restore a climate test, such as the social cost of carbon, as a metric for federal procurement and permitting decisions. These tests should be consistent with the goal of limiting warming to as close as is possible to 1.5°C.
  • Reevaluate the discount rates used in all benefit-cost analyses. The discount rates currently used in regulatory analysis have not been updated since 2003, and as the Council of Economic Advisers pointed out in a January 2017 report both the economic understanding of discounting and the real economy have evolved since then.
  • Provide technical and financial assistance to state universities, community colleges, and technical schools in launching green energy and economy training programs and degree options.
  • Elevate EPA and NOAA Administrators to full Cabinet Secretary status.
  • Ensure major government green procurement purchases are both green and include project-labor agreements or prevailing wage requirements (renewable energy, storage, retrofits, low-carbon cement, etc).
  • Provide immediate federally-backed bridge loan support to green firms.
  • Streamline and fast-track permitting for offshore wind energy, and subsidize offshore wind farm projects, while ensuring projects are sited based on environmental impact assessments, and that Community Benefit Agreements are in place to ensure communities onshore of wind farms receive a share of the benefits as this industry develops. Do not allow visual and aesthetic impacts to be considered as a factor for denying permits (See Blue New Deal plan.)
  • Increase ARPA-E funding by up to 100x and look to develop parallel agencies in the Department of Agriculture, Department of Transportation, and Department of Housing and Urban Development.
  • Ensure that federal research and development funds in ARPA-E include funding directed to the Mariner program to develop macroalgae for use as feedstock for fuels and chemicals, as well as animal feed.
  • Double the budgets for the Energy Department’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy and Office of Science.
  • Enable communities to invest in their own low-carbon infrastructure through state-owned public banks.


  • Reinstate and expand Science Envoy Program to assist US embassies in partnering with ministries, emerging cleantech companies, and university partnerships and exchange.
  • Expedite aid packages, including green technology transfers, with priority funds for lowest income countries that adopt national 1.5 degree C roadmaps.
  • Ensure fair trade agreements are centered on worker and environmental protections and (where applicable) include indigenous consultation.
  • Support local and sustainable farming systems in the US and internationally by removing agriculture from the purview of the World Trade Organization, investing new resources in sustainable timber and forest management cooperatives and companies through the USDA’s Climate Smart Forestry and Agriculture Initiative.
  • Classify food supply security as a national security issue and pass trade policies that safeguard food security and food sovereignty at home and around the globe.
  • End all funding, direct and indirect, of fossil fuel infrastructure through multilateral organizations connected to the United States, including the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, OPIC, and the Export-Import Bank.
  • Increase funding to the Green Climate Fund to help grow the green economy worldwide, to make U.S. contribution to Green Climate Fund in line with historical U.S. fair share of historical contribution to climate emergency. Consider a progressive tax on the highest carbon-emitting polluters to finance this contribution.

NOTE: The ideas here draw on proposals from a range of Democratic primary campaigns, in particular those of Cory Booker, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, Kamala Harris, Jay Inslee, Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Elizabeth Warren.

NOTE 2: Based on feedback we received, pointing to conflicting data on the sustainability of forest products, we removed references to mass timber products and any language that could be used to justify clear-cutting.


Note: affiliations are listed for informational purpose only, and do not imply organizational endorsement.

Johanna Bozuwa, Co-Manager, Climate & Energy Program, The Democracy Collaborative (@johannabozuwa)

J. Mijin Cha, Assistant Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy, Occidental College; Fellow at Cornell University Worker Institute; Senior Fellow at Data for Progress. (@jmijincha)

Daniel Aldana Cohen, Assistant Professor of Sociology and Director of the Socio-Spatial Climate Collaborative, or (SC)2, University of Pennsylvania; Senior Fellow at Data for Progress. (@aldatweets)

Billy Fleming, Wilks Family Director of the Ian L. McHarg Center (@mchargcenter), University of Pennsylvania; Senior Fellow at Data for Progress. (@joobilly)

Jim Goodman, Food sovereignty advocate, signing without organizational affiliation

Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Ph.D, Marine biologist, founder of Ocean Collectiv and Urban Ocean Lab, and advisor to the Blue New Deal plan. (@ayanaeliza)

Daniel M Kammen, Professor in the Energy and Resources Group, the Goldman School of Public Policy, and in the Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. Former Science Envoy, United States State Department. (@dan_kammen)

Julian Brave NoiseCat, Vice President of Policy & Strategy, Data for Progress (@jnoisecat)

Mark Paul, Assistant Professor of Economics and Environmental Studies, New College of Florida; Fellow, Roosevelt Institute; Senior Fellow, Data for Progress. (@MarkVinPaul)

Raj Patel, Research Professor, Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs, University of Texas at Austin; Research Associate, Unit for Humanities at Rhodes University (UHURU), South Africa. (@_RajPatel)

Thea Riofrancos, Assistant Professor of Political Science, Providence College; Senior Fellow at Data for Progress; Faculty Collaborator at Socio-Spatial Climate Collaborative, or (SC)2. (@triofrancos)

SIGNATURES (in alphabetical order by first name)

Note: affiliations are listed for informational purpose only, and do not imply organizational endorsement. Click here to sign. Signatures will be updated periodically. There are over 1800 as of March 31.

AGHawthorne, Vice President Homefields Inc


Aaron O Neill, No affiliation

Aaron S Allen, Associate Professor of Musicology and Director of the Environment Sustainability Program UNC Greensboro

Aaron Schneider, Chiropractor at Spinal and Health Center

Aaryaman Singhal, Co founder Sunrise Movement Dallas

Aba Gyepi Garbrah, I support this stimulus plan

Abby L Resnick, Sierra Club

Abby Ruskey, Principle Climate Literacy and Policy The Athena Group

Abby Scher, Research Action

Abby Spinak, Lecturer Harvard Graduate School of Design

Abigail Grimminger, Advocate

Abigail Klein, Independent

Abigail Lynam, Faculty Fielding Graduate University

Abigail McGuckin, Student UPenn and University of Oxford

Abigail Rome, Rachel s Network

Abigail Ruskey, Principle The Athena Group

Abigayle Sledz, Coordinator

Adam Flint, Director of Clean Energy Programs Binghamton NY Regional Sustainability Coalition

Adam Koblentz, Mr

Adam Marcus, Associate Professor California College of the Arts Director Architectural Ecologies Lab

Adam P Unutoa, Operations Manager Democrat

Adam R Carlson, Partner at Buckingham Search

Adam Tooze, Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Professor of History Director of the European Institute Columbia University

Adrian Rowland, Event Organizer

Adrienne I Greve, Professor of Urban Planning at Cal Poly SLO

Aerica Shimizu Banks, Head of Federal Policy and Sustainability Pinterest

Aimee Knight, Volunteer Working Families Party

Aissatou Diallo, MPA MC Candidate 2020 Harvard Kennedy School

Ajay Singh Chaudhary, Political and Social Theory Brooklyn Institute for Research

Alan Aja, Associate Professor Puerto Rican and Latino Studies Brooklyn College CUNY

Alan Mallach, Center for Community Progress

Alan Weiner, 350 Conejo San Fernando Valley

Alana Siegner, Ph D UC Berkeley Energy and Resources Group

Alanna Prince, Graduate Student Northeastern University

Alastair Iles, Associate Professor UC Berkeley

Aleisa Moussa, private

Alex French, Sustainability Coordinator Clarkson University

Alex Graves, Member of Sunrise NYC

Alex Ramel, Washington State Representative 40th District

Alex Rogala, None

Alexa Burks, Democratic Socialist

Alexa Sanchez, Miss

Alexander Gard Murray, College Fellow Harvard University

Alexander Miller, Journeyman Electrician and member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

Alexandra Adams, Graduate Worker at Rutgers University Newark

Alexandra Lines, Sunrise Movement Asheville Hub Coordinator

Alexandra Maxim, PhD student Georgia Institute of Technology

Alexandra Perkins, MPH MD Candidate

Alexandria Gross, Student New York University

Alexandria M Sotomayor, Ms

Alexandria Richbourg, Artist and Advocate

Alexis A Self, University of Maryland Global Campus

Alexis Baden Mayer Political Director, Organic Consumers Association

Alexis Diana Earl, Master of Science PhD candidate Columbia University

Alexis Karolides, Principal Architect

Alexis Martin, A parent citizen and voter

Alfredo R M Rosete, Assistant Professor of Economics Central Connecticut State University

Alia van helmond, Independant

Alican Alexandre Yildiz, Doctoral Candidate University of Cincinnati College of DAAP Member and Unionization Project Coordinator The Architecture Lobby

Alice E Lockhart, Organizer 350 Seattle

Alice Slater, World Beyond War Board Member

Alison Beal, Freelance Graphic Artists Community

Alison Glassie, Postdoctoral Fellow in Environmental Humanities University of Virginia

Alison Oa Neill, Fellow Physician Childrena s Hospital of Philadelphia

Allen Hyde, Assistant Professor School of History and Sociology Georgia Institute of Technology ahyde110

Allen MacDuffie, Associate Professor UT Austin

Allie Leach, Student

Allie Rosenbluth, Campaigns Director Rogue Climate not an institutional endorsement

Allison Arieff, Editorial Director SPUR Contributing Columnist The New York Times

Allison DeJong AICP, Planner The Water Institute of the Gulf

Allison Ford, University of Oregon Doctoral Candidate in Sociology

Allison Harvey Turner, CEO Water Foundation

Allison stubbmann, TV Producer

Allyson Green, Chief Sustainability Officer Augsburg University

Alonzo Byrd, East Side Aligned Chair

Alonzo Jackson, CEO a Jacksona s Express Mailing

Altha Cravey, Associate Professor Geography Department University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Alyssa Battistoni, Environmental Fellow Harvard University Center for the Environment

Amanda Martinek, Graduate Student Colorado State University

Amanda McGaugh, Owner operator at Heart to Hand

Amanda McMillan Lequieu, Assistant Professor Drexel University

Amanda Novello, Senior Economic Policy Associate The Century Foundation

Amanda Pachomski, M Sc Fish and Wildlife Biology and Management

Amanda Smith, VP Public Policy Senior Counsel

Amanda Villarosa, Ms

Amanda Wikan, No affiliation

Amber Rose Greaney, IUPUI Office of Sustainability

Amber Rose Greaney, IUPUI

Amber Ziegler, Environmental anthropologist

Amr Hassan, Mr

Amy Anderson, PhD candidate Department of Anthropology University of California Santa Barbara

Amy Halloran, Author The New Bread Basket

Amy Havens, Mrs

Amy Lerner, National Laboratory for Sustainability Science National Autonomous University of Mexico

Amy McIntyre, ASLE Managing Director

Amy Rogin, Undergraduate Student Northwestern University

Amy Theobald, US citizen

Amy Westervelt, Editor in chief Drilled News

Amy Woolard, Attorney Policy Coordinator Legal Aid Justice Center

An Li, Sarah Lawrence College

Ana Greaves, Mrs

Anastasia C Wilson, PhD Candidate in Economics University of Massachusetts Amherst

Anders Fremstad, Colorado State University

Andrea Dutton, Professor of Geoscience University of Wisconsin Madison

Andrea M O Ferrall, Member of 350 org Citizens Climate Lobby Climate Reality project and many other climate champion organizations

Andrea SempA rtegui, Lafayette College

Andreanecia M. Morris, HousingNOLA

Andreas Petrossiants, independent scholar

Andreea Diaconu, Student The Earth Institute Columbia University

Andrew, Mr

Andrew Ahern, Sunrise

Andrew Bunker, Center for Economic and Policy Research

Andrew Goldstone, Associate Professor Rutgers University Brunswick

Andrew Hertel, Salesman

Andrew Schwartz, Deputy Director Center for Earth Ethics

Andrew Shapiro, Mr

Andrew Szasz, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Studies University of California Santa Cruz

Andrew Zimmerman, Professor of History George Washington University

Andy Frank, Sealed

Angela Aguayo, Associate Professor Southern Illinois University

Angela R Jones, Sustainability Planner Designer

Angeline Zalben, SEA Member

Aniela Gustin, None

Anja Rudiger, Researcher and Advocate

Anjelica Tan,

Ann Bumpus, Marketing Manager CPG Brand

Anna C Swenson, Graduate student Environmental Policy Sciences Po Paris School of International Affairs

Anna Doty, Director Stand Up To Oil coalition

Anna Sacks, thetrashwalker Senior Associate at Think Zero LLC

Annalise Di Santo, sustainability analyst

Anne C Bellows, Professor Food Studies Syracuse University

Anne Kirkner, Postdoctoral Research Associate Rutgers University School of Social Work

Anne OBrien, Concerned citizen

Anne Palmer, Johns Hopkins Center for a Livable Future

Annelise Jeske, Videographer

Annie Hope, Teaching Artist at the Children s Museum of the Arts

Annie Leonard, Greenpeace US

Anthony Pahnke, Assistant Professor of International Relations at San Francisco State University

Anthony Tirado Chase, Occidental College Young Initiative on the Global Political Economy

Anthony Torres, Organizer and Strategist fmr Sierra Club

Antonio Romero,

Anunya Bahanda,

April Philips FASLA, Founder and Partner April Philips Design Works Landscape architect and urban planner author Climate Reality Leader and ASLA National Climate Action Committee member

Ari Harris, Production Manager Custom Collaborative

Aria Ritz Finkelstein, Doctorall Candidate MIT

Ariana Hodes, Artist

Aricka Sanders, Democrat

Ariell Lawrence, GA Film TV

Aron Hauser, Director commercial solar

Arthur Borden Heilman, Organizer Sunrise Movement

Arthur E McGarity, Henry C and J Archer Turner Professor of Engineering Swarthmore College

