In-App Purchase in React Native: A Comprehensive Guide

Olga Green
11 min readJul 26, 2023


In-app purchases have become a crucial revenue stream for mobile applications, enabling developers to monetize their products while providing users with a seamless and convenient purchasing experience. React Native, a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile apps, offers robust support for implementing in-app purchases in both iOS and Android applications. In this comprehensive blog guide, we will explore the world of in app purchase React Native, covering the fundamentals, implementation steps, best practices, and tips for successfully integrating in-app purchase functionality into your mobile applications.

react native
Photo by Gilles Lambert

Understanding In-App Purchase

In-app purchase refers to the ability for users to buy digital goods or services directly within a mobile application. These purchases typically include virtual items, premium features, subscriptions, ad-free experiences, and more. In-app purchases are facilitated through app stores (such as Apple App Store and Google Play Store), which handle payment processing and revenue distribution between developers and platform providers.

Importance of In-App Purchases for Mobile Apps

In-app purchases have transformed the mobile app landscape, offering numerous benefits for developers and users alike:

  • Monetization Opportunity: In-app purchases provide a sustainable revenue stream for app developers, enabling them to offer a free-to-download app while monetizing through in-app purchases.
  • Enhanced User Experience: In-app purchases allow developers to offer premium content and features that enhance the overall user experience and engagement.
  • Subscription-Based Revenue: Subscription-based in-app purchases provide recurring revenue, making them ideal for content-based apps, services, and subscriptions.
  • Frequent Updates and Content Refresh: In-app purchases encourage developers to provide regular updates and fresh content to keep users engaged and coming back for more.
  • Personalization and Upselling: Developers can use in-app purchases to offer personalized recommendations, upsell related products, and promote special offers to users.

In the following sections, we will dive into the practical implementation of React Native IAP, including setting up your project, understanding different types of in-app purchases, and best practices for successful integration.

Preparing Your Project for In-App Purchase

Setting Up React Native Environment

Before implementing in-app purchases, ensure that you have a functioning React Native environment set up on your development machine. You’ll need Node.js, npm (Node Package Manager), and the React Native CLI installed. You can create a new React Native project using the following command:

npx react-native init MyApp
cd MyApp

Configuring iOS and Android Projects

For in-app purchases to work on both iOS and Android platforms, you need to configure your project accordingly.

iOS Configuration:

  1. Open your React Native project in Xcode.
  2. Enable In-App Purchase capability for your app in Xcode by going to “Signing & Capabilities” and adding the “In-App Purchase” capability.
  3. Obtain an App ID and set up a provisioning profile for your app in the Apple Developer account.
  4. Add the necessary products (in-app purchase items) in App Store Connect.
  5. Add the StoreKit framework to your Xcode project if it’s not already present.

Android Configuration:

  1. Open your React Native project in Android Studio.
  2. Update the android/app/build.gradle file to include the billing library:
dependencies {
// Other dependencies
implementation ""

3. Register your app in the Google Play Console.

4. Create the in-app products (managed products or subscriptions) in the Google Play Console.

Registering for Developer Accounts

To enable in-app purchases for both iOS and Android platforms, you need to have developer accounts for the respective app stores:

  • Apple Developer Account: Register for an Apple Developer Account to distribute your app on the Apple App Store and enable in-app purchases for iOS devices.
  • Google Play Developer Account: Register for a Google Play Developer Account to distribute your app on the Google Play Store and enable in-app purchases for Android devices.

Once your developer accounts are set up, you can proceed with the implementation of in-app purchases in your React Native app.

In the upcoming sections, we will explore the different types of in-app purchases, their implementation in React Native, and best practices for a successful integration. Let’s dive in!

Types of In-App Purchases

In-app purchases can be categorized into three main types based on their usage and consumption:

Consumable In-App Purchases

Consumable in-app purchases are digital items that users can buy and use multiple times. These items are typically used up or consumed upon purchase and require repurchase for subsequent use.

Examples of consumable in-app purchases include virtual currencies, power-ups, extra lives in games, or one-time access to premium features.

Non-Consumable In-App Purchases

Non-consumable in-app purchases are digital items that users buy once and can use indefinitely. Once purchased, these items remain available to the user across different devices and app installations.

Examples of non-consumable in-app purchases include removing ads, unlocking premium content, or purchasing a full version of an app.

