4 Things I Learned In My Life Through Changing My Perspective

Gregor Pitsch
3 min readJun 21, 2018


Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash.

I am 24 years old.

I was going to school a long time in the same manner as everybody else.

I did sports in different clubs like many other kids.

As I turned 17 years old my father died because of a brain tumor.

Everything changed on the day of the funeral.

This day was the start of a new life.

I was convinced, I will make something great out of myself.

This day I swore to myself, I am going to spread love wherever I can and live a life, which I am going to like to remember.

This day my perspective on life changed totally.

I knew, if I am going to manage the death of my father, I am going to manage everything else in life. After all the most difficult thing already occured.

Today I am writing. I am writing about personal development, the sense of life, happiness and fulfillment.

Today I know it is everything about my perspective. My perspective determines, whether I am happy or not, whether I am frustrated or not or even whether I am successful or not.

1. I am already successful

Yes, I am! I am successful, because every day I do things I really love to do. Every day I make progress in every area of my life and this is what my success is about.
F*** money! Who cares how much money you have, if you hate how you make your money?! I have people around me, who I love and who love me and I spend the hours of my day doing things I really want to do.

2. I have the total control about my life

I really think it is not easy to realize that. And I deeply believe, it’s one of the most difficult things to disconnect from the opinion of other people. I observe a lot of “zombies” during my day being reactive in their lifes instead of being active.
Today I am conscious of being the creator of my life. My thoughts and words are creating my reality daily. I am not a victim to outer circumstances! Everything I see right now in my life is a product of my thoughts and decisions.
Everything is nicer, when you once realized, you’re in control.

3. Every single small step is one step closer towards my goal

In today’s world this is really a great lesson. If you start something it’s very uncomfortable in the beginning. After every step your mind probably asks you “Is it really worth the effort?”. You know your mind and your fear are lying to you to keep you safe. Of course it is worth the effort and you know it.
I started writing only short time ago and only have 13 followers at the moment I am writing this article. You may think now, 13 followers are not really much. Other people have several thousands of them. But for me 13 people knowing my name because of my writing and who like my content is really special. Every single one is very valuable and drives me to create more and more content.
How it’s gonna be in three more months or even years? I don’t know but I know it will be great because it is already great.

4. Life is unique

That sounds like an advertising slogan. But you really have to learn it.
You are going to die! Time is limited! Everybody knows it, but I think most people aren’t aware of it.
I don’t want to regret the things I didn’t do. And I don’t want to regret, that I did things on a regular basis, that don’t align with my own best interest.
If I imagine myself sitting there being 110 years old and seeing a young guy who is totally healthy and fit and sitting every day on the couch watching series and movies, I would cry loudly. “This young dude has the whole world in front of him and he wastes his time.”
This is not how I want it to be!

Your perspective determines everything. Take the perspective, that fits best for you and create the happiest version of yourself.



Gregor Pitsch

Monk Mindset | Athlete | Personal Development | Product Manager | Contact me: info@gregorpitsch.com