Arushi Lakhan Pal, Environmental Studies student at UCSB

Ashik Siddique, Research Analyst National Priorities Project at the Institute for Policy Studies

Ashlee Stiles, PhD FACMG Assistant Professor

Ashley Castillo, Assistant Teacher Bright Horizons Childrena s Solutions

Ashley Dawson, City University of New York

Ashley Ecklund, Freelance photographer

Ashley Hamilton, Science Lead GreenWave

Ashley Kammrath, Massage Therapist

Ashley McClure MD, CMA and AMA delegate Co Founder Climate Health Now

Ashley P Bahlkow, Mother sister daughter farmer justice seeker 3

Asim Ali, Senior Lecturer American Studies University of Maryland

Aslam Karachiwala, None

Asmeret Berhe Lumax, Founder

Astra Taylor, Debt Collective

Aton Bridges, Co Founder Mashamba Engineering

Aurora Winslade, Lecturer Bard College Sustainable MBA

Aurore Stanek,

Austin Humphries, Assistant Professor University of Rhode Island

Avi Lewis, Strategic Director Co founder The Leap

Avik Herur Raman, Democratic Socialists of America

Ayana Albertini Fleurant, Non Profit Program Assistant

Azita Yazdani, Founder and CEO Exergy Systems Inc

Aziz Rana, Professor of Law Cornell Law School

B Eni Owoeye, Student New York University

Bailey Arend, Bailey Arend Artist and educator at Appalachian State University

Baratunde Thurston, Writer Comedian Activist

Barbara B Eden, Retiree

Barbara C Bengtsson, 350 Seattle

Barbara Deutsch, CEO Landscape Architecture Foundation

Barbara Janusiak, R N

Batubara my love, Tinggal di momok bau

Beckie schlesinger, Occupational therapist

Beka Economopoulos, Executive Director The Natural History Museum

Beki McElvain, PhD Student UC Berkeley

Beki McElvain, PhD Student City and Regional Planning UC Berkeley

Ben Beachy, Living Economy Director, Sierra Club

Ben Gilvar Parke, English Teaching Assistant Fulbright Colombia

Ben Lerman, Conservation Colorado

Ben Peters, CTO of Ovio Inc

Ben Redekop, Professor of Leadership Studies Christopher Newport University

Ben Serrurier, Senior Manager LevelTen Energy

Benita J Campbell, citizen

Benjamin Bradlow, Visiting Democracy Fellow Ash Center Harvard Kennedy School PhD Candidate in Sociology Brown University

Benjamin Ghasemi, Ph D Candidate Human Dimensions of Natural Resources Texas A M University

Benjamin McKean, assistant professor Ohio State University

Benny Starr, Artist

Bentley Allan, Assistant Professor of Political Science Johns Hopkins University

Berenice Suchilt, Concerned citizen

Bernadette Armendariz, Campaign Manager Yes for Mobility PAC

Betsey Beckman, Concerned citizen

Betsy Bolton, Professor English and Environmental Studies Swarthmore College

Betsy Carr Johnson, Retired

Betsy Taylor, President Breakthrough Strategies Solutions LLC

Bevan Davies, Private

Bill Bigelow, Curriculum Editor Rethinking Schools Magazine

Bill Tomlinson, Professor of Informatics University of California Irvine

Billy Parish, Founder CEO Mosaic

Blair Tuckman, Marketing Manager Great Minds

Blanca Estevez, DSA NPC Member

Blane Hornung, n a

Bob Kutter, 350 Seattle Activist

Bobby Vanecko, National Lawyers Guild Loyola University Chicago chapter

Bonnie Bain, Resident Salem MA

Bonnie J Burnett Board Certified Chaplain , Okay

Bonnie Lockhart, Musician DSA Ecosocialist

Brad Johnson, Founder Green New Dealers

Bradley Venner, Statistician Environmental Protection Agency

Brandi Hall, US Citizen

Brandon C Adams, Alderman

Brandon Hurlbut, Former Chief of Staff US Department of Energy

Brandy Smallwood, Sunrise Movement

Bren Smith, Executive Director GreenWave

Brendan McQuade, Assistant Professor Criminology University of Southern Maine

Brendon Rowen, Affiliate

Brent Bodily, Citizen

Brett Webster, Senior Associate Rocky Mountain Institute

Brian, Concerned Citizen

Brian Andersen, Graduate Student University of San Francisco

Brian Callaci, Data Society Research Institute

Brian Deyo, Associate Professor of English Grand Valley State University

Brian Donahue, Associate Professor of American Environmental Studies Brandeis University

Brian Eden, Board Chair Solar Tompkins HeatSmart

Brian Huang, University of Washington

Brian J Bolling, Paper Cutomer service w Quad

Brian Lomax, Sport Psychology Consultant PerformanceXtra

Brian Rahmer, Policy Fellow Center for Community Research and Service

Brian Rahmer, Policy Fellow Center for Community Research and Service brianrahmer

Brian Rawn, MBA Candidate The Wharton School

Brian Walker, Firefighter

Briana Benavides, Briana Benavides

Bridget McGovern, M Sc student at Utrecht University

Brishen Rogers, Temple University Beasley School of Law Roosevelt Institute

Brittany Baker, TWU

Brittany Farmer, Teamster 986 Shop Steward

Brittany Williams, Senior Program Officer WWF

Bron Taylor, Professor of Environmental Social Ethics University of Florida

Bruce G Ferguson, Researcher professor El Colegio de la Frontera Sur Mexico

Bryant Helgeland, US citizen

C Lindsay James, Principal Chrysalis Strategies

CRla Basom, Retired Manager of State and Federal Funding Berkeley Unified School District

Cabrilla Wiecek, Student

Caine Merrick, Newcastle university

Caitlin Cranley,

Caitlin Morgan, PhD Candidate University of Vermont

Caitlin Watson, New York Chapter Co Steward The Architecture Lobby Associate Kliment Halsband Architects

Caitlin wooters, Freelance Makeup Artist NYC

Caleb Gallemore, Assistant Professor International Affairs Program Lafayette College

Caleb Scoville, PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley and incoming Assistant Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies at Tufts University

Cameo Fucci, Chef Brooklyn New York

Cameron Cuchulainn, Concerned Citizen

Cameron Hepburn, Professor and Director Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

Cameron Rasmussen, The CUNY Graduate Center

Cameron Russell, Model Activist Writer Co founder Model Mafia

Camila Alvarez, Assistant professor of sociology UC Merced

Camila Thorndike, Bacon Environmental Fellow Harvard Kennedy School

Camille Allen, Student at University of Arizona

Camille Jones, Ms

Camille Washington Ottombre, Associate Professor of Environmental Science and Policy Smith College

Cara Fleischer, Tallahassee Green Faith Alliance

Cara Nichole Maesano, Research Scientist INSERM Sorbonne University

Cari, Program director Summit

Carina Boston Pinales, CEO

Carl Kish, CEO STOKE

Carla Skandier, The Democracy Collaborative

Carlos Ulises Decena, Associate Professor Rutgers University

Carly E Nichols, Assistant Professor University of Iowa

Carly Sharp, University of Michigan Campus Farm Staff

Carly Warhaft, Art Curator

Carly Werdel, Carly Werdel Sunrise Corvallis Student employee at Oregon State University Office of Sustainability

Carmen Cuba, Casting Director Producer

Carol Gonzalez, Ballfield Farm Leadership Team

Carole Griffiths, Professor LIU Brooklyn and Board Member Federated Conservationists of Westchester

Carolina Gomez Montoya, Adjunct Professor

Caroline Farrell, Executive Diector Center on Race Poverty the Environment

Caroline S Conzelman, University of Colorado Boulder

Cassy Vires, Ms

Cat G Dillard, Co Founder Rethinking Plastic

Cat Hartwell, MPH Candidate New York University School of Global Public Health

Catherine De Almeida, Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture University of Washington

Catherine Fraser,

Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture City College of New York CUNY cseavitt

Cathleen Banford, Sustainable Tompkins

Cathy Albisa, Executive Director of Partners for Dignity and Rights

Catia C Confortini, Wellesley College Massachusetts USA

Caylin McCamp, Education Outreach Coordinator University of Vermont

Celina Scott Buechler, Cornell University Graduate Student

Ceren A zselA uk, Professor of Sociology BoAYaziA i University

Chad Frischmann, Vice President and Research Director Project Drawdown

Chad Phillips, Director of Merchandising

Chalecha Cunningham, NA

Changyul Cha, Professor Emeritus Univ of Wyoming

Channon A Simmons, No affiliation

Charalampos Konstantinidis, Associate Professor of Economics University of Massachusetts Boston

Charles Allison, Scholar

Charles Bingham, Sitka Local Foods Network Alaska

Charles C Chester, Brandeis Tufts Universities

Charles Haberl, Associate Professor Rutgers the State University of New Jersey

Charles Hamilton II, Man of God

Charlotte Leib, Yale University

Charlotte R Quinn, Permit Technician City of Santa Clara California

Chelsea Souter, Customer Success Guru

Cherice Bock, Creation Justice Advocate Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon

Cheryl Barnds, Climate Justice Organizer Climate First Elder Sunrise Movement

Cheryl Wanko, Professor of English West Chester University

Chloe Nagraj, Graduate student University of Virginia

Chris Feinman, Student University of Pennsylvania

Chris Greacen, Electrification consultant World Bank

Chris Hagerbaumer, Baumer Strategies

Christi Anderson Mody, Human

Christian Chamberlin, President Effect Partners

Christian Elliott, PhD Student and Researcher University of Toronto

Christian McEwen, Ms

Christie Manning, Director of Sustainability Macalester College

Christine Arroyo, Constituent

Christine P Baranowski, Doctor of Chiropractic retired

Christo Sims, Associate Professor University of California San Diego

Christof Bernau, Center for Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems

Christoph Strouse, UAW Local 4121

Christopher Loy, Lecturer at Christopher Newport University

Christopher Mortweet, Attorney

Christopher Round, George Mason University and Booz Allen Hamilton

Christopher Ruppert, Mr

Christy Thornton, Assistant Professor of Sociology Johns Hopkins University

Clair Hopper, N a

Claire Askew, Ms

Claire Couch, National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow

Claire Cox, Farmers Market Shopper

Claire Debucquois, Columbia Law School

Claire Dunivan, Process and Efficiency Manager

Claire McKenna, Senior Associate Rocky Mountain Institute

Claire Swingle, Citizen

Clara Montgomery, Student

Clara Nibbelink, Local Food Advocate

Clare Brock, None

Clare Cannon, Assistant Professor University of California Davis

Colette Pichon Battle, Gulf Coast Center for Law Policy

Colette Rosenberg, Ms

Colin B Murphy, DSA Ecosocialists

Collin Rees, Senior Campaigner Oil Change International

Connie Frey Spurlock, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville

Connie Tate, Concerned Citizen

Consance Hoguet Neel, Constance Hoguet Neel Rachel s Network

Cooper Olds, Food Systems and Sustainable Agriculture Student

Corey Payne, Department of Sociology Johns Hopkins University

Corey roberts, Union worker

Corrie Grosse, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies College of St Benedict and St John s University

Cory Alperstein, 350 Mass Green Newton

Costa Samaras, Associate Professor and Director of The Center for Engineering and Resilience for Climate Adaptation Carnegie Mellon University CostaSamaras

Craig S Altemose, Executive Director Better Future Project

Cristina Maria Fort, Psychotherapist

Cristina Padilla, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Crystal Chance, Crystal Chance

Curtis Cawley, Grocery Store Worker

Cynthia A Phillips PhD, CEO The Disruptive Factory

Cynthia Carmichael MD, UC Berkeley Health Services

Cynthia Mitlo, Educator

Cynthia Thomson, Associate Director MA in Climate and Society Columbia University

D vorah Kost, member of the human race

DARRELL GLEN THOMPSON, Very concerned citizen of planet Earth

Daisy Goodman, Assistant Professor of The Dartmouth Institute for Health Policy and Clinical Practice Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth

Damian White, Professor of Social Theory and Environmental Studies The Rhode Island School of Design

Dan Sisken, progressivestrategy net

Dan Suarez, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Middlebury College

Dana James, PhD Candidate Institute for Resources Environment and Sustainability University of British Columbia

Dana Luciano, Associate Professor of English Womena s Gender and Sexuality Studies Rutgers University

Dana R Fisher, Professor of Sociology and Director of the Program for Society and the Environment University of Maryland Fisher DanaR

Dana Robbins, Poet

Dana Rollison, Senior Outreach Specialist Western Water Program Environmental Defense Fund

Daniel Breslau, Virginia Tech Science Technology and Society

Daniel Chiu Suarez, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Middlebury College

Daniel Efram, New York Indivisible

Daniel Firger, Great Circle Capital Advisors

Daniel Gallagher, Postdoctoral Researcher Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Daniel Press, Professor of Environmental Studies and Associate Dean of Social Sciences University of California Santa Cruz

Daniel Rose, The University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design

Daniel Wuebben, University of California Santa Barbara

Daniela Garcia Caro, MSc Sustainable Development

Daniela Maron, Marketing and Communications Executive

Daniele Tavani, Associate Professor of Economics Colorado State University

Danielle Adams, Vice Chair Durham Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors

