The Business of Stand-Up Comedy: Promotional Kits — Part 1

Greg Dean
2 min readJun 4, 2020


Some people can get creative with their press kit.

A good promo kit is one of the more valuable tools for getting paid stand-up comedy work. The press kit is an introduction to the booking agent to see you, your work, and history as a comedian. Like any first impression, it will last. Your promo kit must impress the booker without seeming like you’re overcompensating.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a physical kit or an online electronic press kit; they present the same promotional materials. My suggestion is to do both as some bookers like everything online and others who want a physical package to show clients in meetings.

Electronic Press Kits (EKP)

You’re lucky to be in the internet generation as you can put your entire press or promo kit online, so it’s available 24/7 as long as the person has internet access. With an EKP, you can upload a cover letter, pictures, bio, resume, and press clippings, but you can also upload videos of your shows that can be seen with a click of a mouse.

An example of an EPK posted on Slideshare on Linkedin for a student project based on the NBC show Community was done very well.

I personally like, which offers a free version, and for a small fee, you can get more options and tools. This is not a sponsored link, and I am not compensated for it, I just like their platform. First, get the free version and fill it in, so you have a promo kit online, even if it’s simple. (Google “electronic press kits” as there are more options available).

Physical Promotional Kits

For club work, you can put together a promo kit at home for a moderate price, but if you’re submitting for colleges, cruise ships, or corporations, you’ll need a more expensive and fancy physical promo kit.

I know some comedians who do corporate work. They spend thousands of dollars to have an impressive kit. It matters what kind of work you’re submitting for. So keep it appropriate for the gig. If you spend thousands on a promo kit that would impress a major corporation, the booker may wonder why a beginner has such an elaborate package and tend to mistrust the quality of the kit won’t jibe with being an opening act.

A physical promotional kit consists of these items: a folder, cover letter, business card, headshot, resume, bio, newspaper reviews, and a video link, DVD, or flash drive.

TIP: pick one font and stick with it. Too many fonts make it harder to read and build familiarity with you as a brand.

In my next article, The Business of Stand-Up Comedy: Promotional Kits — Part 2, I’ll cover each of the elements needed in an effective promotional kit.



Greg Dean

Greg Dean is ‘The Professor of Stand Up Comedy’. The Los Angeles based teacher has taught 40,000+ students, has 6 best selling books, and 40+ years’ experience.