Being a Christian Isn’t Easy

4 min readMay 12, 2020

I want to start by saying I’m not perfect, I know that. No one is, nor can anyone be perfect. It’s not in our nature to be perfect. But that’s okay, this is by design. One thing I am is a Christian. I believe that the King James Version of the Bible is the true written word of God, penned by people who were inspired by the Holy Spirit to record God’s word to edify us and exist so we could get to know Him and learn to be an encouragement to those around us. We are all born sinners, it’s in our DNA and has been since God punished Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. It’s all in the book of Genesis (Gen. 3:14–21). Ever since that moment, it hasn’t been easy to be a godly person.

In this world, this society we live in, it’s often hard to do the right thing. You want to fit in, and some people will go to any length to do so. As a Christian, do I always do the right thing? The answer would have to be no. But I believe the right thing to do is to try. This takes a great deal of effort at times because of how we are so easily influenced by others. We see how people behave on television or in movies and we want to be like them. Music has such an impact on our lives too. Memories of things that happen to us are often triggered by that certain song that was playing when any such event occurred.

So how do we coexist as a godly person in a world where the easy way is not…




Married. Christian. Author. iPhone Photographer. Tech geek. Host of The iPhoneography Podcast.