Danielle Marbury, Cosmetologist and Barbers Association

Danielle Sherrill, Sunrise Movement Dallas

Danielle Tolley, Food producer and environmental advocate

Danielle johnson, RN

Dante Oa Hara, Postdoctoral researcher U S Naval Research Laboratory

Dargan M W Frierson, Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington

Darrel Michael Landry II, Executive Assistant

Darwin Tsen, Carthage College

David A Hake, Retired Director Center for Business and Economic Research Director East European Center The University of Tennessee Knoxville

David A Hart, Citizen of the world

David Backer, Assistant Prof of Education West Chester University

David Blake Willis, Fielding Graduate University

David Blockstein, Project Manager Solve Climate 2030

David Burtis, Citizen

David Downie, Fairfield University

David Feldman, Professor of Physics and Mathematics College of the Atlantic

David Fuller, citizen

David Hofmann, PhD Emory University

David Isenberg, Compliance Reporter Pageant Media

David Johnson, Principal SERA Architecture

David Klein, Professor Department of Mathematics Climate Sceince Program Cal State Northridge

David Krantz, President Aytzim Ecological Judaism

David McDermott Hughes, Professor of Anthropology Rutgers University

David N Pellow, Dehlsen Chair of Environmental Studies University of California Santa Barbara

David Price, Priceless Services

David R K Adler, Fellow European University Institute Policy Director DiEM25 Senior Fellow Data for Progress

David Stein, UC President s Postdoctoral Fellow Department of African American Studies UCLA

David W Kunhardt, Councilmember Town of Corte Madera

Dawn Gallagher, Owner Womenpowerourplanet org

De Fischler Herman, Chaplain Advocate Jewish Earth Alliance Convener Drawdown

Debbie Friedman, Founder Food Climate Strategies Co Founder Advisory Board Member MOMS Advocating Sustainability

Debbie New, Organizer Stop the Money Pipeline MA

Deborah F Harmon, retired

Deborah Rigling Gallagher, Professor of Environmental Policy Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment

Debra Rowe MA MBA PhD, US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Develoment

Dejah Powell, Sunrise Movement

Denis Hayes, CEO The Bullitt Foundation

Denise Meyer, School nurse

Denise Sterchi, Psychotherapist and Member Democratic Socialists of America

Dennis J Plews, Attorney Retired Inventor of StarDrive Propulsion

Dennis M Goldstein, Denville NJ Green Sustainability Committee Morristown NJ Chapter Citizens Climate Lobby Morris County NJ Sunrise Movement

Denver Williams, SAG AFTRA

Derek Larson, Professor of Environmental Studies The College of St Benedict St John s University

DesirA e Fiske, PhD Candidate in Political Science Colorado State University

Destenie Nock, Assistant Professor Carnegie Mellon University

Destiny Hall, Ms

Devin Garofalo, Assistant Professor of English University of North Texas

Devin Murphy, CEO DTM Strategies

Devin William Daniels, Ph D Candidate in English University of Pennsylvania

Devon T King, Public History Masters Student University of Massachusetts Amherst

Diana Meisenhelter, Extinction Rebellion PDX

Diana Morgana Morgaine, Healthcare Professional and Human Being

Diana Younts, Member Maryland Climate Coalition

Diego Pedraza, Stay Grounded

Dilara Demir, PhD candidate Rutgers AAUP AFT

Dimitri Lascaris, Candidate for the Leadership of the Green Party of Canada Lawyer Activist and Journalist

Dimitris Stevis, Professor Department of Political Science and Co Founder Center for Environmental Justice Colorado State University

Dinah Nieburg, Executive Coach Psychologist Global Coaching Strategies

Djassi DaCosta Johnson, Artist Worldwide

Dominic J Bednar, Ph D Candidate Energy Justice University of Michigan

Dominique Browning, Moms Clean Air Force

Don Flannery, Environmental Engineer NEIWPCC

Don Hall, Transition US

Doreen Stabinsky, Professor of Global Environmental Politics College of the Atlantic

Douglas Weisburger, Resident Silver Spring MD

Dr Brian Campbell, Director of Sustainability Education Central College Pella Iowa

Dr Carlye Peterson, Scientist

Dr Heidi Hutner, Associate Professor Stony Brook University

Dr Lauren Herckis, Simon Initiative Special Faculty Carnegie Mellon University

Dr Mha Atma S Khalsa, Concerned U S citizen and taxpayer

Dr Paula Chu, Licensed Mental Health Counselor NY

Dr Sara Katz, Visiting Assistant Professor History Department Loyola University New Orleans

Dr Tabitha M Benney, University of Utah

Dr Ashley McClure FACP , primary care physician CMA and AMA delegate co founder Climate Health Now

Dr Thomas Phillips, Lecturer in Law Liverpool John Moores University

DuRon M Netsell, Urban Designer

Duncan Gromko, Independent consultant

Dustin Mulvaney, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies San Jose State University

Dylan C Hewitt, Advocate hewittdylan

Dylan D Carlson, Mr

ELizabeth Lunstrum, School of Public Service Boise State University

Eban Goodstein, Director MBA in Sustainability Bard College

Ebony Epps,

Edward C Bruner, Mr

Edward Danao, Citizen

Edward Morris, Emory University

Eiko Hamada Ano, Citizen

Eileen Boris, University of California Santa Barbara

Eleanor J Bader, Writer and teacher

Eleanor Moody, Senior Environmental Studies major at University of Vermont

Eleanor Weisman, Associate Professor Allegheny College

Eliana Moustakas, US Citizen

Elias Meister, None

Elisabeth Radysh, No affiliation

Elisabetta Zodeiko, IT Manager Higher Education

Elise Fandrich JD, 350 Sacramento Legislative Advocate

Elise Littler, Social and environmental advocate

Elise Mason, Graduate Student URI Master of Environmental Science Management

Elisenda Font Casanova, International Business Economics graduate UPF Barcelona

Elissa Brown, Campus Sustainability Coordinator Whitman College

Elizabeth B Wirth, American citizen

Elizabeth Beer, Various Projects Inc

Elizabeth Cherry, Associate Professor of Sociology Manhattanville College

Elizabeth Cullingford, Jane Weinert Blumberg Chair in English Literature University of Texas at Austin

Elizabeth Galloway, Building Scientist Payette

Elizabeth Havice, Associate Professor University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Elizabeth Hightower Allen, Editor Hightower Creative LLC

Elizabeth Johnson, Postdoctoral Research Scientist

Elizabeth Lukehart, Lecturer Associate Director Farley Center for Entrepreneurship at Northwestern University

Elizabeth Queathem, Co Chair Sustainability Planning Committee and Senior Lecturer in Biology at Grinnell College

Elizabeth Rush, Visiting Lecturer Brown University

Elizabeth Wilkinson, Environmental Activist

Ella Doykova, Mrs

Ella Ryan, Co lead 350Brooklyn Families

Ellen Bakke, Ms

Ellen Dux, Office of Sustainability University of Southern California

Ellen E Hadley, Co Leader Indivisible North Metro MN

Ellen Schwartz, Urban Planning graduate student at UCLA

Emelia Day, Architect

Emily Billo, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Goucher College

Emily Chadick Weiss, Playwright

Emily Grizzell, Texan

Emily Grubert, Assistant Professor Georgia Institute of Technology

Emily Hayden, Oregon State University

Emily Hazelton, Volunteer 350 Seattle

Emily Johnston, Co founder 350 Seattle

Emily Kennedy, Master s of City Planning Candidate University of Pennsylvania

Emily Moore, Owner Emily s Kitchen Applegate OR

Emily Nichols, Marketing Manager CityPASS

Emily Nicolosi, Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Geography University of Utah

Emily T Yeh, Professor University of Colorado Boulder

Emily Turner, Senior Editor Island Press

Emily Williams, Steering Committee Member 350 Santa Barbara

Emma Flint Gohlke, Shift supervisor The Vin Bin

Emma Morrison, No affiliation

Emmett Wilson, Nazareth College

Eric Banford, Concerned Citizens of Danby

Eric Beinhocker, Professor Blavatnik School of Government University of Oxford

Eric Dean Rasmussen, Associate Professor of English University of Stavanger

Eric Klinenberg, Helen Gould Professor in the Social Sciences New York University

Eric Lind, Member of Sustainable Sudbury

Eric Orozco, West Side Community Land Trust Charlotte NC Neighboring Concepts

Eric R Hake, Professor of Economics Catawba College

Erica Johnson, Ms Erica Johnson

Erica Morrell, Assistant Professor of Sociology St Lawrence University

Erick Boustead, Individual

Erik Schlenker Goodrich, Executive Director Western Environmental Law Center

Erik Shaw, Research Assistant University of Washington

Erin Dorr, Erin Dorr Consulting

Erin Kanzig, Oregon State University Coalition of Graduate Employees

Erin Moore, University of Oregon

Erin Pineda, Assistant Professor of Government Smith College

Erlinde FI Cornelis, Professor

Eryka Charles, Eryka Charles

Esther LeNoir Ramirez, Mrs

Esther Shears, Graduate Student Energy Resources Group UC Berkeley

Ethan C Smith, Teacher and Educator

Ethan Scully, Unaffiliated

Eva Agudelo, Founding Director Hopea s Harvest RI

Evan A Oxenham, Co chair Plainfield Energy Committee NH

Evan Miller, Concerned Citizen

Evan Watson, Postgraduate Student of Sociology Culture Society The London School of Economics Political Science

Evan Weber, Co founder Political Director Sunrise Movement

Evan Weissman, Associate Professor of Food Studies Syracuse University

FERNANDO PRIETO, Observatorio Sostenibilidad

Faith E Briggs, Documentary Filmmaker Alumnna Yale University NYU Arthur L Carter Journalism Institute

Fatema Haque, MPH Candidate New York University School of Global Public Health

Faye Christoforo, Co Executive Director Post Landfill Action Network PLAN

Faye Lessler, Writer

Felix Beer,

Finis Dunaway, Professor of History Trent University

Flavia Chen, Project Manager UCSF

Flavia Dantas, Associate Professor Chair Economics Department State University of New York at Corltand

Flora de Tournay, Graduate Student The Graduate Center City University of New York

Forest Jahnke, Program Coordinator Crawford Stewardship Project

Fran Teplitz, Executive Co director Green America

Franca Brilliant, Nonprofit Consultant

Frances Fisher, Actress Activist Environmental Media Association

Frances Mendenhall DDS, Retired dentist

Francesca Lorenzini, Columbia University

Francis Ryan, Program Director Masters in Labor and Employment Relations Rutgers University

Frank J Kelly, Private Citizen

Fred Bahnson, Director Food Health and Ecological Well being Program at Wake Forest University

Gabriel Goffman, Mr

Gabriel Reichler, Columbia University

Gabriel Robinson, mother writer citizen

Gabriel Winant, Assistant Professor of History University of Chicago

Gabriella Modan, Professor The Ohio State University

Gabrielle Roesch McNally, Director Women For The Land American Farmland Trust

Galen Osby, Brewer

Galen Perkins, concerned citizen

Garrett Gleeson, Owner Fat Hawk Farm

Garrett Graddy Lovelace, Associate Professor School of International Service American University DC

Gary Miciunas, U S Citizen

Gary S Silverman, Emeritus Professor Bowling Green State University Emeritus Professor UNC Charlotte

Gavriela Reiter, NYC Delegation Leader SustainUS

Gay Nicholson, President Sustainable Tompkins

Gene Jones, President Florida Veterans for Common Sense Inc

Genevieve Lawlor, Regenerative Design Group

Geoff Coventry, Chief Operating Officer

Geoffrey Supran, Research Associate Harvard University

Georgann Kovacovsky, Ms

George Brugmans, president IABR

Gerald Friedman, Professor of Economics University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Gerard Volel, Community Gardner Brooklyn

Geraud biebuyck, Consultant for Sustainability

GermA n Vergara, Assistant Professor of History Georgia Tech

Gernot Wagner, Climate economist New York University

Gerri Wiley, Energy Navigator Cornell Cooperative Extension

Gerry Louise Fitzgerald, Secretary Progressive Club of the Islands

Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Director NYU Urban Democracy Lab

Gina McCarthy, Professor of the Practice Of Public Health Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health

Glenn Munoz, Architecture

Glenn Schifbauer, Executive Director Santa Fe Green Chamber of Commerce

Gloria Chepko, Retired Developmental Biologist

Gordon Fitch, PhD Candidate Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Michigan

Grace Adams, Graduate Student in Landscape Architecture Environmental Planning University of California Berkeley

Grace Alignay, NYC Fair Trade Coalition and Custom Collaborative

Grace Kim, Filmmaker

Grace Stahre, Climate Action Families

Greg Carlock, Senior Fellow Data for Progress

Gregg Sparkman, Postdoctoral Scholar Andlinger Center for the Energy and the Environment Princeton University

Gregory S Byram, Scientist UC Davis

Gregory Tewksbury, Brooklyn College CUNY

Gregory White, Smith College Northampton MA

Gretchen Sneegas, Postdoctoral Research Associate Texas A M University

Gus Speth, Next System Project The Democracy Collaborative

Gustavo Gordillo, DSA Green New Deal Campaign Committee

Guy Gray, Concerned Citizen

Gwen Fuertes, Architect Educator

Gwynn Goldring, LCSW

Haley Bash, Software Engineer and Digital Organizer

Hanah Murphy, Maryland Institute College of Art Center for Social Design

Hannah, Model

Hannah Brainer, Denver Public School Educator

Hannah Kirschner, American Citizen

Hannah Lester, Unemployed

Hannah M Teicher, Researcher in Residence Built Environment Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions

