Meetup Angular & Beyond | State Management With Redux

Slides | Demo 1 | Demo 2

Gregor Woiwode
2 min readMar 20, 2018


I had the pleasure beeing invited to Angular & Beyond. This is a huge “conference-ish” meetup in Nuremberg organized by the usergroup FrankenJS.

I was honored to be there and I loved how everything was organized. ❤️

In this talk I speak about the reasons why you should care about state management in your Angular Applications and which impact this can have on your software projects.

My goals for this talk

When I setup a talk my one and only goal is to provide useful and beneficial information to the audience.

In this talk I focus on the following four points:

  1. Draw attention to the problems we are facing in huge Angular Project.
  2. Explain the Redux Architecture in an easy way.
  3. Demonstrate the Redux’s uniderectional data flow.
  4. Motivate teams to centralize state inside there Angular.


You can find my slides on Speaker Deck.

I also showed some code demos. If you want to dive deeper into state management with Redux please checkout my repositories on GitHub.

  1. ngrx-aware
  2. ngx-battleships



Gregor Woiwode

Gregor loves to build tools 🛠 that enable developers to be more productive. He also enjoys 🏃‍♂️ or trying his hand at hobby cooking 👨‍🍳.