Green Drop: Your Trusted Tree Doctor

4 min readOct 26, 2023

In the world of tree care, the name to remember is Green Drop. With a passion for preserving the beauty of nature and an unwavering commitment to maintaining the health of trees, Green Drop is your trusted tree doctor. Our tree care services are designed to ensure the longevity, vitality, and aesthetic appeal of your trees, and we’re here to help you make informed decisions about the care of your arboreal companions.

Tree Care: A Comprehensive Approach

At Green Drop, we believe that tree care is not just a service but a responsibility. We understand that trees are an integral part of the ecosystem, providing oxygen, shelter, and beauty to our surroundings. That’s why we approach tree care with a holistic and comprehensive mindset. Our experts specialize in a range of services to cater to all your tree care needs, including:

1. Tree Pruning and Trimming

Proper pruning and trimming are essential to maintain the health and aesthetics of your trees. Our experienced arborists use expert techniques to ensure your trees are pruned with precision, encouraging healthy growth and eliminating safety hazards.

2. Tree Disease Diagnosis and Treatment

Trees can fall victim to various diseases, and early diagnosis is crucial for their survival. Green Drop’s team of experts can identify and treat tree diseases, ensuring your trees remain vibrant and disease-free.

3. Tree Removal and Stump Grinding

At times, tree evacuation is important for wellbeing or stylish reasons. Our skilled professionals can safely remove trees and grind stumps, leaving your property clean and ready for new plantings.

4. Tree Fertilization

Proper nourishment is essential for the vitality of your trees. Our fertilization services are designed to provide your trees with the nutrients they need to thrive and resist pests and diseases.

5. Tree Planting and Transplanting

If you wish to add new trees to your property or relocate existing ones, Green Drop can help you choose the right species, location, and planting techniques to ensure successful growth.

6. Emergency Tree Services

Storms and unexpected events can lead to fallen trees and branches. Our emergency tree services are available 24/7 to address such situations promptly.

Why Choose Green Drop?

  1. Expertise: Our team of certified arborists and tree care professionals brings years of experience and deep knowledge of tree care to every project.
  2. Quality Service: We take pride in delivering top-quality tree care services. Our attention to detail ensures that your trees receive the care they deserve.
  3. Customer-Centric Approach: At Green Drop, we prioritize our customers. We listen to your needs, provide expert advice, and tailor our services to meet your requirements.
  4. Safety First: Tree care can be hazardous work. We adhere to the highest safety standards to protect our team, your property, and your trees.
  5. Eco-Friendly Practices: We are committed to eco-friendly and sustainable tree care practices, ensuring that your trees thrive while minimizing our environmental impact.
tree doctor

FAQs: Your Tree Care Questions Answered

1. What services does Green Drop Tree Care offer?

At Green Drop Tree Care, we provide a wide range of tree care services to meet your specific needs. Our services include tree trimming, tree removal, stump grinding, tree health assessments, insect and disease management, and tree planting. Whether you need routine tree maintenance or have a tree emergency, we have you covered.

2. Why is tree trimming important, and how often should I have it done?

Tree managing is fundamental to keep up with the wellbeing and feel of your trees. Regular pruning helps remove dead or diseased branches, promotes new growth, and reduces the risk of falling branches. The frequency of tree trimming depends on the tree species, its age, and its specific needs. Our certified arborists can assess your trees and recommend a suitable trimming schedule.

3. Are your tree care professionals certified and insured?

Yes, our tree care professionals are certified arborists with extensive training and experience in tree care. We are fully insured to provide you with peace of mind during every tree care service we perform

4. Can Green Drop Tree Care help with tree planting and selection?

Yes, we offer tree planting services and can help you select the right tree species for your property. Factors like soil type, climate, and available space are considered when choosing the best tree for your needs. We’ll ensure the tree is planted correctly and has the best chance to thrive.

5. How do I know if my tree is diseased or infested with pests?

Common signs of tree disease or pest infestations include wilting leaves, discolored or misshapen leaves, unusual spots, and the presence of pests like borers or scale insects. If you suspect your tree is in trouble, our arborists can diagnose the issue and recommend the appropriate treatment.

Contact Green Drop Today

Your trees deserve the best care, and Green Drop is here to provide it. For all your tree care needs, from pruning to disease treatment and everything in between, trust the experts at Green Drop. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and let us be your tree doctor. Your trees will thank you.




Green Drop provides residential and commercial lawn care services and weed control.