Hannah Vasson, Member of the Sunrise Movement

Hans R Herren, President Millennium Institute

Harmoni everett, Harmoni Everett

Harold Marcuse, Professor of History University of California Santa Barbara

Harriet Friedmann, Professor Emerita University of Toronto

Harriett Crosby, Founder Fox Haven Organic Farm Ecological Retreat and Learning Center

Harry Biddle, Stockholm Environment Institute

Harry Lam, Grad Student at UC Berkeley

Harvey J Kaye, Ben Joyce Rosenberg Professor of Democracy and Justice University of Wisconsin Green Bay

Hayley Ashton Fredenburgh, Ms

Hayley Bubb, PhD Student in Ecology at Colorado State University

Hayley J McCurdy, University of Pennsylvania

Heather Baldry, Citizen

Heather Day, Executive Director Community Alliance for Global Justice

Heather Houser, Associate Professor The University is Texas at Austin

Heather McGhee, Distinguished Senior Fellow Demos

Heather OLeary, Assistant Professor University of South Florida

Heather Randell, Assistant Professor of Rural Sociology and Demography Penn State University

Heiko Stang, Activist ABD African History

Helen K Kang, Professor of Law and Director of Environmental Law and Justice Clinic Golden Gate University School of Law

Henk Ovink, Waterenvoy

Henry Antonio Sistrunk, Working Joe

Herb Bardavid LCSW, Herb Bardavid LCSW

Herb Simmens, Author of A Climate Vocabulary of the Future

Hillary Angelo, Assistant Professor of Sociology University of California Santa Cruz

Holly Baird, Sustainability Advocate and Senior Project Manager Milepost Consulting

Holly Cox, Mrs

Holly Kaufman, President Environment Enterprise Strategies

Hope Ghazala, Network Director Power Shift Network

Howard Winant, Distinguished Professor of Sociology University of California Santa Barbara

Hugh D Baker Jr, Private Citizen Retired Electric Utility Industry Consultant

Hugh MacMillan, Research Associate Fred Hutch

Hunter Francis, Director Center for Sustainability Cal Poly

Ian Bolliger, PhD Candidate in Energy and Resources University of California Berkeley

Ian D Stern, Graduate Student University at Buffalo

Ian Mandt, Associate Producer Cadence13

Ilana Schlesinger, Wellness Coordinator Boston University

Iman Mariah Joseph, Ms Iman Mariah Joseph

Inderjeet Mani, Retired Professor

Ingunn Eiriksdottir, Drawdown East End

Ioana Minzala, Designer

Ioulia Fenton, Cultural Anthropologist Emory University

Ira Dember, Founder MedicareForAll us

Isa Ferrall, PhD Student UC Berkeley

Isaac A Gendler, Independent Housing Climate Resilience Researcher Independent Practice

Isaac Hametz, Principal Research Director Mahan Rykiel Associates

Isabel Binvignat, Administrative Assistant

Isabel LaRue, Student at Pacific Lutheran University

Ishaan Aggarwal, Extinction Rebellion

Ishita Dimri, Urban Planner Sustainability Specialist Pratt Institute

Ivanna Masera, PCA

Ivette Perfecto, Professor School for Environment and Sustainability University of Michigan

Ivy Blackshire, none

Ivy Blackshire, World Representative

Ivy Rivad, A parent citizen and voter

Iyanu Corniel, Director of Partnerships The Post Landfill Action Network and New College of Florida Alumna

Iyi Okunlola, Development Analyst sPower

Iylea Olson, Vice President Desert Living Inc

J G Arbuckle, Professor of Sociology Iowa State University

J Mark Baker, Professor Humboldt State University

JESSIE MULRY, University of Mississippi


JP Sapinski, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies UniversitA de Moncton

Jack Duncan, Mr

Jack Merriam, Retired Environmental Scientist Instructor on Climate Change Solutions at Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Ringling College

Jack Strasburg, Facilitator ANewParadigm net

Jack Vandeleuv, Sunrise Movement Kansas City

Jackson Plumlee, Jackson Plumlee Landscape Architect

Jackson Rollings, Communications Manager SCAPE

Jacob Fisher, Marketing

Jacqueline Klopp, Research Scholar Earth Institute Columbia University

Jacqueline Strenio, Assistant Professor of Economics Southern Oregon University

Jacquelyn Francis, Executive Director Global Warming Mitigation Project a k a Keeling Curve Prize

Jacques Chirazi, Innovation and Commercialization Manager The Biomimicry Institute

Jade Gordon, Community Activist

Jadon Moody, Business owner

Jaime Fahy, Ms Jaime Fahy

Jakob Feinig, Binghamton University

James C , Unmanned Systems Expert

James C Mulloy Ph D , Professor University of Cincinnati

James Elder, Director Campaign for Environmental Literacy

James F Casey PhD, Professor of Economics Washington and Lee University

James K Boyce, Senior Fellow at the Political Economy Research Institute and Professor Emeritus of Economics University of Massachusetts Amherst

James Little, Professor Emeritus U Washington Rehabilitation Medicine

James Milling, Arborist

James P Keenley, Principal Bolt Keenley Kim LLP

James Pope, Distinguished Professor of Law Rutgers University

James Qualls, Builder Class A Contractor Commonwealth of Virginia Author

James R Jacobs, Govt Information Librarian Stanford University co founder Free Government Information

James Slade, Citizen

James T Kennedy, Manufacturing Engineer Clarios

Jamie Boling, Co founder Dogwood Botanicals

Jamie Henn, Co founder 350 org

Jamie Matthews, Mrs

Jamie Thomas, Retired

Jan Dutkiewicz, Johns Hopkins University

Jan E Thompson, Steering Committee Member 350Brooklyn org

Jane Dodge, Student

Jane Fonda, Fire Drill Fridays

Jane M Williamson, Volunteer Friends of Mount Sunapee

Jane O Malley, ICCT

Janet O Riordan, Teacher

Janet Weil, Veterans For Peace

Janette Dean, Environmental Policy Human Rights Advocate Organizer Freelance Volunteer

Janine, Janine

Janis C JOHNSON, No affiliation

Jaqueline Gutierrez, Democrat

Jared Howe, Mr

Jared Scott, N A

Jasmine Hamilton, Woman of God

Jasmine Williams, student

Jason Hamilton, Owner Sixpenny Oysters

Jason Heidenescher, Realtor Hemp Building Investor

Jason Rylander, Senior Counsel Defenders of Wildlife

Javier Enriquez, Sunrise Movement Dallas

Javiera Barandiaran, Associate Professor UC Santa Barbara

Jax Richards, President of the Surfrider club at Newport Harbor High School

Jean Beaman, University of California Santa Barbara

Jean Booth, US Citizen

Jean Ross, Board President Vote Climate

Jeanine Hays and Bryan Mason, AphroChic

Jeanne Poirier, Leader 350Wenatchee

Jed Fuhrman, McCulloch Crosby Chair of Marine Biology University of Southern California

Jedediah Britton Purdy, William S Beinecke Professor of Law Columbia Law School

Jeff Glass, DSA Green New Deal Campaign Committee

Jeff Mikkelson, Co Chair Grassroots Action NY Organizer Campaign for NY Health

Jeff Nelsen, Retired science teacher

Jeff Wolfe, CEO Veloce Energy

Jeffrey Caston, Jeffrey Caston

Jeffrey H Cope, The Gaian Healing Institute

Jen Chantrtanapichate, Program Director Sixth Street Community Center

Jen Shin, MEM M Arch II Yale School of the Environment Yale School of Architecture

Jenette Kim, Jenette Kim

Jenica Barrett, Speech Language Pathologist Northwest Center

Jenna Pacitto, Digital Content Specialist Burton Snowboards

Jennie Spector, Indivisible Nation BK

Jennifer Chen, Student Co host of Sunrise Dartmouth Strike Circle

Jennifer Cho Kain, RYT

Jennifer Dube, Pipeline Resistance Organizer 350NH

Jennifer Jacquet, New York University

Jennifer Lockett, Filmmaker artist

Jennifer Morgan, Student at Northern Virginia Community College

Jennifer Nelson Gray, Program Director Planet Texas 2050 University of Texas at Austin

Jensen Cowan, Mx

Jeremiah Church, Owner Boreal Heat LLC

Jeremy Auerbach, Postdoctoral Research Fellow Department of Environmental and Radiological Health Sciences Colorado State University

Jeremy Cantor, Senior Consultant JSI

Jeron Dawes, Supporter

Jesse Goldstein, Assistant Professor Virginia Commonwealth University

Jesse Oak Taylor, Associate Professor of English University of Washington

Jesse Plate, Sr Digital Marketing Manager and CMO of Healing One

Jessica Cantlon, Carnegie Mellon University

Jessica GLickel, BPIE

Jessica Gohlke, Freelance writer

Jessica Green, Associate Professor Political Science University of Toronto US citizen

Jessica Haefelfinger, Jessica Haefelfinger

Jessica Imbrie, Natural Resource Specialist AKS Engineering Forestry

Jessica James, Jessica james

Jessica Joan Goddard, SimpleWater

Jessica Wright, Jessica Wright

Jewel Zimmer, Founder

Jim Bingen, Professor Emeritus Michigan State University

Jim Challenger, Baker Founder and President Challenger Breadware

Jim Eachus, Organizer Sarasota Climate Change Meetup

Jim Recht MD, Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School

Joal Stein, Joal Stein

Joan Clement, Volunteer Takoma Alliance for a Local Living Economy TALLE

Joan E Thorndike, Oregon flower farmer certified organic

Joan Hoffman, John Jay College CUNY

Jocelyn Perry, Program Manager Perry World House University of Pennsylvania

Jocelyn Wills, Professor Brooklyn College CUNY

Jodi Hilty, Conservation Biologist

Jodi Lasseter, Founder Co Convener NC Climate Justice Collective

Jodie Evans, co founder CODEPINK

Jody Rieck, Washington Voter

Joe Engleman, Master of Urban Planning and Policy Candidate University of Illinois at Chicago

Joe Maurer, Artist

Joe Seeman, Candidate NY Assembly 112th district

Joe Uehlein, President Labor Network for Sustainability

Joel Bach, Executive Director The YEARS Project

Joel Clement, Harvard Belfer Center

Joey McGarvey, Senior Editor Milkweed Editions

Johanna Barthmaier Payne, Department Head Landscape Architecture Rhode Island School of Design

Johanna Bockman, Associate Professor George Mason University

Johanna Leader, DPT

John Ackerly, Alliance for Green Heat

John Aloysius Zinda, Assistant Professor of Global Development Cornell University

John Beynon, California State University Fresno Democratic Socialists of America Fresno

John Darovec, Executive Officer Diversified Natural Concepts

John Dempsey Parker, New Hope Collaborative NCSU Institute for Emerging Issues

John Devine, Urban Planner in Dallas TX

John Ferrell, Mr

John Foran, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Environmental Studies UC Santa Barbara

John G H Oakes, publisher The Evergreen Review

John Hansen, Founder CEO The Paradigm Project

John Hyland, Professional Staff Congress CUNY Retirees Chapter

John M Meyer, Professor and Chair Department of Politics Humboldt State University

John M Sovitsky, Mr

John Morris, Interpreter and Climate Educator

John Prusinski, Chair Berkshires MA DSA Ecosocialist Working Group

John Rangel, Filmmaker

John S Nero, Plantasies

John Soluri, Director of Global Studies Program History Department Carnegie Mellon University

John Stepanek, PhD Student Oregon State University Member of Sunrise Movement

Johnathan Guy, Research Associate UC Berkeley Energy and Environment Policy Lab and Editor The Trouble

Jon Nadle, concerned citizen

Jonah Lee, Sunrise PDX

Jonah Susskind, Lecturer MIT

Jonah Susskind, Lecturer of Landscape Architecture and Urban Design Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Jonathan Lu, Medical Student Stanford University School of Medicine

Jonathan Ruf, No affiliation

Jonathan Santos, Independent researcher Environmental Policy Institutions and Behavior Rutgers University

Jordan Klein, Office of Population Research Princeton University

Jordn Fox Besek, Assistant Professor of Sociology SUNY at Buffalo

Jose Rehbein, The World Bank

Joseph A Henderson, Lecturer Environment Society Department Paul Smith s College

Joseph Macklin, Visual Arts Instructor and Painter

Joseph Nevins, Professor of Geography Vassar College

Joseph Sorrentino, Founder 4e

Joseph Young, Concerned Citizen

Josephine S Carothers, Rising Mist Farm

Josh Liveright, Healer Writer Filmmaker Baker

Josh devries, Farmer

Joshua Berger, Founder Chair Washington Maritime Blue

Joshua C Gellers, Associate Professor of Political Science University of North Florida

Joshua Cousins, Assistant Professor SUNY ESF

Joshua Greenstein, Assistant Professor of Economics Hobart and William Smith Colleges

Joshua Krugman, Poet and Activist

Joshua McWhirter, Managing Editor Urban Omnibus Senior Editor Failed Architecture

Joshua Pirl, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard

Joshua R Enterline, Restaurant

Joshua Sbicca, Assistant Professor of Sociology Colorado State University

Joshua Shin, Mobile engineer

Josiah Heyman, Endowed Professor of Border Trade Issues and Professor of Anthropology University of Texas at El Paso

