Skateboarding: Prevent Any Undesirable Incidents with Skate Protective Gear

Greg Monroe
3 min readJul 7, 2017


Talk with any professional skater and they will all agree that quality protective gear is essential. Helmets and mouth guards will protect you from getting a concussion while pads will protect your body from injury.

Most skateboarding injuries happen when the skater loses balance and fall on a hard surface. By wearing skate protective gear your chances of getting injured will reduce significantly. The hands and arms are the most common injured body parts, but abrasions on other parts of the body are also common. Stay safe by wearing your skate protective gear anytime you go skateboarding.


This skate protective gear is of utmost importance in skateboarding; protecting the head and brain is essential to preventing concussions, head injury, and brain injury. Falling without a helmet can be quite dangerous and can lead lasting effects in some case. Like with other popular sports today, concussions are also common in skateboarding and the best prevention for it is wearing a helmet. A variety of helmets is available on the market so whether your size or build, you can be confident to find a comfortable helmet to protect you against serious injury.

Mouth Guards

Mouth guards will protect you from hurting or even losing your teeth while skating. Thanks to the increasing popularity of skating, mouth guard technology have improved and different from the old mouth guards that veteran skaters are used to, modern mouth guards are thin and moldable with a soak in warm water. Plus, they suction to your teeth, which means you won’t have to remove your mouth guard to drink water or to talk.


One of the most common injuries in skating is wrist injuries. Wrist pads are an extremely affordable way to help protect against damage to the wrist. Knee pads are also useful to help protect your knees. Knees usually suffer great damage from falling and the recovery time required to heal knee injuries can be quite long. Knee pads will keep you skating safely and comfortably. The right knee pads need to be well-fitted and have thick padding to protect your knees from any damage.

Your skate itself also plays a great role in safety. Make sure you have a comfortable yet sturdy pair of skates that provide plenty of ankle support. And make sure that your skate match your needs, whether you are just casually rolling down the boardwalk or planning on competing in freestyle events.



Greg Monroe

Freelance blogger, interested in interior decor, sports, music, etc.