What is the EPR policy for tyre waste?

3 min readMay 20, 2024


The growing automotive industry and the resultant increase in the number of end-of-life tyres, the management of tyre waste is becoming a critical environmental issue.

EPR Registration for Waste Tyres
This image is taken from unsplash

To address this issue, the EPR registration for tyre waste comes in picture. The policy holds manufacturers accountable for the lifecycle of their products, including post-consumer waste.

What is the Framework of EPR policy for tyre waste?

Extended Producer Responsibility is a policy mechanism that extends the producer’s responsibility for a product to post consumer state of its lifecycle. The EPR mandates the manufacturers of tyre and importers to take back used tyres for recycling or proper disposal, thus ensuring the environmental impact is minimized.

What are features of EPR policy for tyre waste?

1. Responsibility of the producers: Tyre manufacturers and importers are required to collect and process waste tyres in an eco-friendly manner. They must establish collection centers or partner with the authorized waste management firms to ensure the proper disposal and recycling of the used tyres.

2. Recycling targets: The concerned authorities along with the government sets the annual recycling targets for tyre producers to achieve. These targets are designed to increase every year promoting higher recycling rates and encouraging innovation in recycling technologies.

3. Use of recycled materials: The policy encourages the use of recycled rubber in various applications like asphalt for road construction, playground materials and other rubber-based products. This not only helps in waste reduction but also in conserving natural resources.

What are challenges in implementing EPR for tyre waste?

EPR Registration for Tyre waste faces several challenges that include-

· Limitations of infrastructure: There is a need for more recycling facilities capable of handling the complex processes involved in tyre recycling.

· Compliance and monitoring: Robust monitoring and enforcement mechanisms are required while ensuring compliance with EPR that are still in the developing stage in many parts of India.

· Awareness and participation: It is important that the consumers are aware of tyre take back schemes for the success of EPR policy.

What are the benefits of EPR policy?

EPR policy for tyre waste in India offers numerous benefits that include-

· Environmental protection: Proper recycling and disposal of tyres minimize the environmental pollution and the risk associated with tyre fires.

· Economic growth: The recycling of tyre can create economic opportunities and jobs, contributing to the circular economy.

· Sustainability: By promoting the use of recycled materials, EPR contributes to sustainable consumption and production patterns.

The EPR policy of tyre waste represents an important step towards the sustainable waste management. There are many challenges in its implementation; however it fosters potential benefits in terms of environmental protection, economic growth, and resource sustainability.

Active participation of the stakeholders along with continuous refinement and strengthening of policy framework helps realize the benefits fully. With the economic development of the country, such proactive measures will align development with sustainability.

Also Read : What are the EPR categories of plastics?




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