Free4Talk — A Platform to Improve Speaking

Green Academy
5 min readFeb 7, 2024


Speaking is the best way to communicate with other people. As the world is becoming more and more like a global village, individuals often need to interact with foreigners for various reasons, such as business, studies, online games, interviews, and social interactions. However, many of us are not accustomed to speaking. Either we feel shy or face difficulties in learning another language, especially English (the international language).

One of the best solutions to overcome speaking problems is to engage in conversations with others. Unfortunately, our relatives, friends, or neighbors may not always have the time to practice with us. As an alternative, people are turning to online platforms to enhance their speaking skills. Free4Talk is at the forefront, offering an environment to help you achieve improvement in this regard. Click here to join the platform.

1. Pros of Free4Talk

  • Completely free, although you can support the developer by buying a coffee.
  • A significant number of users from every part of the world and always you can connect with others to talk.
  • A simple way to create groups with specific languages with difficulty as well as topics.
  • Lots of customization related to the group to better suit the room-owner’s taste. For example, minimizing the number of people in a room, sharing links, videos, documents, etc.
  • Followers and Following options to be friends with others.

2. Cons of Free4Talk

  • A new user needs to be verified to access some of the features.
  • A minor amount of users who misuse the platform and unverified users may experience some unpleasant experiences.
  • Sign in option is a little bit unorthodox.

3. Features of Free4Talk

Fig 1: Different options available in Free4Talk.
  • Profile Creation: A new user can sign in using a Gmail account and the profile name and picture will be the same as the Gmail name and picture.
  • Creating group: By clicking on the button Create a new group, a user can create a group with different options.
Fig 2: The window where user can customize before creating a group.

Point to note that a user must be verified to edit Topic.

Fig 3: Condition to be verified.
  • Joining Group: A user can join in other groups also by simply clicking on a groups Join and talk now! button. User can also search or filter by specific language to find the desired group.
Fig 4: Groups created by different users.
  • Group Customization: After entering a group, a user must unmute yourself to talk with other joined members. If the internet signal is unstable, by changing the third option in the below image, a user can overcome the problem.
Fig 5: Audio, video, signal strength, and quit buttons.

The owner of the group can customize the group to make the group more aligned with the owner’s taste. Also, every member of the group can chat and share links, videos, or other files in the group. Feel free to use the below icons in a group to become more familiar with the usage of this platform.

Fig 6: An arsenal of options to get the best experience.
  • Becoming Friends: A user can follow other users by clicking their icon. When the user and another user are following each other they can be friends.
Fig 7: Click the icon of a user then press follow to be a follower of that user

By clicking the second button from the left in Figure 6, a user can observe the conditions of their friends, such as whether they are online, if online, whether they are joined in a group, and the user can also join that group. Additionally, the user can send messages to their friends.

These are some of the features of this amazing platform. Instead of providing all the information, you should explore this platform to experience the perks and benefits firsthand.

4. Tips Related Free4Talk

  • Try to get verified as early as possible, as verified members can access restricted features. Moreover, other veteran members on this platform may be more comfortable engaging in conversations with verified members. The quickest way to get verified is by requesting verification from other verified members after having conversations with them for some time.

N.B. Unverified members can’t follow other unverified members.

  • As people from every corner of the world join this platform, you may encounter unfortunate situations with rude individuals. My advice is to avoid them, and if you’re in a group, consider leaving it (if you are the owner, you can kick out misbehaving members from the group) and join another group instead.
  • Speaking of the kick-out option, be aware that you may also be removed, especially if you are unverified. Don’t be demotivated; instead, try to join groups that allow more than two members, providing a better chance for a positive and engaging experience.
  • Lastly, regularly join different groups and interact with people from diverse backgrounds, customs, ethnicities, and accents. I bet your experience will be worthwhile!

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Green Academy

An Aspiration Writer from Bangladesh. Love to Read and Write.