Five Reasons Why Mike Pence Will Resign First

Greg Olear
3 min readDec 3, 2017
They are BOTH guilty af.

I’ve tweeted a few times that Donald Trump will outlast Mike Pence: that the VP will resign first. While recent events have sped up the timetable on the President’s own ouster, I still believe that Mike Pence will never take the White House. Here’s why:

1/ He’s guilty af.
Pence was brought into the campaign by Manafort (indicted for Conspiracy Against the United States) and continued to work with his deputy, Rick Gates (ditto) after Paulie Walnuts resigned after his fishy Ukraine ties became too damaging politically (I know — quaint, right?). After the Kushner coup, he usurped Chris Christie as head of the transition. In that role, he was in almost constant contact with Mike Flynn. This doesn’t take into account the email shenanigans, the paying-off-the-mortgage-with-campaign-money, and God knows what else. There’s also this fun fact Adam Parkhomenko reminds us of:

One doesn’t lawyer up early unless one is guilty af.

2/ Pence is an accomplished liar with a knack for staying out of the spotlight.
In his own way, he’s even better…



Greg Olear

(@gregolear) is the author of DIRTY RUBLES: AN INTRODUCTION TO TRUMP/RUSSIA & the novels TOTALLY KILLER and FATHERMUCKER. Email: name [at] gmail [dot] com.