Offering Joe Manchin’s Daughter the most important job in America.

DSA for a Green New Deal
4 min readOct 12, 2021


On October 12th, 2021, Pittsburgh DSA, Sunrise Pittsburgh, and Ohio Valley Environmental Resistance delivered a job offer to the $10 million home of Joe Manchin’s daughter, Heather Bresch. The letter reads:

Dear Mrs. Bresch,

Congratulations! After reviewing your resume as the top lobbyist for pharmaceutical giant Mylan, We, the People, are offering you the most important job in the country:

Lobbying Senator Joe Manchin to pass the full, 3.5T Build Back Better Act, with no cuts to its vital climate, education, labor, or other social programs.

Why? The Build Back Better Act enjoys supermajority support among Americans, including 68% of West Virginians. But Senator Joe Manchin does not listen to his constituents, and is trying to cut the bill into nothing.

So, we need someone he will listen to. For three reasons, we believe that is you:

1. Mylan first hired you as a personal favor to Senator Manchin.

2. In your time as Mylan’s top lobbyist and CEO, Mylan was a top donor to Senator Manchin.

3. You are the daughter of Senator Manchin.

Together, these three qualifications make you especially suited for the job convincing Senator Manchin to stop pushing unpopular cuts. Cuts which will, literally, prevent hundreds of thousands of people from being able to live indoors, millions from being able to afford essential medicine, and billions of non-Manchin children from growing up in a livable climate.

Getting to work bright and early to offering Heather Bresch the most important job in America.

The two reasons Senator Manchin has given for opposing and cutting the bill are A. that his state agrees and B. that it will create an “entitlement society.” On A. you can’t do much, since this is just mathematically false. But on B., we feel you have a shot.

We are just ordinary students, teachers, parents, and workers trying to make life livable through the Build Back Better Act’s $82 billion in green school retrofits (removing toxic lead and mold), its vital PRO Act provisions to protect workers risking their livelihoods to unionize, and its Civilian Climate Corps, which will enable us to work hard repairing the places we live.

We don’t have the expertise on entitlement that Joe Manchin does. After all, he got his first job out of college working at one of the multiple furniture stores owned by his parents — a rare entitlement reserved you can only get if your parents own multiple stores.

Why use use your elected office to help people when you can use it to grow the Manchin family business?

But as a Manchin, you do have that expertise. A Fortune 500 CEO hiring you as a personal favor to one of the most powerful politicians in Washington? Becoming that company’s top lobbyist to DC? Getting the chance to be one of the top corporate donors to your own Senator father, while raising the price of Epipens 391%?

When it comes to “entitlement society,” your expertise is rivaled only by your brother Joe Manchin IV, who makes his millions from the coal company your father gave him.

Like the vast majority of Americans, we do not have powerful fathers who can ask Fortune 500 CEO’s to appoint us, or hand down multimillion dollar coal companies to run. Nor do we have hundreds of thousands of dollars of those companies’ profits to pay him with.

Not a single one of us has a parent that could be described as one of America’s most powerful politicians.

But you do. So if the Manchins value hard work the way they always say, then you’ll accept this offer to do your hardest, most important work yet: lobbying Senator Joe Manchin to stop destroying our future, and pass the full Build Back Better Act, cut-free.

If he won’t listen to his daughter, he might listen to a lobbyist.


Pittsburgh DSA, Sunrise Pittsburgh, & Ohio Valley Environmental Resistance

Manchin is doing his best to destroy this bill and the climate so please reply ASAP!



DSA for a Green New Deal

Democratic Socialists of America’s national Green New Deal Campaign. Includes the PRO Act and Green New Deal for Public Schools.