Microsoft breaks new ground … campus cricket, anyone?

Greg Shaw
1 min readDec 8, 2017


Microsoft announced plans on Nov. 28 for a 2.5 million square-foot expansion of its sprawling campus just east of Seattle. Apple’s futuristic campus and Amazon’s urban footprint have been making headlines for years. But renderings of the new Microsoft campus reveal a surprising, oval-shaped ground with a wicket in the middle next to a lush green soccer field. The plan almost certainly invoked a few hazzahs! from developers and marketers inside the rabbit warrens and cubicles of the 40-year-old software maker.

Their excitement is merited. This may be the first proper, recreational cricket ground ever designed and built as part of a major corporate or community project in the United States.

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Greg Shaw

Founder and Editor, Clyde Hill Publishing. Also, 8080 Books (an imprint of Microsoft)