Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy In (2019)

Oliver Jones
2 min readDec 9, 2019


Solar power is the key to a clean energy future.

Every day, the sun gives off far more energy than we need to power everything on earth. The amount of energy sun provides to earth in one hour is enough to meet the global energy needs for more than a year. Hence the solar energy’s share is growing rapidly across the globe.

If you are not the part of this revolution, then you must be sceptical about its advantages over disadvantages. Is it worth to be part of the green energy concept?
Is it really easy and efficient on both our pockets and the environment?

As a smart citizen, you must compare the advantages and disadvantages of using solar energy. If you are willing to be part of this greener revolution but are sceptical about how economical and environment-friendly it is, we will show you the advantages and disadvantages.

In the end, it boils down to what fits you the best under what conditions.

Let’s take a look.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Solar Energy


  • Renewable
  • Easily Adoptable
  • Less Co2 Emissions
  • Reduced Electricity Bills
  • Low Maintainance Costs


  • Installation Cost
  • Weather Dependent
  • Space



Out of all the benefits of solar panels, the most significant one is that solar energy is a completely renewable energy source. It is available everywhere in the world, every day. We are never going to run out of solar energy, unlike some of the other sources of energy like oil, gas or coal.

Solar energy is going to stay with us as long as the sun is here. We are going to have sun for 5 billion years, that’s what scientists say.

So you don’t need to worry about ever running out of solar energy.

Easily Adoptable

Solar energy has a significant number of advantages over other sources of energy, one of them is that you can have your own source of energy. As the installation costs are going down, the benefits of having solar-powered houses are increasing significantly. It is becoming more practical year after year. All across the world, Installation charges are significantly dropping.

There are other energy sources, but most of them are technology-intensive. In most cases, they are developed and controlled by the government.

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