Subscription In-App Purchases

Subscription in-app purchases provide users with access to content, services, or features for a specified duration. Subscriptions typically auto-renew at the end of the subscription period unless the user cancels the subscription.

Examples of subscription in-app purchases include access to premium content, cloud storage, or premium features in a productivity app.

Each type of in-app purchase has its implementation requirements and considerations. In the following sections, we will explore how to implement each type of in app purchase in React Native and discuss best practices for a seamless user experience.

in app purchase react native
Photo by Deepak Kumar

Implementing In-App Purchase in React Native

Implementing in-app purchases in React Native involves several steps, including setting up necessary libraries, handling user authentication, fetching product information, and processing purchase events. Let’s go through each step in detail.

Setting Up In-App Purchase Libraries

To enable in-app purchases in React Native, we need to use libraries that provide platform-specific functionality. Two popular libraries for implementing in-app purchases are react-native-iap and react-native-billing.

Using react-native-iap:

react-native-iap is a powerful library for implementing in-app purchases on both iOS and Android platforms. It provides a unified API for handling in-app purchases and subscriptions.

To install react-native-iap, run the following command in your React Native project:

npm install react-native-iap --save

Next, link the library using the React Native CLI:

react-native link react-native-iap

Using react-native-billing:

react-native-billing is a library specifically designed for handling in-app purchases on Android devices.

To install react-native-billing, run the following command:

npm install react-native-billing --save

Link the library using the React Native CLI:

react-native link react-native-billing

For iOS, the installation process requires additional steps, including adding the necessary Xcode configurations and adding in-app purchase products in App Store Connect. The exact steps depend on the specific library you choose and the platforms you are targeting.

Handling User Authorization and Authentication

Before users can make in-app purchases, they must be authenticated with their respective app store accounts. This step is essential for ensuring secure transactions and adherence to app store guidelines.

On iOS, user authentication is handled through the Apple ID that the user is signed in with on their device. On Android, users need to be logged in with their Google Play Store account.

To implement user authentication, you can use platform-specific methods provided by the in-app purchase libraries.

Product Listing and Fetching

Once user authentication is complete, the next step is to fetch the available in-app purchase products from the app store. The list of products contains information such as product IDs, titles, descriptions, and pricing details.

Both react-native-iap and react-native-billing libraries provide methods to fetch the product information from the app store.

Here’s an example of fetching product information using react-native-iap:

import { InAppPurchase } from 'react-native-iap';
// Product IDs for in-app purchases
const productIds = ['com.example.product1', 'com.example.product2'];
// Fetch product information from the app store
InAppPurchase.getProducts(productIds).then((products) => {
console.log('Products:', products);
}).catch((error) => {
console.log('Error fetching products:', error);

Handling Purchase Events

Once users select an in-app purchase product, the purchase event needs to be handled. On successful purchase, users gain access to the purchased item or feature, and developers should update the app’s state accordingly.

For successful purchases, developers should also provide a mechanism for users to restore their purchases if they switch devices or reinstall the app.

Both react-native-iap and react-native-billing libraries provide methods to handle purchase events and restore purchases.

Here’s an example of handling a purchase event using react-native-iap:

import { InAppPurchase, purchaseUpdatedListener } from 'react-native-iap';
// Set up a listener for purchase updates
purchaseUpdatedListener(async (purchase) => {
if (purchase.purchaseStateAndroid === 'Purchased') {
// Purchase successful, grant access to the purchased item
console.log('Purchase successful:', purchase.productId);
} else if (purchase.purchaseStateAndroid === 'Restored') {
// Purchase restored, grant access to the restored item
console.log('Purchase restored:', purchase.productId);

Testing In-App Purchases

Before releasing your app to the app stores, it’s crucial to thoroughly test the in-app purchase functionality in a controlled environment. Both Apple App Store and Google Play Store provide test environments for developers to test in-app purchases without actual payments.

iOS Testing with StoreKit Sandbox:

On iOS, you can test in-app purchases using the StoreKit Sandbox environment. To do this, you need to create test user accounts in App Store Connect and use those accounts for testing in-app purchases.

Android Testing with Google Play Billing Library Test Environment:

On Android, you can test in-app purchases using the Google Play Billing Library’s test environment. You can configure your app to use the test version of the Google Play Store, where purchases are simulated without actual charges.

Remember to test various scenarios, such as successful purchases, purchase failures, canceled purchases, and restoring purchases to ensure that your app handles these situations gracefully.

