A Dive into Greg Lindberg’s Prison Mindset

Chapter 2: A Dive into Greg Lindberg’s Prison Mindset in his Life and Leadership Tell-All

Greg Lindberg
5 min readOct 12, 2022

The prospect of facing any time in prison is something that breaks many people. The fear of physical harm, the fear of the unknown, and ultimately, the fear of a complete loss of personal freedom is too much for most.

Greg Lindberg faced up to 97 months in prison for a conviction that was later overturned. The fear and the frustration of what he knew were politically motivated charges were certainly enough to make him lose hope. To give up and become a pessimist. But ultimately, it did the opposite.

“Someday you might be faced with having to choose which prison you will lock up in, a prison of your own making or a prison run by those whom you have been bold enough to challenge,” Lindberg wrote in Chapter 2 of his explosive book, 633 Days Inside: Lessons on Life and Leadership.

Here’s a look at this inspiring mindset and a journey through Chapter 2 of his incredible new autobiography documenting his time in prison and the skills he developed to overcome any obstacles life throws at you.

Conviction, Incarceration, and Vindication for Greg Lindberg

Greg Lindberg was wrongfully convicted in 2020 of bribery. Before his conviction was overturned, the Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery in Alabama provided Lindberg with the opportunity to accomplish what he’s best at: helping others.

In addition to working as a janitor and assisting in the library, he taught business and entrepreneurship classes to his fellow prisoners. The friendships he formed remain with him to this day. Lindberg dedicates his life to combating the criminal justice system’s injustices after witnessing their shortcomings firsthand.

The dedication to his book reads, “To my fellow prisoners at FPC Montgomery, I thank you every day for your generosity, humility, friendship, and perseverance. I am lucky to have met you.”

Lindberg founded Interrogating Justice in 2020 as a nonprofit organization with the mission of holding corrupt government actors accountable, and ensuring fair sentencing, supporting reentry, and providing access to justice for all.

Insights Into Chapter 2 — My Mindset in Prison

Chapter 2 of 633 Days Inside begins with gripping insights into the principles and traits Greg Lindberg had to develop to remain sane. Of course, many of these traits and habits were those he had already fostered throughout his life, especially in his highly successful career in business. Essentially, it came down to resilience to adversity, channeling anger into productivity, and, interestingly enough, fasting.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

Greg Lindberg speaks a lot about the importance of adversity resilience by facing change head-on. Sink or swim. He uses a few fascinating metaphors and includes real-world examples of this.

“Humans can survive any adversity and turn it into a greater advantage,” Lindberg wrote. “The first step is getting to the cold, hard truth about the adversity you face.”

Greg Lindberg used an example he had direct experience with — the printing industry’s mixed reaction to the digital revolution in the late ’90s and early 2000s.

“Twenty years ago, everyone subscribed to print magazines and newsletters,” he wrote. “Publishers found articles entitled ‘Why Print Will Never Die’ and circulated them among themselves … Some publishers faced the fact that print and mail were getting more expensive, while free content was becoming more and more readily available on the web. The companies that spent time telling each other that print would never die have failed. How were successful companies different? First, they had leaders willing to face realities head-on and who fearlessly tried and failed with many models knowing that one would prevail in the end. Second, they had a culture of reality.”

Lindberg also speaks about Winston Churchill and other great leaders who inspired people through their realism, strength, and resolve.

Getting Better, Not Bitter

Greg Lindberg writes extensively throughout the book about using anger and resentment to your benefit, and he details this in Chapter 2.

Most of us experience irritation at some point in our lives. However, adversity can be turned to your advantage the faster you convert your anger into productive activity.

He wrote: “It’s natural to be angry at whoever has set you back, done you harm, and treated you with indignity. For some time, this anger is unavoidable for most of us. However, the faster you turn this anger into productive activity, the faster you can turn the adversity to your advantage.”

With this attitude, any challenge, threat, or perceived danger can be turned into a strength, an opportunity, and potentially a life-challenging blessing.

The Power of Intermittent Fasting

Another theme throughout the book is the strength, youthfulness, energy, and mental clarity that Greg Lindberg has achieved due to intermittent fasting.

Lindberg has the following to say about fasting in Chapter 2:

“After I was incarcerated, I started fasting for 44 to 48 hours between meals. The stress of my legal battles and incarceration had already taken years off my life. I decided I would do whatever it took to get those years back. That’s when I began researching intermittent fasting. Dozens of studies show numerous health benefits, including a potential 10x increase in ketone bodies which stimulate brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which stimulates brain cell growth.”

According to Greg Lindberg, since he started fasting, his memory, sleep quality, creativity, focus, and attention have all improved dramatically. He adds that while fasting is possibly the most challenging thing he’s ever done, the incredible benefits greatly outweigh the discipline and discomfort.

He does, however, advise, “I acknowledge that I am not a medical professional and that one should always consult with a physician before making drastic changes to their diet and lifestyle.”

Chapter 2, much like the rest of the book, is a captivating insight into the strength of the human spirit in the face of adversity. The practical optimism that Greg Lindberg has shown throughout his life was indeed forged in fire during his incarceration, and now he’s using it to empower others to do the same.

Read More: Global Growth Announces The Successful Rehabilitation of Michigan Insurance Company Owned by Greg Lindberg

