Gregory Smith
2 min readMay 15, 2016


“GI Joe and He-Man are mostly atomically correct, they are “close enough”.

Most men don’t look like them, that’s my point. Even Arnold Schwartznegger didn’t look like he does today when he started working out at 13. It took years to achieve that glorious body. Maybe this is why most people don’t envy bodybuilders, they understand it takes a lot of work, even if you take steroids, you still need to put in the time.

Women envy skinny girls (sometimes) because some bitches are naturally skinny and can’t gain a pound no matter what they eat. Think I’m being sexist? There’s a very popular book called Skinny Bitch, so if they can say it, I can say it.

I’m sure there are plenty of soldiers that love Ann Coulter, don’t use personal experiences as an statistical basis. You sound like my father, “I don’t like guns because I had a friend who was an awesome shooter who got shot by a crook.” Bah, it means nothing. He also doesn’t like scuba-diving because he has a friend who died while diving.

“The word Nigger is an ancient word, that doesn’t mean it’s a good one.”

So is the f-g-t word, the one they used against gays. And yet I don’t mind if Lisa Lampinelli uses it as long as she uses the n-word and other words. See? Everybody loves Lisa because she spreads the hate, so nobody feels left out. That is the sort of inclusivity I support.

“The people who headed the civil-rights movement over here in America, were the most religious people in the nation.”

True, and yet today my Christian friends are called the Christian Taliban. Today civil rights means that if a confused young man with a dick wants to shower with the ladies, he can! He just has to call himself transgender.

“Which is why religious people have always been anti-communist, because communists aren’t half at good at being communist as monasteries are.”

Agreed, the U.S. welfare program was inspired by the Mormon Church and their charities. The difference is that the Mormons won’t help you forever, and they expect you to eventually find a job and be independent. In America, we have families where everyone is on welfare, we even have people that brag about being on welfare, they refuse to work. The left doesn’t even want us drug testing welfare recipients. Ironic since most jobs require a drug test.

