Get a Better ROI with Simulation-Based Programs

Greeshma Rawat
3 min readJun 21, 2019


There are a few basic questions that must be asked before any training. What is it that you seek to achieve with that training? How will you measure the effectiveness of the training? While most organisations have the answer to the first question, it is the second question that is most difficult to answer. And it is the answer to the second question that is intrinsically related to the
ROI of your training program.

Organisations spend a bomb on the training programs (digital courses, workshops etc.) every year. The main goal of every training program is to improve employee performance by providing them with the right skills and knowledge that ultimately helps in meeting the organisational goal. But most of these methods fail to give hands-on training to the employees. And thus the ROI on these training programs is not very high.

What has taken the training world by storm in the past few years is simulation-based training. Or also known as ‘learning by doing’. Let’s learn what exactly it is and why it is a good idea for organisations if they want a better ROI on their training programs.

What is a simulation-based program?
In simulation-based programs, participants are given safe, real-world scenarios to practice. This gives them a chance to act, how they would act in real life, make mistakes, learn from them and rectify them without causing any real damage. Because everything looks and feel real, the participants have the perfect environment to learn. Simulation-based programs help participants hone their skills by putting into practice all the theoretical knowledge they have. A simulation-based training program allows participants to test out different approaches and experience the consequences, right or wrong.

Why is a simulation-based program more effective for organisations?
The real-time practice that simulation-based training programs provide aims to reduce errors and cost and address knowledge and skill gaps. Unlike traditional training, simulation-based training makes the assessment more consistent and skill oriented. These programs not only give the participants an opportunity to act in a real life scenario but also allow them to use multiple methods to approach a problem. The immediate feedback helps the participants to identify and correct their shortcomings. The hands-on experience, full of trials and errors, ensures that the participants come back to their actual work well versed with the new skill. This way, organisations do not have to spend an extra dime or a minute to test out what was taught in the training ensuring a better ROI.

Simulation-based training is a great way to train your workforce effectively. It is not only fun and engaging but hands-on and cost-effective. The practical skills that the participants acquire provide real value to the organisation, which is what any training method aims to achieve in the first place.

