Boy Plunder: The Many Crimes of Jared Kushner

Despite being largely ignored by the press, the president’s son-in-law has a laundry list of crimes linked to his name

Greg Olear
7 min readDec 17, 2018
Photo: Win McNamee/Getty Images

I previously wrote in July 2017 about whether Jared Kushner was taking orders from Vladimir Putin, concluding: “For all we know, Jared Kushner is the greatest threat to national security since Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Certainly he should be viewed as such until we know for sure.”

It’s now 18 months later, and it seems certain that Kushner is among the most corrupt and seditious figures ever to work in the White House. The son-in-law and top adviser to the president, the de facto U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia and would-be Middle East peacemaker, is no patriot. To the contrary, Kushner has shown nothing but contempt for the United States: violating its laws, lying to its law enforcement officials, and (possibly) selling its state policy for his own personal enrichment.

Despite criminal activity breathtaking in both scope and audacity, Kushner tends to receive preferential treatment from the media, like he’s royalty or a popular celebrity and not one of the most dangerous criminals in American history. Can it be attributed to Kushner’s cozy relationship with David Pecker, publisher of National Enquirer, Star, Sun



Greg Olear

(@gregolear) is the author of DIRTY RUBLES: AN INTRODUCTION TO TRUMP/RUSSIA & the novels TOTALLY KILLER and FATHERMUCKER. Email: name [at] gmail [dot] com.