Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life
7 min readMay 5, 2020



Afraid to Speak Your Truth? Want to Know More?

What are my chakras? How do they influence my body and life?

Speak Your Truth — Brett Jordan, Unsplash

Everything in Creation is made of energy, including you!

The only difference between you and a rock is the denseness of the energy.

Hence the statement “We are One”. We are all part of, connected to and it flows through each of us.

The word “chakra” derives from the Sanskrit meaning ‘wheel’ and literally translated from Hindi tradition means “wheel of spinning energy”.

The seven major chakras are energy centres that connect your spiritual, mental and emotional bodies to your physical body. They are like a whirling vortex of energy.

They are the powerhouse of energy that governs your physical body. More can be found in my story “How to Live A Life Of Harmony.

When the chakras are not aligned, or the energies are blocked, the basic life force will be slowed down. That is when you will feel listless, tired, out of sorts, or depressed.

Not only will physical bodily functions be affected so diseases may manifest, your thought processes and the mind may also be affected.

Afraid to Speak your Truth?

Our bodies are the means by which we live and therefore reflect how we are living in any given moment.

It is not uncommon for people who need to change a fundamental principal of the way they live to break a bone, thereby literally changing the structure by which they live their life.

Do you remember being told by a parent or a teacherYou MUST finish everything on your plate, or else there will be nothing for you tomorrow”?

Do you follow the same practice of always seeking to clear your plate even today?

Feeling guilty if you leave something to be thrown away, or let a waiter take away a half-finished meal?

Our Habits and Beliefs Come From…

A large part of the habits and beliefs we have about food, our health and our life were imprinted into our brain in our early years. And then there are those we assume from our ancestors!

When you try fighting the actions you are programmed to carry out, it creates stress and confusion in your brain.

Your beliefs determine what and how you speak — to please others or being authentic to yourself?

A stiff neck can reflect your belief you are unheard or invalidated.

Rounded shoulders can be about overly focusing on making things happen or what is directly in front of you like a mouse focused on food. Standing straight requires us to acknowledge all that we are and all which is around us, for better or worse.

It is your unconscious mind which plays the key part in determining whether we speak our truth. Or, not!

Who is in Control?

Are you consciously exercising your will or are you allowing your programming to do so for you?

To take command of your will and maintain it against the controlling influences of others, of your fears and all the illusions that influence us, is the real meaning of being in your power. To speak your truth.

To be free of any pain or dis-comfort, to change the world in which you live, you must first address what is directing your actions — the beliefs of your unconscious mind.

That is the only way to lead the life you desire as you speak your truth.

Once you listen to your body´s message and accept the lesson it is offering, limiting beliefs of the unconscious mind can be freed.

Ready to Speak Your Truth?

Most relationships flounder because there is no truth or trust. Tony Robbins in his blog refers to creating this truth as being prepared to step into your pain.

In doing so you are exercising your will to take charge of your choices, rather than allowing your habits and beliefs to do so.

One of the indicators of not speaking your truth is problems with your mouth, in particular the teeth.

Which is why Secret #5 of my book The Seven Secrets To Living in Harmony, answers the question: “Why do I have trouble speaking up?”

The 5th chakra is coloured blue and lives in your throat centre. Its energy radiates down to your heart and up towards the 3rd eye. The influencer of communication through self-expression, creativity and truth, when in balance this energy vortex is a powerhouse of transformation and purification. For this you must speak with love and kindness.

The throat is an important pathway for the lower chakras to connect to the upper energy points, assisting with the flow of energy throughout the body.

Each chakra is associated with certain organs in the body and the throat is associated with: neck, shoulders, hands, thyroid, arms and parathyroid glands. It influences the sense of hearing.

The next story in this series answers the question: How do I achieve clarity and focus?” — Secret #6.

The Message from My Throat is….?

The throat and back of the neck represent more than not speaking; they also have the quality of communicating in the broad sense of listening and understanding. If afraid to speak up and say what you want or feel, you might often suffer from a sore throat or feel like your throat is blocked, causing choking.

When necks are out of alignment, disks can be crushed or even disintegrate, bones can fracture, joints can disconnect or freeze. Each is an interaction with the flow of energy through your body.

Also the throat is the connector between your thoughts and emotions. It is the gateway for you to express your truth in a proactive and compassionate way.

Which if you are not then you probably you will not express what you deserve or value for yourself in terms of money.

Angelica and Her Neck

I met Angelica at a workshop and quickly learned she suffered from neck pain. Often, being unable to move it in a normal arch due to the intensity of the pain.

However, she had told her doctor two days before she was due to undergo an operation she would not go ahead with it. She was unsure why, other than perhaps a fear of something going awry.

Family was important to Angelica. So was physical fitness ever since she played street games in the Italian neighbourhood in Brooklyn where she grew up. Despite going to church every Sunday, she had chosen to look beyond its teachings for understanding and guidance.

Her search for self-knowledge was also creating a conflict of understanding with members of her family. She did not express this, instead held it tight; she did not want to upset her good relationships with her family.

The neck provides support for our thoughts, perceptions, and creativity. It creates the structure for our voices to resonate into the world and our perspectives to be heard, reflecting the stress we feel as we attempt to navigate life and its complexity.

When we met again over a year later, Angelica said her neck was only painful when she allowed a family member to step over her boundaries. For the throat, she knew she could make and speak up about her own choices. Her real estate work had grown effortlessly, leading to creating a new business.

Other Symptoms Are…

In addition to issues with the throat, voice, and mouth, symptoms of disharmony include hyperthyroidism, raspy throat, chronic sore throat, ear infections, physical and mental exhaustion, gum difficulties, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands, nervousness, colic, upper back pain, high blood pressure, mouth ulcers, and hyperactivity.

To help understand the message your throat is sending you, here is a short video about Secret #5 — ready to communicate your truth?

Ready to Communicate Your Truth?

More concerned about pleasing others than speaking your truth, The Seven Secrets will help you understand the importance of both listening and understanding in communication.

With the cosmic emphasis for the 2020s being true to ourselves — perhaps YOU are feeling some kind of ‘cough or constriction in the throat’? Would you like to receive a FREE Copy of Secret #5 “Why do I have trouble speaking up?” from my best selling book, The Seven Secrets to Living in Harmony?

Why not ‘take a peek’ at what the book has to offer by claiming a FREE COPY of Secret #5 and I will personally send it to you.

You will also discover the close connection between your throat and your solar plexus, and it is not about eating!

Please Share

Do you know someone who might benefit from knowing more about these things? Please feel free to send them a link to this story so they can claim a FREE chapter, too. Please also share this link to my short YouTube video about Secret #5.

My desire is to help all to live their life of harmony. So please DO share and pass this post to others you love.

To Speaking Your Truth


Also, connect with me here: LinkedInFacebookPinterestTwitter


Gregory Reece-Smith, aka the Shamanic CEO, is an author, creator, speaker, and shaman. He has worked in corporate and led technology companies worldwide; coaching fledgling organisations to those the size of the international operations of IKEA. He upsets people´s beliefs so they have freedom to accelerate their life and so their business.

Download a copy of his latest book — the “7 Mystical Ways To Accelerate Your Business And Your Life” to begin accelerating your life.

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Gregory Reece-Smith
Creating Harmony In Your Life

aka the Shamanic CEO, Creator and Best-Selling Author. My calling is to guide all to live a life of fun and joy as we journey through this period of transition.