Why do we cut down trees?


Wood is that the most renewable and environmentally-friendly stuff at our disposal. Harvesting wood requires the cutting of trees. Timber harvest meets a large varies of forest objectives on the far side simply wood.

Why do we cut down a tree?

Here are the top reasons

First, we all use wood. Lots of wood- At least four to five pounds every day. This is a good thing. Managed forests grow wood forever, and we currently grow far more wood than we use. Other raw materials have restricted provides, even if some of them occur in abundance. Full life cycle accounting for carbon and energy clearly demonstrates wood is far more sustainable than other raw materials. Substituting wood for other materials, where possible, is nearly always the more eco-friendly choice. and also we can manufacture wooden pallets and the wooden pallets furniture with the used wood.

Second, removing the proper trees from a ground space helps maintain forest health and vigor. This is the only best thanks to forestall or minimize the consequences of insects and diseases. Nature encompasses a peculiar habit of killing forests in dramatic, if sometimes gradual, ways. This is very true of our current forests, which are results of extreme disturbance from the historic logging era.

Third, a managed forest will greatly enhance the money price of trees. Money from the forest may be a smart objective and might be quite money making if done properly. Tens of several acres square measure managed this fashion by companies that report back to stockholders. Many IRA retirement portfolios include these companies. It works.

Fourth, cutting trees encourages regeneration and future forests. Different tree species have totally different needs for lightweight, soil, water, etc. Opening-up a interchange the simplest way that encourages desired species is vital to get the types of forest we wish to examine.

Fifth, managed forests turn out higher quality and a larger quantity of ecological services, such as soil quality, clean water, carbon sequestration, nutrient retention and more. Essentially, we get more “stuff” when we manage. Nature doesn’t work for U.S.A., however we will manage forests to figure for U.S.A…

Sixth, human increase and demand for forest product and services square measure increasing. Forest area, on the other hand, is not. The rate at that the forest has been increasing is starting to slow. More and additional forest is being parcelized, contributing to millions of forest acres that are far more difficult to manage than larger tracts. This means managing forest acres that stay out there to management can become more and more necessary.

Seventh, most species of life, particularly vertebrate life, depend upon forests for at least part of their habitat requirements. There square measure varied samples of animal species that are brought back from low populations through forest management. The poster child, perhaps, is the Kirtland’s warbler. Cutting trees is a vital tool for making environs conditions for several life species, especially species.

Eighth, cutting trees is key to forest restoration efforts. The overwhelming majority of our forest has been extremely altered by past practices, mostly historic and some more recently. Nature, by itself, can rarely work on these restoration pathways.

Ninth, several dozens of non-timber forest product is inspired by forest management. Maple sirup, blueberries, mushrooms, nuts, fruits, medicines and craft materials are just a few products that contribute to hobbies and cottage industries.

Lastly, family forests square measure glorious tools to serve family cohesion. Forests can be important focal points for recreation and foster a deeper understanding of forest ecology. Forest management, when done as a family affair, increases a sense of belonging and stewardship. This can result in longer possession tenure, stronger families and, often, better managed forests.

And also by cutting of trees we can make the wooden pallets wooden crates and the wooden crafts and so many things which is used by us. And don’t worry about to wastage of wood some companies are buying the wood for the best price in the market and they treated as the wood is Industrial Wood scrap.

Thank you.