Josiah Rector, Assistant Professor of History University of Houston

Joyce Bogosian, Eco Sustainable Developer

Joyce Schrieber, Citizen

Joyce Weir, citizen

Juan Pablo Melo, PhD Candidate Stanford University

Juana Bordenave, Mother

Judith D Schwartz, Environmental Journalist

Judy Jolin, Private citizen

Juha Marko Turkki, Director

Julee Jaeger, Citizen Pickles Gap Arkansas

Juli Gouls, Dr

Julia Shaida, Yoga teacher

Julia Steinberger, Professor in Social Ecology and Ecological Economics University of Leeds UK

Julian Agyeman , Professor Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning Tufts University

Julie Devi Coats, Medical Illustrator Coats Medical Media

Julie Landholt, Citizen

Julie Maldonado, Livelihoods Knowledge Exchange Network

Julie Reynolds, SF Bay Area Voter

Juliet Schor, Boston College

Justin Brown, Student Temple University

Justin Fowler, Director Portland Architecture Program University of Oregon School of Architecture Environment

Justin Garrett Moore AICP, Adjunct Associate Professor Columbia University GSAPP

Justin Kacer, Sustainability Manager Sprouts Farmers Market

Justin Michael Hayden, Artist

Justin Szasz, Sociology PhD student incoming University of Oregon

Justin Uribe, IT Professional

Justin Way, Preschool Teacher at Worldmind Nature Immersion School

Justine Daum, Podcast Producer

KC Golden, board chair 350 org

KHALIL TIAN SHAHYD, Environmental Policy Researcher and Advocate

Kafui A Attoh, Assistant Professor of Urban Studies CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies Affiliated Faculty of Earth and Environmental Science at the CUNY Graduate Center

Kai Newkirk, President For All

Kaitlyn Lang, New School graduate

Kaniela Ing, Climate Justice Campaign Director

Karen Bearden, 350 Triangle Coordinator

Karen Kubey, Faculty Fellow in Design for Spatial Justice and Visiting Associate Professor University of Oregon School of Architecture Environment

Karen Singer, Artistic Director Karen Singer Tileworks Inc

Karena Shaw, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies University of Victoria

Karl Aldinger, President of North County Climate Change Alliance San Diego

Karyn Caplan, Principal Owner Karyn Caplan Consulting

Kasia Paprocki, Assistant Professor in Environment Department of Geography and Environment London School of Economics and Political Science Research Associate Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment kasiapaprocki

Kat hartwig, Executive Director Living Lakes Canada

Katarzyna Nowak, Fellow The Safina Center

Kate Boicourt, Director of Resilience Waterfront Alliance kateboicourt

Kate Cairns, Rutgers University Camden

Kate Colarulli, Chief of Staff CleanChoice Energy

Kate Orff, Professor Columbia Graduate School of Architecture Planning and Preservation Columbia University Founder SCAPE kateorff scape studio

Katharina Kowalski, Master of Public Health student at Colorado School of Public Health

Katharina Rembi,

Katharine A Owens, Associate Professor University of Hartford

Katharine Marks, Founder Director HarmonicJourneys

Katharine Priegues, Tutor Excelsior College Planning

Katharine Wilkinson, Project Drawdown

Katherine A Moos, Assistant Professor of Economics University of Massachusetts Amherst

Katherine Giseburt, Graduate Student at the University of Washington Masters in Elementary Teaching

Katherine Leggett, 350 Seattle

Katherine M Logue, Concerned citizen and mother

Katherine Walsh, Candidate for New York State Assembly 51

Kathleen Finlay, President Pleiades

Kathleen P Hunt, Assistant Professor of Environmental Communication SUNY New Paltz

Kathryn Boyd, Education Outreach Associate Research Scientist at CIRES University of Colorado

Kathryn Foster, Advocate Adjunct Faculty Champlain College

Kathryn G Anderson, Department of Environmental Science Policy and Management University of California Berkeley CA USA

Kathryn Hochstetler, Professor of International Development London School of Economics and Political Science

Kathryn Roberts, Assistant Professor of American Studies University of Groningen

Katie Ferrari, East Bay Democratic Socialists of America

Katie Idell, NCC

Katie Muth PA State Senator SD44, Pennsylvania State Senator

Katie Nichols, Construction industry

Katie Parker, Senior Research Associate The Democracy Collaborative Member Nonprofit Professional Employees Union

Katie Pitstick, Landscape Architect Graduate Student University of Pennsylvania

Katrina Forrester, Assistant Professor of Government and Social Studies Harvard University

Katrina K Foster, D D S

Katy Mamen, Principal Water Bear Collaborative

Katy Melton Simpson, Blue Ridge Community College Veterinary Technology Dept and Biology Club

Kaya Axelsson, University of Oxford

Kaye Savage, Professor of Environmental Studies Wofford College

Kayla Barraza, Citizen

Kayla Conway, Co Director of Atlas Zero Waste Strategy Post Landfill Action Network

Kayla Murgo, Graduate Student Rhode Island School of Design

Kayla Weisdorf, Artist Sunrise NYC

Kayleigh Graham, Student

Kaylie Patacca, Na

Kaywaunda Green, Ms

Keefer Dunn, Assistant Professor Adjunct at School of the Art Institute of Chicago Member and Former National Organizer The Architecture Lobby

Kees Lokman, Assistant Professor University of British Columbia

Keith Christiansen, Teacher NYC DOE

Keith Harris, Lecturer University of Washington

Kelly Happe, Associate Professor University of Georgia

Kelsey Wirth, Co Founder Chair Mothers Out Front

Ken Schles, Artist

Kendall Dix, Graduate student in food and agriculture policy Vermont Law School

Kendall McDonald, Project Manager University of Mississippi Sustainability Office

Kendra Brooks, City Councilmember At Large City of Philadelphia

Kendra Garrett, Director of Housing CD Austin Justice Coalition

Kent D Shifferd PhD, Professor Emeritus Environmental Ethics Northland College

Kerri Arsenault, Author

Kerry J Nickols Ph D , Assistant Professor of Marine Biology California State University Northridge

Keshaben A Patel, Community Organizer Milwaukee Wi

Kesiena Onosigho, Artist and Advocate

Kevin Burke, Principal Parabola Architecture

Kevin Gallagher, Professor of Global Development Policy Boston University

Kevin M Adams, Research Fellow Stockholm Environment Institute

Kevin M Bean, Creation Care Committee St John XXIII Catholic Community Albuquerque NM

Kevin Muhitch, Graduate Student History Department University of Maryland Baltimore County

Kevin Oa Neill, Director Commercial Project Development Sunrise Solar Solutions LLC

Kevin Surprise, Visiting Lecturer in Environmental Studies Mount Holyoke College

Khalila Brown, Master Instructor Howard University

Khatia Aydelott, Regina Hall

Khoi Quach, Graduate student University of California at Berkeley

Kian Goh, Assistant Professor of Urban Planning UCLA

Kiara Dimitriadis, Flight Attendant

Kim A Fraczek, Director Sane Energy Project

Kim Berry, Kim Berry Professor and Chair Department of Critical Race Gender and Sexuality Studies Humboldt State University

Kim Pack, Citizen

Kim Ross, Executive Director ReThink Energy Florida

Kimberly Fuelling, Artist Designer North Carolina

Kio Stark, Writer author of When Strangers Meet

Kirsten Weld, Professor of History Harvard University

Kirsti Cole, Professor MSU

Kisha Lewellyn Schlegel, a being among beings

Knar Gavin, University of Pennsylvania graduate student in English fellow with the Penn Program for Environmental Humanities

Kontol Bau, Profesor Sakit Gila

Krisana Jaritsat, Marketing IBM

Kristen Bryant, University of California Santa Barbara

Kristen Fulmer, Founder Recipric

Kristina Dutton, Kristina Dutton

Kristina Kalolo, Markets Manager Somali Bantu Community Association

Kristina Shull, Postdoctoral Fellow in Global American Studies Harvard University

Kristine Wright, JOLO Investments LLC

Kuldeep Kaur, None

Kyle Neil, Sunrise Movement

Kyle Gracey, Chair Board of Directors Engineers for a Sustainable World

Kyle Pickett, Co Founder COO Urban Fabrick Inc

Laetitia Benador, Researcher and author Roadmap to an Organic California

Laine Munir, Senior Research Fellow University of Rwanda s Center of Excellence in Biodiversity

Lara Merling, Senior Research Fellow CEPR

Larisa Ikeda, Independent Designer Larisa Ikeda LLC

Larissa Johnson, Board Member Maryland League of Conservation Voters

Larry Moffett, Rise for Climate

Laura Anne Minkoff Zern, Assistant Professor of Food Studies Syracuse University

Laura Frank, Blue Prosperity Fellow Waitt Institute

Laura Gibbons, 350 Seattle

Laura Klemm, Board Member Friends of North Point

Laura Wang, Science Teacher New York City

Laura Wolf Powers, Associate Professor of Urban Policy and Planning Hunter College CUNY

Laureen France, Concerned citizen

Laurel Creech, Director Sustainability

Lauren C Heberle, Director Center for Environmental Policy and Management University of Louisville

Lauren E Clausen, Ms Lauren E Clausen

Lauren Elizabeth Campbell, Hospitality Worker Charleston SC USA

Lauren Gifford, University of Colorado Boulder

Lauren Kesner O Brien, 350Brooklyn

Lauren Martin Moti, Lauren Martin Moti

Lauren Monroe, College Educated Low Income Worker Homeless

Lauren Richter, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Rhode Island School of Design

Laurie Adkin, Political Economist University of Alberta Canada

Laurie Husted, Chief Sustainability Officer

Lawrence Grant, Fire prevention and environmental specialist spokesmen

LeNia Goff, OTD OTR

Leah K Ferguson, Coach Trainer Facilitator Circle Forward Partners

Leah O Dooley, Founder Sustainable Design Practice Legacy LEED AP

Lee Oxenham, NH State Representative

Leeds McGregor, Author

Leif Fredrickson, Assistant Adjunct Professor University of Montana

Lenore Palladino, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Lesli Hoey, Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning University of Michigan

Leslie Lakind, Dr

Levi Van Sant, George Mason University

Lewis Pitts, Retired Civil Rights Lawyer Greensboro NC

Lia Vector, Corporate Sales Representative Information Security

Lia Vector, Sales

Liat Olenick, Science teacher and Co President Indivisible Nation BK

Libbie M Grant, Author and Advocate

Lida Aljabar, Senior Climate Resiliency Planner City of New York Visiting Assistant Professor Pratt Institute

Liel Klein, N A

Lilian Trimble, Ms

Lily Cosgrove, Lily Cosgrove Sunrise Movement

Lily Gellman, Writer and Editor

Lily House Peters, Assistant Professor of Geography California State University Long Beach

Lin Hagedorn, 350 Eastside

Linda Alley Sarnack, Citizen

Linda D Manning, Associate Professor of Communication Christopher Newport University

Linda Shi, Assistant Professor Cornell University Department of City and Regional Planning

Lindsay Stockman, 5th Grade Teacher

Lindsey Antram, Ms

Lindsey h Clarke, Minneapolis College

Lisa Chassey, Mrs

Lisa Gaye Thompson, Web Developer Living New Deal

Lisa Patel, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics Advocacy and Policy Lead at the Sean Parker Center for Allergy and Asthma Research Stanford University

Lisa Sellers, Artist

Liz Carlisle, Assistant Professor Environmental Studies University of California Santa Barbara

Liz Koslov, Assistant Professor UCLA Urban Planning and Institute of the Environment and Sustainability

Liz Wikstrom, Artist and Advocate

Liza Dorsey, Human on earth

Lizann Michaud, No affiliation

Lizzie Rothwell, Architect signing without organizational affiliation

Lizzy Cozzi, Advocate

Logan Atkinson Burke, Executive Director Alliance for Affordable Energy

Lois Braun, Agricultural Researcher University of Minnesota

Lor Holmes, Worker owner CERO Cooperative

Loraine McCosker , Environmental Studies Outreach and Instruction Ohio University

Lore Be, Person

Lore Rosenthal, Program Coordinator Greenbelt Climate Action Network

Lorelei Be, Human

Loren Cannon, Lecturer Philosophy Humboldt State University

Lori Ziolkowski, Associate Professor School of the Earth Ocean and Environment University of South Carolina

Louise Maher Johnson, Skyhill Egg Farm

Lourdes J Rodriguez, Affiliate Faculty Department of Population Health Dell Medical School

Lourdes c Elliott, Mrs

Luanna Villanueva, Member of the Yolo Progressives and District3 Coalition for the Green New Deal

Luca Vigorelli, Artist and Model

Lucas Peiser, The Seattle School

Lucette West, Miss

Lucia Pohlman, Sunrise Movement NYC

Lucky Tran Ph D, Columbia University March for Science

Lucy Cheadle PE, Chemical and Environmental Engineer

Luke McGowan, professor CSUF

Lynn Kaiser, No affiliation

Lynn McGuire Raj, Fundraising Consultant

Lynn Nelsen, Mrs

Lynn Nilssen, Sarasota Ready for 100 Campaign

Lynn Shon, NYC Department of Education

M TenHoor, Associate Professor of Architecture Pratt Institute



MJ Rowan, Manager Urban Farm

Mackenzie Feldman, Mackenzie Feldman Food and Sustainability Fellow Data For Progress

Mackenzie Kimmel, Video Editor Pisano Films LLC

Madeleine MacGillivray Wallace, Climate Advocate Researcher and Model

Madeline Kiser, Sustainable Water Workgroup Arizona

Madison Shields, Photographer

Maggie Allen, Education Specialist

Maheleh Azima, Me

Maia Maia, Member Eco Vista Community Transition Affiliates

Makenzie Mullan, Undergraduate Student Carthage College

Maliha Mathew, MPH Candidate New York University School of Global Public Health

Malini Ranganathan, Assistant Professor School of International Service American University

