So, UX is ‘Dead,’ huh? Juniors, Let’s Talk.

Madison Green
4 min readAug 12, 2023
Image of white funeral flowers with the text “So, UX is dead, huh?” on the left side.

Long before the age of TikTok and the proliferation of boot camps, the world of design, especially UX, was enigmatic. It stood as an illustrious niche, whispered about in small circles, leaving those on the outside either pondering, “What the heck is that?” or entirely oblivious to its presence.

Traditionally, UX (and design in general) felt like an elite club, largely accessible only to those who majored in graphic design or computer science or any other major that allowed them access to state-of-the-art STEM buildings on their college campuses. There was a palpable air of exclusivity to it.

However, the rise of awareness for UX has dramatically shifted this landscape. It not only democratized access to design knowledge but also made UX as a concept feel more approachable. With the influx of resources and online courses, what once felt like a distant concept was suddenly an achievable dream for many. The previously homogeneous(-ish) world of design was suddenly flooded with broader representation, spanning genders, educational backgrounds, and ethnicities.

That, to put it plainly, is a positive thing. However, in these uncertain economic times flooded with layoffs, and an unprecedented amount of interest in the industry, the general scope of UX in regard to hiring has whittled down. Having said that, if you’re trying…



Madison Green

Full-time interaction design consultant creating accessible, human-centered, research-backed design.