Links in HTML: Types and Uses

Olga Green
6 min readMar 31, 2023


Links in HTML are one of the most important elements that enable navigation and connectivity within a website. They are used to create hyperlinks that connect one webpage to another or to external sources such as documents, images, and videos. In this blog post, we will explore what links in HTML are, how they work, and the different types of HTML links available.

html links
Photo by Growtika

What are Links in HTML?

Links in HTML are elements that allow users to navigate through a website by clicking on hyperlinks. Hyperlinks are clickable elements that direct the user to a new webpage, document, or resource. They are created using the HTML <a> tag, which stands for “anchor.”

Hyperlinks are created by adding the URL of the destination webpage or resource to the <a> tag. When a user clicks on a hyperlink, the browser opens the destination webpage or resource in a new tab or window.

How do Links in HTML work?

Links in HTML work by using a combination of HTML code and the user’s web browser. The HTML code defines the hyperlink by specifying the URL of the destination webpage or resource and the text that will be displayed as the link. The user’s web browser then uses this information to create a clickable hyperlink that the user can click on to navigate to the destination webpage or resource.

Different Types of Links in HTML

There are several types of links in HTML, each with its own specific use and purpose. In this section, we will explore some of the most common types of links in HTML.

  1. Internal links: Internal links are hyperlinks that connect one webpage to another page within the same website. They are commonly used to create navigation menus, to link to related pages, or to provide users with additional information about a topic.

Internal links are created using the HTML <a> tag and the relative URL of the destination page. For example, if you want to create a link to a page named “about.html” within your website, you would use the following code:

<a href="about.html">About</a>

When a user clicks on the “About” link, they will be directed to the “about.html” page within the same website.

Photo by Jackson Sophat

2. External links: External links are hyperlinks that connect one webpage to a page on a different website. They are commonly used to provide users with additional information or resources about a topic.

External links are created using the HTML <a> tag and the full URL of the destination page. For example, if you want to create a link to the Wikipedia page for “HTML,” you would use the following code:

<a href="">HTML on Wikipedia</a>

When a user clicks on the “HTML on Wikipedia” link, they will be directed to the Wikipedia page for “HTML.”

3. Image links: Image links are hyperlinks that use images as the clickable element. They are commonly used to create visually appealing navigation menus or to link to related pages.

Image links are created using the HTML <a> tag and the <img> tag. For example, if you want to create an image link to a page named “contact.html” within your website, you would use the following code:

<a href="contact.html"><img src="images/contact.png" alt="Contact Us"></a>

When a user clicks on the “Contact Us” image, they will be directed to the “contact.html” page within the same website.

4. Email links: Email links are hyperlinks that allow users to send an email directly from a webpage. They are commonly used to provide users with a way to contact the website owner or to send feedback.

Email links are created using the HTML <a> tag and the “mailto” protocol. For example, if you want to create an email link that allows users to send an email to “,” you would use the following code:

<a href="">Contact Us</a>

When a user clicks on the “Contact Us” link, their default email client will open with the “To” field populated with “”

Links in HTML are an essential part of creating a user-friendly and functional website. They allow users to navigate through a website and connect with external resources such as documents, images, and videos.

links in html
Photo by Jackson Sophat

Uses of links in HTML

Links in HTML are a fundamental component of web development, enabling navigation and connectivity within a website. They provide users with a way to move between web pages, access external resources, and interact with website elements. In this section, we will explore some of the most common uses of links in HTML.

  1. Navigation: One of the primary uses of HTML links is to provide navigation within a website. Internal links are used to connect one webpage to another page within the same website, enabling users to move between web pages easily. Navigation menus, breadcrumb trails, and internal linking strategies are all common examples of using links for navigation purposes.
  2. External resources: Links in HTML are also used to provide users with access to external resources such as documents, images, videos, and other websites. External links are used to connect one webpage to a page on a different website, enabling users to access resources that are not hosted on the same website. This is commonly used for providing additional information or resources related to a topic or product.
  3. Call-to-action: Links in HTML can also be used as call-to-action (CTA) elements, encouraging users to take a specific action such as making a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter. CTA links are typically designed to be visually distinct from other links on a web page, using techniques such as color, font size, and placement to draw attention to the link.
  4. Image links: Links in HTML can be combined with images to create visually appealing and interactive elements on a web page. Image links are commonly used for navigation purposes, linking to related pages or providing users with access to external resources. Image links can be created using the HTML <a> tag and the <img> tag.
  5. Email links: Links in HTML can also be used to provide users with a way to contact a website owner or to send feedback. Email links use the “mailto” protocol to open the user’s default email client with the “To” field populated with a specific email address.

Links in HTML are an essential part of creating a user-friendly and functional website. Internal links, external links, image links, and email links are some of the most common types of links used in HTML.

types of links in html
Photo by Valery Sysoev


Links in HTML are a crucial component of web development, as they enable navigation and connectivity within a website. Internal links, external links, image links, and email links are the most common types of links used in HTML, and each has its own specific use and purpose. By understanding how to use links effectively, web developers can create effective and efficient websites that meet the needs of their users.

CronJ is an expert in HTML development, providing businesses with the expertise and resources to create effective and efficient websites. With a focus on quality, efficiency, and customer satisfaction, CronJ is committed to providing businesses with the best HTML development solutions. Whether you need internal links, external links, image links, or email links, CronJ has the expertise and resources to meet your HTML development needs.




Olga Green

Hello! I’m Olga Green. My design practice combines design thinking, user research and experience strategy.