Manuel Shvartzberg CarriA , Assistant Professor of Architecture Cornell University

Mara Freilich, PhD candidate MIT WHOI Joint Program

Mara J Goldman, Associate Professor of Geography University of Colorado Boulder

Marc Zarowin,

Marce GutiA rrez GraudiA A , Founder Executive Director Azul

Marcela Mulholland, Policy Associate Next100

Marci Henzi, OVER

Marcia Cooper, President

Marcia Cooper, President on behalf of Green Newton greennewton org

Marcus Mescher, Assistant Professor of Christian Ethics Xavier University marcusmescher

Marcy Delos, Student George Mason University

Marey Cohen, Ms

Margaret Blakley, NCARB AIA

Margaret Browne, Ms

Margaret Garrington, Citizen of US

Margaret Lindeman, PhD Candidate Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Margaret O Donnell, Climate Museum

Margaret Reeves, Senior Scientist Pesticide Action Network

Margarita Fernandez, Cuba US Agroecology Network

Margo Gregory, Sane Energy Projet

Mari Malek, Model Activist

Maria Petrova, Assistant Director Georgetown Environment Initiative

Maria Pope, Sunrise South Bend

Maria Stamas, Vice chair California Low Income Oversight Board

Mariah Valerie Barber, Harvard Graduate School of Design

Mariam Akinlotan, Texas Southern University

Marie Jones, US Citizen

Marie Studer, Science Society Lead The Disruptive Factory

Marie Venner, Call to Action CO

Marie bellissimo, Tax payer

Marilyn Borchardt, Food First

Marina Roberts, Democratic Socialists of America Austin Chapter

Marissa Bell Research Fellow IISTP George Washington University , Research Fellow IISTP George Washington University

Marissa Feinberg, Founder Triple Bottom Why Board Member Green Map

Marissa Mommaerts, Transition US

Maritza Silva Farrell, ALIGN The Alliance for a Greater New York

Mark A Price, Pennsylvania State Education Association

Mark Bittman, no affiliation

Mark Howard, Mr

Mark Kelley III PE, Rising Mist Farm

Mark Roseland, Professor School of Community Resources and Development Arizona State University

Mark Sommer, Director Solarise

Marlene Simon, M A M F A

Marta Schaaf, Doctor of Public Health Independent Consultant

Marta Swain, Founder Clothing Matters

Martha Caswell, Agroecology Livelihoods Collaborative University of Vermont

Martha J Kenney, Mother environmentalist concerned citizen Planet earth

Martha Jeffries, Filmmaker

Martha Rush Mueller, Private Citizen

Marti Martz, President Edinboro Market Inc

Marti Richentein, 350 Brooklyn

Marti Roach, 350 Contra Costa 350 Bay Area Action

Marty Pool, Coordinator Environmental Center at Fort Lewis College

Marvourneen Dolor Ph D , Vice President Skylight Digital

Mary Ann Hitt, Senior Director, Beyond Coal Campaign, Sierra Club

Mary Boyd Brent, Retired Teaching Specialist University of Minnesota

Mary Cogan Paterson, Environmental and Restorative Justice advocate

Mary Finley Brook, University of Richmond

Mary Guenther, Retiree

Mary Guenther, No Affiliation

Mary Gutierrez, Executive Director Earth Ethics Inc

Mary Pratt, no affiliation

Mary R Cleaver, CleaverCo Green Table Farms

MarA lia Maschion, Lead Organizer Sunrise Movement

Masoud Sayles, Grounded Strategies Project Manager

Mathew Hauer, Florida State University

Mathew Lawrence, Director Common Wealth

Matt Bethurem, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Sustainability Allegheny College

Matt Bethurem, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science and Sustainability Allegheny College

Matt Daggett, Strategic Communications Director Climate and Environment Advocate mattdaggett

Matt Grosser, MLA Candidate University of Washington

Matt Guardino, Providence College

Matt Haugen, DSA Ecosocialists

Matt Huber, Associate Professor Syracuse University

Matt Krogh, Oil and Gas Campaign Director Stand earth

Matthew Bowman, Current AmeriCorps Conservation Corps member

Matthew Burke, Postdoctoral Associate University of Vermont

Matthew Canfield, Assistant Professor of Law Politics and Society Drake University

Matthew Hissong, Mr

Matthew J Camp, Doctoral Candidate Columbia University

Matthew Kessler, Political Agroecologist

Matthew Schneider Mayerson, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies Yale NUS College

Matthew Wisner, Public Policy BA Duke University

Max Gruenig, POCACITO org

Maxine Apolito, The New School of Design Student

May Patino, Lecturer Department of Anthropology Humboldt State University

Maya Castillo, Stanford University Undergrad Class of 2023

Maya Shaw, Citizen

Mayfair M Yang, University of California Santa Barbara

McGregor Smyth, Executive Director New York Lawyers for the Public Interest

Meagan Collins, Student and Researcher at University of Maryland College Park

Meg Studer, Designer Siteations Studio Adj Professor Illinois Institute of Technology

Megan Davis, Chief of Staff Urban Ocean Lab and Ocean Collectiv

Megan Horst, Assistant Professor Urban Studies and Planning and Sustainable Food Systems Portland State University

Megan Kemple, Director Oregon Climate and Agriculture Network

Megan Melack, Ms

Megan Topping, Director

Mekdela Maskal, Engagement Fellow at THE CITY

Melanie Brusseler, Columbia University

Melanie McLaren, Data Analyst

Melanie Winter, Founder Director The River Project

Melissa Lazar,

Melody Zobel, Retired Professor of Theatre

Meredith Conti, University at Buffalo SUNY

Merle Lefkoff, Center for Emergent Diplomacy Santa Fe

Merritt Baker, Maryland USA

Mia Truman, Ms

Micaela Linder, N A

Micah Elias, PhD Student University of California Berkeley

Micah Parkin, Executive Director 350 Colorado

Michael Ash, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Michael Biros, Landscape Architect

Michael Brennan, Democracy Policy Network

Michael Brownstein, Associate Professor of Philosophy John Jay College and the Graduate Center CUNY Burkhardt Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Stanford

Michael Burns, VP Florida Veterans For Common Sense

Michael Carnahan, Citizen

Michael Center, The New School

Michael D Zitolo, Bard HS Early College Manhattan

Michael Donatti, Senior Consultant Oliver Wyman

Michael Erickson, Adjunct Professor GOMA and Environmental Studies Moraine Valley Community College

Michael Galant, Sr Communications Associate Win Without War

Michael Golub, Designer The Sea Monkey Project

Michael Lizotte, Sustainability Officer UNC Charlotte

Michael Martin, Working Families Party Warren Democrat

Michael Mascarenhas, University of California Berkeley

Michael Menser, Participatory Budgeting Project CUNY

Michael Noble, CEO Executive Director Fresh Energy

Michael O Keefe, Open Source Software Developer

Michael Paterra, Public Policy Consultant

Michael Swords, Board President Climate Resolve

Michael W Hamm, C S Mott Professor of Sustainable Agriculture Michigan State University

Michael Wallace, Professor of Sociology University of Connecticut

Michal Schatz, No affiliation

Michele Tuohey, Artist

Michelle Champawat, Teacher RUSD

Michelle Garvey, Teaching Specialist University of Minnesota Sustainability Studies

Michelle Perro, MD ED www gmoscience org co author What s Making our Children Sick

Mick Johnson, National Parks Conservation Association

Miguel Gutierrez, Principal Investigator Cypress Environmental Consulting LLC

Miguel Jimenez, National Audubon Society

Mike Bailey, SolarFest Inc

Mike Carberry, Founding Director Green State Solutions

Mike Lawler, Actor AEA SAG AFTRA

Mike Scarber, Board Co President of Runners For Public Lands

Mike Siegel, TX 10 congressional candidate

Mike Tidwell, Director Chesapeake Climate Action Network

Mimi Sheller, Director Center for Mobilities Research Policy Drexel University

Mina Vafaeezadeh, None

Mindi Schneider, Assistant Professor of Agrarian Sociology and Rural Development Wageningen University

Mindy Isser, organizer National Domestic Workers Alliance

Mindy Keskinen, Transition Town ASAP St Paul Minnesota

Mindy Pickard, Citizen

Minoo Moallem, Professor UC Berkeley

Miranda Berger, VP International Living Future Institute

Miranda Massie, The Climate Museum

Mirchelle Myricks, Estate Manager

Misha Semenov, Associate Fellow Trumbull College at Yale University

Mitchell Clark, Director of Finance Novant Health

Mitchell R Green, Research Scholar Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity

Mohammed Khader, United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth

Molly Anderson, William R Kenan Jr Professor of Food Studies Middlebury College

Momok Busuk, Prof Dr Gilingan

Mona Ali, Associate Professor of Economics State University of New York

Monica De La Rosa, Ms

Monica L Roberts, Retired

Monica Watkins, Model

Montgomery True Ogden, English Teacher Friendsa Central School

Morgan King, Climate Action Analyst Humboldt State University

Morley Kamen, Ms

Mustafa Santiago Ali, President Founder Revitalization Strategies

Nabil ViA as, Actor and Educator

Nadia A Seeteram, PhD Student Florida International University

Nadine Smith, A human

Naeem Alam, Hub Coordinator Sunrise Movement DC Hub

Nafis Hasan, Postdoctoral Scholar Dept of Biomedical Engineering Tufts University

Naima Moore, Institute for Climate and Peace

Naima Schuller, Ms

Nana Debrah, No affiliation

Nancy Holmstrom, Prof Emerita Philosophy Rutgers U

Nancy Roessel, Earth dweller

Nancy Romer, Prof Emerita Brooklyn College Peoples Climate Moement NY

Nancy Shimeall, People for Climate Action

Nans Voron, Senior Associate SCAPE Adjunct Assistant Professor Columbia University

Naoko Maeda, Ms

Naomi Klein, Author co founder The Leap

Naomi R Williams, Rutgers University

Naomi Schiller, CUNY

Narayan Subramanian, Fellow Data for Progress

Natalie Hill, Northeastern University

Natalie Jones, Research Associate Centre for the Study of Existential Risk University of Cambridge

Natalie Walter, Sunrise Corvallis

Natasha Lennard, Columnist The Intercept

Natasha Ochshorn, CUNY Graduate Center

Nate Birnbaum, Climate Communicator Filmmaker

Nate Madson Dion, Educator

Nathalie Molina NiA o, President OA

Nathan Jessee, PhD Candidate Temple University

Nathan Messer, Former Dancesafe President

Nathan Nemon, MBA Candidate Harvard Business Schools

Nathan Phinisee, Purchasing Manager RA

Nathan Waugh, Coalition of Graduate Employees AFT 6069

Neil Wenderoth, Mr

Nelini Stamp, Director of Strategy Working Families Party

Netiwit Chotiphatphaisal, Founder of Humanity Beyond Borders Thailand

Ngozi Okaro, Executive Director Custom Collaborative

Nicholas A Farley, PhD Student of Sociology University of California Santa Barbara

Nicholas Copeland, Virginia Tech

Nicholas Pevzner, Senior Lecturer in Landscape Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design and Faculty Fellow at the Kleinman Center for Energy Policy at the University of Pennsylvania

Nicholas Sarai, California Institute of Technology

Nicholas hoge, Mr

Nichole Iversen, Ms

Nichole M Christian, Writer editor artist

Nick Buxton, Transnational Institute

Nick Graetz, PhD Candidate University of Pennsylvania

Nick Josefowitz, SPUR Director of Policy

Nick Thorpe, Climate Energy Program Associate Earthjustice

Nicola Ansell, Professor of human geography

Nicolas Delon, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Environmental Studies New College of Florida

Nicole Counts, Editor

Nicole Fabricant, Associate Professor of Anthropology Towson University

Nicole Hunt, Candidate NY City Council 39th District

Nicole Sacchitella, Small farm business owner

Nicole Seymour, Associate Professor Cal State Fullerton

Nigel Brooks II, Deskside Support Technician UMG

Nigel Forrest, Postdoctoral Research Associate Arizona State University

Nikil Saval, Reclaim Philadelphia

Nikola Hobbel, Professor Humboldt State University

Nimanthi Rajasingham, Associate Professor Colgate University

Nina Eichacker, Assistant Professor of Economics University of Rhode Island

Nina L Smolyar, University of Vermont Gund Institute for Environment Leadership for Ecozoic project

Nisha Gudal, Farm Apprentice Grow Pittsburgh and PASA

Noah Chasin, Columbia University GSAPP and Institute for the Study of Human rights

Noah Theriault, Assistant Professor of Anthropology Carnegie Mellon University

Noe Wiener, Lecturer University of Massachusetts Amherst

Noel Healy, Associate Professor Salem State University

Olivia Dolan, Environmental Scientist

Olúfẹ́mi O. Táíwò, Assistant Professor of Philosophy Georgetown University

Omar Dahbour, Philosophy Department Hunter College CUNY

Orla Kelly, Boston College

Orna Guralnik PsyD, NYU PostDoctoral Institute for Psychoanalysis

Osman Keshawarz, Doctoral Candidate University of Massachusetts Amherst

Our Daily Planet, Environmental Email Newsletter

Oyku Tekten, The Graduate Center CUNY

Paige Lemen, Scientist

Pam Beal Radio Tacoma , Pam Beal Ph D Radio Tacoma

Pam Summa, Author and editor

Pamela Jean Barroso, Self

Pamela John, Progressive Coders Network Co Director

Pamela Koch EdD RD, Research Associate Professor and Executive Director Laurie M Tisch Center for Food Education Policy Program in Nutrition Teachers College Columbia University

