Gregory Smith
1 min readMay 14, 2016


You can’t have a rational discourse with the socialist. The socialists believes: “I work, you eat.” The socialist demands you share your production with him, by force. The more successful you are, the more you owe him. There’s a video of Hugo Chavez where he basically says. “Got a yacht? Cool, pay me. Got a private jet? Pay me. Got a nice mansion? Pay me. You owe us.”

That is a load of crap, the only people who owe things are those with credit card debt and mortgages.

As for Elon Musk, the only thing he can teach us is how to be a crony capitalist (i.e. socialist), how to be a billionaire who gets millions of dollars in grants and government loans, how to fool people with unproven ideas like the hyperloop. Elon Musk is a con artist, I have an IT friend who told me he didn’t even invent PayPal but was an early partner so he cashed out big, that’s where his money comes form. Tesla? Bah, electric cars for stupid yuppies, who needs them?