Verifying Purchases on the Server

For additional security and to prevent fraud, it’s essential to verify purchases on your server before granting access to the purchased content. Both Apple App Store and Google Play Store provide purchase receipts that you can send to your server for verification.

On your server, you can verify the receipts by making API calls to the respective app store servers and cross-checking the purchase information with the app store’s response.

In the next section, we will discuss best practices for implementing in-app purchases to ensure a seamless user experience and compliance with app store guidelines.

Best Practices for In-App Purchase Implementation

Implementing in-app purchases requires careful consideration to provide users with a seamless and secure experience while maximizing revenue generation. Here are some best practices to follow when integrating in-app purchases into your React Native app:

1. Providing Clear Product Descriptions

Ensure that each in-app purchase product has a clear and concise description that explains its benefits and features. Users should have a good understanding of what they are buying before making a purchase.

2. Offering a Seamless Purchase Flow

Design a straightforward and intuitive purchase flow that minimizes friction for users. Avoid unnecessary steps or distractions that might lead users to abandon the purchase process.

3. Handling Errors and Edge Cases

Implement robust error handling to deal with network issues, failed transactions, and other edge cases gracefully. Provide informative error messages to users and offer assistance to resolve issues.

4. Ensuring Security and Data Privacy

Protect user data and payment information by using secure connections (HTTPS) and complying with data privacy regulations. Avoid storing sensitive user data on the device or server unnecessarily.

5. Implementing Auto-Renewable Subscriptions

If your app offers subscription-based in-app purchases, consider implementing auto-renewable subscriptions. This model ensures continuous revenue flow and better user retention.

6. Localizing In-App Purchase Information

If your app targets users from different regions or countries, provide localized product information, including pricing and descriptions. Localized information enhances the user experience and increases conversion rates.

7. Displaying Localized Pricing

Show localized pricing in the user’s currency to make the purchase experience more familiar and transparent. Use platform-specific APIs to retrieve localized pricing information from the app store.

By following these best practices, you can create a seamless and delightful in-app purchase experience for your users, leading to increased user satisfaction and higher revenue generation.

In the next section, we will explore handling subscriptions and renewals, which play a significant role in recurring revenue generation for content-based apps and services.

in app purchase
Photo by Peter Gombos

Handling Subscriptions and Renewals

Subscription-based in-app purchases provide a steady stream of recurring revenue for app developers. Handling subscriptions and renewals requires careful consideration to maintain a positive user experience and adhere to app store guidelines.

Implementing Auto-Renewable Subscriptions

Auto-renewable subscriptions automatically renew at the end of their billing periods unless the user cancels the subscription. This model is ideal for content-based apps, streaming services, and premium features that users want access to on an ongoing basis.

To implement auto-renewable subscriptions, you need to set up the subscription products in the app store’s developer console (App Store Connect for iOS and Google Play Console for Android).

For iOS, you also need to implement receipt validation on your server to verify the user’s subscription status. Apple provides a Receipt Validation guide that you can follow to implement this verification process.

Handling Subscription Expirations

When a user’s subscription expires or is canceled, it’s essential to handle this event appropriately within the app. Provide clear notifications to users about the subscription expiration, and gracefully degrade the user experience to the free or limited version of the app, if applicable.

Consider offering incentives to users to renew their subscriptions, such as discounts or special offers. Personalized reminders can also be effective in encouraging users to renew their subscriptions.

In the upcoming sections, we will cover localization and pricing strategies, analytics, and insights to optimize your in-app purchase strategy for improved user engagement and revenue growth.


In this comprehensive guide, we delved into the world of in-app purchases in React Native, exploring the fundamentals, implementation steps, best practices, and tips for successfully integrating in-app purchase functionality into mobile applications. We began by understanding the importance of in-app purchases as a revenue stream for React Native app developers and their significance in enhancing the user experience by offering premium content, features, and subscriptions.

In conclusion, in-app purchases are a powerful tool for app developers to monetize their mobile applications while providing added value to users. By implementing in-app purchases in React Native with care and adhering to best practices, developers can create a positive and rewarding user experience that drives revenue growth.

As a leading software development company, CronJ possesses extensive expertise in building mobile applications with React Native and implementing in-app purchase functionality. With a team of skilled developers experienced in mobile app development and revenue optimization, CronJ React web development company is a trusted expert in delivering successful solutions for clients across various industries.


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Olga Green

Hello! I’m Olga Green. My design practice combines design thinking, user research and experience strategy.