Pamela Ronson, Eastern Market Fellow

Parker R Gassett, Climate Change Adaptation Researcher at University of Maine

Parth Vaishnav, Assistant Research Professor Carnegie Mellon University

Partners for Dignity and Rights, Signing on as organization

Patrice M Mareschal, Associate Professor of Public Policy Administration Rutgers University

Patrick Alston, Business Analyst for Atos Syntel

Patrick Bigger, Lecturer in Economic Geography Lancaster University

Patrick Collins, Patrick Collins

Patrick Cooper McCann, Assistant Professor Urban Studies and Planning Wayne State University

Patrick Doss Smith, Structural Designer

Patrick F Garrity, Animator The Global Catholic Climate Movement

Patrick Hancock, PhD Fellow University of Virginia

Patrick Kelsall, DSA

Patrick McHugh, Mr

Paul D Miller aka Dj Spooky, Artist Composer

Paul Deschenes, None

Paul S Adler, Professor of Management and Organization Marshall School of Business University of Southern California

Paul Wessel, USGBC

Paul van Linden Tol, Climate Justice Committee DC 37

Paulina Jaramillo, Professor of Engineering and Public Policy Carnegie Mellon University

Pavlina R Tcherneva, Assoc Professor and Research Scholar Bard College and Levy Economics Institute

Peg Tams, Member Suncoast Climate Justice Coalition

Penelope W Lewis, Associate Professor Labor Studies CUNY

Pershanta Gladney, Yes

Pete Driessen, Visual Artist Curator

Pete Sikora, Climate Inequality Campaigns Director New York Communities for Change

Peter Beattie, CUHK

Peter Bent, Assistant Professor of Economics American University of Paris

Peter Dreier, E P Clapp Distingushed Professor of Politics and chair Urban Environmental Policy Department Occidental College

Peter Gowan, Senior Policy Associate The Democracy Collaborative peterjgowan

Peter Hallpike, Mr

Peter Harrison, Candidate for NY12

Phaedra C Pezzullo, Associate Professor University of Colorado Boulder

Phela Townsend, Policy Fellow Next100

Phillip Stalley, Associate Professor DePaul University

Phoebe Devincenzi, Education Manager Dancewave

Phoebe Gittelson, Environmental Justice Coalition CUNY School of Law

Phoebe Godfrey , Associate Professor in Residence of Sociology University of Connecticut

Phoebe Rubin, Coordinator Regenerative Agriculture Action for Pennsylvania

Pippa Bailey, Architectural Designer

Ploy Achakulwisut, Staff Scientist Stockholm Environment Institute U S

PolicyLink, We are signing on as an organization

Pramodh J Jacob, CNU

Priscilla Rich, CEO Transition Express Inc

Priya Shukla, Graduate Student Bodega Marine Laboratory University of California Davis

Qarima Anbiya, Mother

Quinn Emmett, Founder Important Not Important

Quinn Slobodian, Associate Professor Wellesley College

R Sean Thackurdeen, Program Associate for the Environment Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

RJ Harrington Jr , President CEO Sustainable Action Consulting PBC

RL Miller, president and political director Climate Hawks Vote


Rabbi Jennie Rosenn, Dayenu A Jewish Call to Climate Action

Rachael Garnick, Early Childhood Educator and Concerned Citizen

Rachael Neffshade, Local Coordinator Extinction Rebellion

Rachel Conn, Projects Director

Rachel Golden, Deputy Director Clean Buildings Sierra Club

Rachel Kennedy, Teacher The Hartsbrook School

Rachel Lazzeri Aerts, MS Lecturer San Jose State University

Rachel Leyba, Republican

Rachel McDonald, 350 Seattle board member

Rachel Okun, Research and Community Development Associate The Center for Discovery

Rachel Sontheimer, High School Student

Raechel Youngberg, Climate Programs Coordinator Methow Valley Citizens Council

Raegan Sales, Citizen

Rafael Ibay, Teacher

Raffi, Raffi Foundation For Child Honouring

Raghu Kalakuntla, Mr

Rahwa Ghirmatzion, Executive Director PUSH Bufalo

Rain L Marshall J D , Lecturer Humboldt State University

Ramses Dukes, Writer and Advocate

Ranae Lenor Hanson, Faculty Member Minneapolis College

Randall Szott, State Representative Vermont

Randi Fellows, Social Advocate no affiliation

Randi Mail, Political Director MassDivest Coalition

Randy Johnson, LCSW Advocate

Raven Graf, Student at Harvard Kennedy School

Raven Watkins, Miss

Ray Henninger, Artist and Advocate

Rebecca Altman, Board of Directors Science and Environmental Health Network

Rebecca Anthony, N A

Rebecca Ariel Porte, Brooklyn Institute for Social Research

Rebecca Elliott, Assistant Professor of Sociology London School of Economics

Rebecca Givan, Rutgers University

Rebecca Miller, DSA Ecosocialists

Rebecca Murillo, Community Programs Director 18 Reasons

Rebecca Neumann, Associate Professor University of Washington

Rebecca Ratliff, Citizens Climate Lobby

Rebecca Ray, Researcher Boston University Global Development Policy Center

Rebecca Romsdahl, Professor Earth System Science Policy Department University of North Dakota

Rebecca Wilson, Real Estate Broker

Rebekah Morris, Community Based Planner Pratt Center for Community Development

Reece Pacheco, Executive Director WSL PURE SVP Ocean Responsibility World Surf League WSL

Reed Kurtz, Visiting Assistant Professor Otterbein University

Regina Hall, Actor Producer Activist Solutions Project

Reginald Daniel, University of California

Reinhold Martin, Director Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture Columbia University

Remington Weiss, Remington Weiss

Renee Elizabeth Peters, Founder of Model4GreenLiving

Rev Dr Michael Salamone, Artist Activist

Rev Jonathan W Barker, Author of Jesus Would Demand a Green New Deal to be released later this month

Rica Fulton, Restoration Coordinator

Ricardo Fernandez, Mr

Ricardo J Salvador, Food and Environment Program Union of Concerned Scientists

Richard A Walker, Director Living New Deal Project Prof Emeritus UC Berkeley

Richard A Bonin, Boeing Information Technology Retired

Richard Appebaum, Professor Fielding Graduate University Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus UCSB

Richard Bowden, Professional touring and recording musician from Austin Texas

Richard L Kaplan, independent scholar unemployed

Richard Turnock, Climate Ambassador Climate Interactive

Rick Battistoni, Professor of Political Science

Rick Welsh, Professor of Food Studies Syracuse University

Riley Neugebauer, Food Systems Consultant

Rita Cliffton, Climate Policy Research Associate Center for American Progress

River Phillips, Author

Rob McConnell MD, University of Southern California

Robert Brown, ACLU

Robert Kopp, Professor Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Rutgers University bobkopp

Robert Lauterjung, Beeline Mobility

Robert Mattan, Digital Marketing Specialist

Robert Zimmerman, MR

Roberta Baskin, Earth s Call Fund Chair Board of Directors

Robin Chase, Co founder of Zipcar and NUMO the New Urban Mobility alliance

Robin Cole Sunbeam, RN MSN PHN

Robin Henry, Colorado Resident

Robin Nagle, Clinical Professor of Environmental Studies Anthropology New York University

Robin Pelc, California State University Monterey Bay

Robin Spurlino, Advocate for sustainable agriculture

Rochelle Scott, MBA

Roger Day, University of Pittsburgh Emeritus

Roger Hickey, Co Director

Roland Lewis, President and CEO Waterfront Alliance OurWaterfront

Rolf Erdahl, Musician performer and teacher OboeBass Gustavus Adolphus College

Ron Kilcoyne, Senior Manager TMD INC

Ronald Davis, Yes

Ronnie D Lipschutz, Professor of Politics UC Santa Cruz

Rosalyn Nash, Executive Director

Rosanna Lederhausen, Sustainable consultant

Rose Ann Witt, Co Founder Bridges Charter School

Rosemary Sherriff, Professor of Geography Environment and Spatial Analysis Humboldt State University

Ross A Hammersley, Attorney Olson Bzdok Howard rhammer

Ross Exo Adams, Assistant Professor and Co Director of Architecture Bard College

Ross Hammond, Ross Hammond Senior Strategist Insure Our Future Campaign RossHammondSF

Ross K Pinkerton, Teacher Hunter College High School

Ross McFarland, Sidewalk Repair Program Manager City of Seattle

Roxanne Cronin, None

Roz Roman, Global and Sociocultural Studies Florida International University

Ruby Johnston, American University

Run Lin, artist architecture student Iowa State University

Rupa Marya MD, Associate Professor of Medicine UCSF

Ruth Metzel, Assistant Director Global Warming Mitigation Project

Ruth Roudiez, Perennial Food Forest Farm Garden Nursery

Ry Brennan, University of California Santa Barbara

Ryan Alaniz, Associate Professor of Sociology California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo

Ryan Kucinski, Ryan Kucinski Design

Ryan L Thomas, US Army Engineer Officer Harvard University Graduate School of Design FutureMap Foundation Fellow

SaVonne Anderson, Founder Aya Paper Co

Sabine Cudney, PhD UNAM

Sadie Siders, Mrs

Sadik Artunc FASLA, President The Council of Educators in Landscape Architecture CELA and Professor of Landscape Architecture Mississippi State University

Sage Lenier, Founder Solutions for a Sustainable Future sagelenier

Sally Perkins Ph D, Professional Storyteller Adjunct Professor Butler University

Sam Adams, Former Mayor of Portland Oregon USA

Sam Koprak, Brooklyn For Peace

Sam Zacher, Co editor The Trouble magazine

Samantha Elghanayan, Graduate student Harvard Kennedy School

Samantha Hauserman, Landscape Designer Tavi Design Group

Samantha Rajaram, Writer Professor Attorney

Sameer Ranade, Senior Community Policy Analyst Front Centered

Samir L Doshi, Race and Technology Fellow Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicities Stanford University

Sandhya Kajeepeta, PhD Student Columbia University

Sara Hassani, PhD Candidate NSSR

Sara Innamorato, Pennsylvania State Representative

Sara Jensen Carr, Assistant Professor Northeastern University School of Architecture

Sara Lindsey, Sara Lindsey

Sara Thomas, PhD Candidate

Sarah Cornett, Climate Program Manager Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility

Sarah Fitzgerald, Masters Student UC Berkeley

Sarah Holdgrafer, Documentation specialist

Sarah Knuth, Assistant Professor of Geography Durham University

Sarah L Coffin, Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Development Saint Louis University

Sarah Miller Davenport, Senior Lecturer in History University of Sheffield

Sarah Nahar, PhD Student in Religion and Environmental Studies

Sarah Rabkin, Independent writer and editor retired lecturer and research associate UC Santa Cruz

Sarah Shanley Hope, The Solutions Project

Sarah Shifley, 350 Seattle Volunteer

Sarah Spengeman PhD, Associate Director for Communications and Advocacy Climate and Health Program Health Care Without Harm

Sarah Tuttle, University of Washington

Sarai Carter, Restoration Ecologist Master of Landscape Architecture candidate University of Virginia

Sarang Shah, Law Student University of California Berkeley School of Law

Sasan Saadat, Research and Policy Analyst Earthjustice

Sasha Bacon, High Schoo Student

Savanna kimsey, Geico green committee member

Science for the People, organizational endorsement

Scott Andrews, Director of Partnership Development Sustainability Aclima Inc

Scott Carlin, Associate Professor of Geography Long Island University

Scott Ferguson, Associate Professor Department of Humanities Cultural Studies University of South Florida Modern Money Network Money on the Left Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity

Scott Jambor, none

Scott Klau, Master

Scott Murray, Co Chair Public Policy SanDiego350

Scott Runkel, Concerned Citizen

Scott Trinkle, Graduate Student University of Chicago

Sean Estelle, Steering Committee Member of National Political Committee Democratic Socialists of America

Sean Patrick Carlin, Volunteer Climate Reality Leader San Fernando Valley Chapter of the Climate Reality Project

Sean Reckert, Bard MBA Candidate

Sean Sellers, Chair Suncoast Climate Justice Coalition

Sean T Geygan, Master of Landscape Architecture candidate University of Virginia

Sean T Mitchell, Associate Professor of Anthropology Rutgers University Newark

Serena Masters Fossi, Owner operator Gardening and Gentle Redesign

Seth J Prins, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Sociomedical Sciences Columbia University

Seth L Sanders, Professor of Religious Studies UC Davis

Seth Olson, Senior Analyst Innovation Resonance

Shadia Fayne Wood, Executive Producer

Shahela Begum, Resilience Coordinator

Shahida Abdulsalam, Ms Shahida Abdulsalam

Shalanda H Baker, Northeastern University

Shana Carp,

Shane Grogan, Student

Shannon Carman, no organizational affiliation

Shannon Gibson, Associate Professor Teaching International Relations University of Southern California

Shannon Mattern, Professor of Anthropology The New School

Shannon Walsh, Citizen

Shanta metts, N A

Sharla Dodd, Self employed arborist

Sharon Harvey, Teacher

Sharon M Rock, No affiliation

Shaun Dakin, CEO Dakin Associates

Shaun Winter, small business owner

Shauna McKenna, Green New Deal Campaign Committee Democratic Socialists of America

