Always Adapt

Greg Horn
4 min readAug 25, 2020


Because things are ever-changing.

If you’ve been following my stories for any amount of time,

You may know that I’ve been enjoying recording these videos from the forest, walking in the forest.

Given what’s happening here in the Bay Area right now, as you may be able to see,

That’s not fog, that’s smoke from the massive amount of fires going on in many different places,

Many around this part of the country right now.

It’s a scary time.

It’s kind of wild.

Not only do we have a pandemic on our hands,

But we also have now massive fires where it’s actually challenging to be outside.

Areas are being evacuated, people are losing homes, losing their lives.

Obviously, it makes me remind myself of how grateful I am to have the things that I have and the life that we get to lead.

But it also reminds me of how quickly we must adapt to changing circumstances.

No matter what I’m doing in life and how I’m carrying myself through life,

There are going to be things that come up.

Forcing me to alter course.

Now these fires and the pandemic going on right now are absolutely two of those factors that have caused myself and many other people in this area

To have to alter course.

Rather than making it a big deal,

It just is what it is.

Look these are the new circumstances and now we have to go this way.

We can’t go that way we were planning on going any longer.

We have to chart a new course and being matter of fact about it without getting caught up in the potentially frightening reality of the situation.

So I’m looking at this time as one of amazing opportunity,

And that may sound kind of weird and strange but many entrepreneurs know exactly what I’m talking about.

With every challenge comes opportunity.

With every great problem comes opportunity and this time on our planet is no different.

It’s actually a fun part about what we’re doing in this Stealth Mode project that actually has a point in the middle between the pandemics and these fires.

What we’re working on is kind of in the center of those two things,

And you may think, what the heck do those two have in common?

Well, there’s something key.

So anyway, without sharing too much, if you are interested, let me know and I’m happy to reach out to you and share a little bit more than I can share here publicly,

But figured I’d drop that in again.

If you want to keep following this journey just comment or reply FOLLOW on this message and I’ll make sure you get future stories like this.

But again, the point today is to Adapt.

I’m constantly adapting.

And all of us are constantly adapting when these situations force us to,

But like stoic wisdom would say, you don’t have to freak out about it.

Just simply change the course and move forward.

Talk soon…


P.S. — I’ve been working on a fun and exciting new project for a while now, but we’re in Stealth Mode. In short, we’re working on something that affects each and every one of us, and we’re not shy about the scale and scope we’re going after. We’re keeping things under wraps right now, on purpose, until we’re ready to share more and invite people in. I’ll be talking about it regularly in my Stories like this, so if you want to follow along for little clues here and there, simply comment FOLLOW on this Story and I’ll make sure you get future Stories.

P.P.S. — Nearly a year ago, after years of trying one water filter after another, we finally found it! My wife had the luxury of drinking water directly from a mountain spring in one place she lived, and this is the closest thing we’ve ever tried to having fresh, vibrant mountain spring water out of our tap at home and it feels like medicine. Plus, it’s been a Godsend during the pandemic because we can create multiple types of water, including highly acidic water that disinfects anything. Check out this video about it and let me know if you want to learn more.

Yes, I benefit if you buy this water system. No, this has nothing to do with our Stealth Mode project.

P.P.P.S. — I’ve been in the best shape of my life for months now, and only getting stronger physically and mentally, even while moving across 3 different states in the last few months. Want to learn more? How to use StoryAthlete GRIT to Transform your Mind and Body, Strengthen Your Business (If You Have One), Even Create a New Income. We start a new round each month, so you may have to wait until the end of the month to join.

Yes, I benefit if you join, like several of my friends have already. No, this has nothing to do with our Stealth Mode project.

