Passing the TPP Would Be a Disaster for Communities and the Environment

Greenpeace USA
1 min readNov 7, 2015

As should be expected from any secretive negotiating process, this text makes clear that this agreement is a grave threat to environmental health and should be rejected by Congress when it comes up for a vote.

The text includes toothless ocean conservation provisions with slippery language that encourages but does not require bans on trade in illegal timber, shark finning, commercial whaling and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

It fails to reference climate change at all, while opening new legal pathways for corporate polluters. It would accelerate our climate crisis by facilitating the export of natural gas, encouraging more fracking and methane emissions.

President Obama has stated that he wants to be a leader on climate, and has shown true climate leadership by halting Arctic drilling and rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline. But the TPP contradicts the very environmental legacy he’s worked to build, particularly as it comes on the cusp of the Paris climate summit.

We urge Congress to show the vision and leadership necessary to protect our planet by rejecting the TPP.

Read more in statements from Greenpeace USA and Greenpeace Australia-Pacific and analysis from the Sierra Club.



Greenpeace USA

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