Shaunna Thomas, Executive Director UltraViolet

Shawn Henry, Research Scientist at ASAPP Inc

Shayna Shefrin, DPT

Sheila Roberts, Dr retired

Shelly Collins, Owner Collins Consulting

Shepherd Ahlers, Member Louisville DSA

Shiva Patel, Energy Justice Campaigner Center for Biological Diversity

Shulamis Rouzaud, Chicago Bread Club

Si gelo otak cekak, Tukang bodor

Sibella Kraus, President Sustainable Agriculture Education

Sid Radhakrishna, MBA Candidate The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania

Sierra Deutsch, Wageningen University

Sierra Peterson, Partner Lionheart Ventures

Simon Richter, Class of 1942 Endowed Term Professor Department of German University of Pennsylvania

Simone J Domingue, University of Colorado Boulder

Simone Rollins, Ms Simone Rollins

Sister Donna Marie Korba IHM, Director of Office of JPIC Disters of IHM

Skylar Moran, Adjunct Faculty Illinois Institute of Technology

Sloan Cherry, University of South Florida

Sofia Cavalleri, Research Associate Stockholm Environment Institute

Sofia Kearns, Professor of Spanish Furman University

Sofia Lopez, Researcher Action Center on Race and the Economy

Solonje Burnett, Co Founder Humble Bloom

Sonali Shukla McDermid, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies New York University

Songhee Cha, CHA Corporation

Srinivasan Raghavan, Sustainability Manager University of Missouri

Srirup Kumar, Community Engagement Officer Impact Bioenergy

Stacy Dawson, Senior Project Manager TrimLine Services Atlanta Georgia

Stan Njuguna, Organizer Bernie 2020

Star Scott, Green Labs Program Coordinator University of Georgia

Stephan Edel, NY Renews GreenJobsNY

Stephania P Fregosi, Portland Community College

Stephania P Fregosi, Stephania P Fregosi Sustainability Analyst Portland Community College

Stephanie Aubert, Program Director Grow Nashua

Stephanie Carlisle, Architect and Environmental Researcher KieranTimberlake Lecturer in Architecture and Landscape Architecture University of Pennsylvania Stuart Weitzman School of Design

Stephanie Eyocko, Graduate Student Johns Hopkins SAIS

Stephanie Golden, Independent scholar journalist

Stephanie Kelton, Professor of Economics and Public Policy Stony Brook University

Stephanie Luce, Professor of Labor Studies and Sociology CUNY

Stephanie Malin, Associate Professor of Sociology Co founder of the Center for Environmental Justice Colorado State University

Stephanie Smith, Principal Zephyr Mangata Consulting

Stephanie V, Master Student University of Leipzig

Stephen M Kretzmann, Oil Change U S

Stephen M Wheeler, Professor University of California at Davis

Stephen Macekura, Associate Professor Indiana University

Stephen Miles, Cinematographer Citizen of the World

Stephen Mulkey, University of Florida lecturer in climate change science

Stephen Wertheim, Deputy Director of Research and Policy Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft Research Scholar Columbia University stephenwertheim

Stephen Zavestoski, Professor of Environmental Studies University of San Francisco

Stevan Porter, Economist

Steve Arthurs, RI Food Dealers Association

Steve Eittreim, PhD Columbia Univ Emeritus US Geological Survey

Steve Gadbois, educator

Steve Ongerth, Co founder IWW Environmental Unionism Caucus

Steven A Jorissen, President Northeast Metro Climate Action Minnesota

Steven Koteff, MFA Syracuse University

Steven L Keffer, Emeritus Associate Professor Department of Biology James Madison University

Steven Thomas, High School Teacher California

Stuart Schrader, Associate Director of the Program in Racism Immigration and Citizenship and Lecturer Johns Hopkins University

Sue Mobley, Colloqate Design New Orleans City Planning Commission

Susan Altman, Managing Editor Global Environmental Politics

Susan B Millar, Senior Scientist Emeritus UW Madison 350 Madison

Susan Brinckerhoff, UU Green Sanctuary activist

Susan Caplow, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies University of Montevallo

Susan Duerksen, SanDiego350 volunteer

Susan Joy Hassol, Director Climate Communication

Susan M Heggestad, Teaching Artist

Susan McPherson, Founder and CEO McPherson Strategies

Susan Millar, 350 Madison

Susan Palmiter, 350PDX

Susan Y Edwards, U S Citizen

Susannah Emerson, MFA Candidate Warren Wilson Program for Writers

Susanne C Moser, Affiliated Faculty Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning University of Massachusetts Amherst

Suzanna Kassouf, Organizer Sunrise PDX

Suzanne Hobbs Baker, Creative Director Fastest Path to Zero Initiative University of Michigan

Suzanne Lee, CEO Biofabricate LLC

Suzanne Wertheim, CEO Worthwhile Research Consulting

Sybil Kelley, Associate Professor Leadership for Sustainability Education College of Education Portland State University

Sydney Bollinger, Master s student in Environmental Studies at the University of Montana

Sydney Ghazarian, DSA Ecosocialists

Sylvia Tognetti, Individual

Tahir Coleman Register, Owner of TheBLACKMedia org

Tairis PeA a, Tairis PeA a

Tali Ilkovitch, Contract Action Team Member for the Coalition of Graduate Employees 6069

Talia kirsh, Ms

Talya Neginsky, Talya Neginsky

Tamara Melnik, Self

Tamara Toles Oa Laughlin, Advocate for People Planet

Tara Raghuveer, Homes Guarantee Campaign Director People s Action

Taylor C Nelms, Senior Director of Research Filene Research Institute

Taylor Shelton, Assistant Professor Department of Geosciences Mississippi State University

Taylor Uribe, Self human population

Ted Franklin, System Change Not Climate Change

Teddy Schneider, Simmons University Master in Library and Information Sciences Candidate

Teela Hammell, Activist

Tegwyn John, Organizer with HVDSA

Teo BallvA , Peace Conflict Studies Program and Department of Geography Colgate University

Terria Lee, retired teacher

Tess Koning, Educator

Tessa Farmer, UVA

Tessa Rainbolt, MBA Candidate

Thaisa Way, University of Washington

Thea Upham, Farm Fresh Rhode Island

Thelma Lee Follett, American citizen

Theo Talcott, Transition Town Manchester

Theodore C Lim, Assistant Professor of Urban Affairs and Planning Virginia Tech

Theresa Murphy, Model Member of Model Mafia Environmental Activist

Thomas Gloria, Program Director Sustainability and Global Development Practice Harvard University

Thomas Gokey, Co founder and organizer The Debt Collective

Thomas J Kitson, Translator

Thomas M Hanna, Research Director The Democracy Collaborative

Thomas Walker, Director Environmental Studies graduate program Goucher College

Tiara Blalark, Tiara Blalark

Tiara Naa puti, University of Colorado Boulder

Tiffany Holt Fisher, Registered Nurse

Tiffany Wang, Tiffany Wang

Tim Hogan, Writer Filmmaker

Timmons Roberts, Professor of Environmental Studies and Sociology Brown University

Timothy Crosland, Student

Timothy Dempsey, Our Revolution Arlington

Timothy F Havel, Scientist turned clean tech entrepreneur

Timothy Hoffman, Grocery clerk

Timothy M Johnson, MN350

Timothy Morton, Rice University

Tisa Fontaine Hill, public health researcher

Toby Herzlich, Founder Biomimicry for Social Innovation

Todd E Vachon, Postdoctoral Associate School of Management and Labor Relations Rutgers University

Todd Eichorn, CEO La Vita Bella Enterprises

Todd M La Porte, Associate Professor of Public Policy Schar School of Policy Government George Mason University

Todd Wolfson, President Rutgers AAUP AFT

Tom Burton, Professional Geologist Sustainability Specialist Founder Virtuous Cycle Consulting

Tom Flynn, Principal TSF Group

Tom Kruse, Program Director Rockefeller Brothers Fund

Tom O Keefe, N A

Tom Seibert,

Tony G Reames, Assistant Professor Urban Energy Justice Lab University of Michigan

Tori Linder, Conservationist

Tracey Osborne, Associate Professor Management of Complex Systems University of California Merced

Tracie Troxler, Executive Director Sunshine Community Compost

Trevien Stanger, Instructor of Environmental Studies Saint Michael s College VT

Trevor Neilson, CEO i x investments

Tricia Olson, President Colorado Rising

Tricia Van Eck, Co Director Edgewater Environmental Sustainability Project and 6018North

Trip McCrossin, Assistant Teaching Professor of Philosophy Rutgers University

Tyierra Beal, Tyierra Beal

Tyierra Beal, Real Estate Agent

Tyler C Brown, Transportation Planner

Ursula Lang, Minnesota Design Center University of Minnesota

Valerie Bentz Ph D , Professor School of Leadership Studies Fielding Graduate University

Valerie Esposito, Associate Professor and Director Environmental Studies and Policy Champlain College

Valerie J Amor, Founder Action Oriented Visionary Drawing Conclusions LLC

Valerie Thatcher, PhD no affiliation

Valissa Yoe, Makeup artist and Dj

Vandana Whitney, 350 Seattle Sierra Club GND Leadership Committee

Vanessa Garcia Polanco, Michigan State University

Vanessa Olandese, Climate Change Advocate Small business owner

Veekas Ashoka, Sunrise Movement NYC

Veta Wade, Director Fish N Fins Inc

Vic Burton, Citizen

Vic Thasiah, Associate Professor of Religion California Lutheran University

Vicki Assevero, Green Market Santa Cruz

Vicky Ellmore, Reusable Nation

Vien Truong, Principal Truong Associates

Vijay Das, Writer and Advocate

Vincent Morris, Exhibits Displays Coordinator

Virgil Pauls, Community Support Worker Artist and Writer

Virginia Downing, Graduate student

Virginia Hanusik, Artist and Advocate

Virginia Pannabecker, Signing as a member of the community At work Ia m Director Research Collaboration and Engagement University Libraries Virginia Tech

Virginia Pleasant, Vice President and Value Chain Coordinator NWI Food Council

Vito bellissimo, Tax payer

Wahleah Johns, Executive Director Native Renewables

Walter Bilderback, Freelance Dramaturg

Walter Linck, Environmental Program Specialist NYS Adirondack Park Agency

Wanda Guthrie Convener, EcoJustice Working Group Thomas Merton Center

Wanda Guthrie Convener , EcoJustice Working Group Thomas Merton Center

Wendy Fleischer, Consultant NY Renews

Wendy Ring MD MPH, Coordinator of Climate 911 and producer of Cool Solutions Radio

Werner Murez, WWF ambassador activist writer

Whitney McGuire, Co founder Sustainable Brooklyn

Whitney Strub, Rutgers University Newark History Dept

Will Fisher, Lecturer in Economics Humboldt State University

Will Glazik, Cow Creek Farm Co Owner

Will Merrifield, Candidate The Will Merrifield Campaign DC Council

Willem Klajbor, Oregon State University

William B Thorne, CUNY Graduate Center

William Brucher, Assistant Teaching Professor Labor Studies and Employment Relations Department Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations

William Callison, Visiting Assistant Professor of Government and Law Lafayette College

William Emery, Tannat

William Hakim, Violist Composer in NYC

William K Carroll, Professor of Sociology University of Victoria

William Saas, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric Louisiana State University Modern Money Network Money on the Left Research Fellow Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity

Winn Costantini, MIT Master in City Planning Candidate

Yahelia Laviolette, Owner of Ella Eliakim LLC

Yanna Lambrinidou, Campaign for Lead Free Water

Yara Beydoun, AmeriCorps

Yeman Brown, Artist

Yeshe Yesko, Educator and Naturalist

Zac Taylor, Research Fellow University of Leuven

Zachary Herman, Budget Analyst

Zachary Jones, Citizen

Zachary King, PhD Candidate Sociology University of California at Santa Barbara

Zachary LaGrou, Citizen

Zachary Lamb, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Zachary Nickerson, Education Outreach American Littoral Society

Zachary Radford, Citizen

Zachary Spicer, Sunrise Dartmouth

Zachary Williams, New York University College of Global Public Health

Zahur Ashrafuzzaman, Student McGill University

Zainab Koli, Co Founder Faithfully Sustainable

Zane Griffin Talley Cooper, Annenberg School for Communication University of Pennsylvania

Zdravka Tzankova, Department of Sociology Program in Public Policy Studies Vanderbilt University

Zeke Baker, Postdoctoral Research Associate University of Oklahoma Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies

Zoe Bracken, Associate Teacher Christ Church Day School

Zoe Johnston, SKY TING YOGA

Zofia Baumann, Assistant Research Professor University of Connecticut

ZoA VanGelder, No affiliation

alan feigenberg, CCNY School of Architecture

alfonso gerbolini, Veterinarian

andrew R zimmermann, Teacher NYCDOE

andrew kang bartlett, Food in Neighborhoods Community Coalition leadership team member

ava rollins, Ava Rollins Ava Rollins Associates Founder

dena allen, mmm

doug morris, West Chester University

ellen polishuk, Plant to Profit

john fite ph d , Psychologist

kenza fourati, model mafia

lendri purcell, Co Founder and President FACTS Families Advocating for Chemical and Toxics Safety

lisanne cole, miss

matthew seibert, The University of Virginia

max boykoff, Associate Professor

paki wieland, CODEPINK

scott franke, residential energy auditor

sless, ms

solveig nelson nilsin, Librarian

susan pelican, Registered Nurse Californa



Green Stimulus Proposal
Green Stimulus Proposal

Written by Green Stimulus Proposal

Climate and social policy experts in academia and civil society

Responses (8)