2019: The Year of GSP Case Studies

Greensboro SEO Pro
3 min readJan 3, 2019

SEOs don’t always like to do case studies — for good reason.

  1. We don’t want to pay for them.
  2. We don’t want to spend the time on them.
  3. We don’t want our clients to become targets.
  4. We don’t want to give away our secrets.

There’s probably more.

But these have been the main ones for Greensboro SEO Pro.

Now though, all of that changes.

Why Now?

2018 was all about honing our systems and processes.

We were quite successful.

We’re much in all facets. We do better work, faster and more consistently. We manage projects better. And we are in a different league altogether when it comes to customer service and onboarding.

Luckily, SEO evolution has slowed down a bit.

The few changes that are trickling into search now bring the market to us more and more. We simply have a better long term view of where the web is going. That’s because we’re a small team of millennial digital marketers.

SEO will likely undergo another period of major changes soon. This will play in our favor. Now, we’re positioning ourselves for that time.

The work we do makes the web a better place.

It’s time we started to share more about how we do it.

Putting On Our Big Boy Undies

It’s time we made a name for ourselves.

Obviously, our name isn’t built for national recognition.

So what?

We’ll just get by on quality. This year, we plan to create lots of SEO training content. Some will come via the blog. Another large portion will come via our YouTube channel. And we’ll undoubtedly use platforms like Medium, Linked In, and Facebook as well.

We’re looking at:

  • Case Studies for Specific Industries
  • Long Form Training Videos of All Types
  • Short Videos That Also Help with Onboarding
  • In-Depth Guides on SEO Topics

We already have a few examples since our relaunch.

Case Studies:

SEO How Tos:

SEO Musings:

Not a bad start. We also have much more brewing behind the scenes.

2019 is going to be strong.

But still, there is something left to address.

Beating Negative SEO

When we got into SEO, negative SEO was a major concern.

Now, there is a lot of propaganda that says “black hat” SEO doesn’t work.

This isn’t actually true.

But it’s a good thing that people believe it:

Less people looking into the Dark Arts of Black Hat SEO, means less people who find the “expert” black hat tactic of negative SEO.

Fortunately, we learned how to protect against negative SEO early on.

There’s actually a lot you can do to fight off negative SEO attacks. If you understand what’s really going on, you can turn them to your advantage.

It’s crucial though, that you have the right foundation.

Now, we only accept clients willing to give us full control of their website, major social profiles, and other related campaigns.

This means we do better work and make strong promises.

We’re also much better equipped to react to negative SEO attacks that do come up. Through systems and experience, we’ve gain confidence.

Now, it’s time to show our stuff… we’ll be doing so all of 2019.

Stay tuned.

We’re going to take over North Carolina SEO. Then we’re going to begin the climb to the first page of Google for “SEO Expert” on a national level.

