Empire State Ride : Day 2

Gregory Scallan
3 min readAug 2, 2016


…. is in the books. 78 miles & 3500+ ft climb. Today we wore our Team CMMD shirts as we trekked on up the Hudson River to Red Hook. After climbing Bear Mountain, this was the view from the bridge.

Pretty spectacular. We then proceeded to take the Duchess Rail Trail, which was a very much welcomed flatter part of the ride

Of course we had to goof around a little bit

(Is he off the trail there? Hmmmmm)

One of the cooler bridges we got to go over was a walking/cycling bridge just north of Beacon that goes over the Hudson, pretty cool. The team got some amazing drone shots over it, but here is one we took

Of course, Mother Nature needed to torment us next with a torrential downpour for the second day in a row (although this one was briefer). Nonetheless we continued on and got to cycle through Vanderbilt Mansion

And then Mills Mansion where the next rest stop was located

Last, but not least, a cool waterfall

Seen from above until we reached camp.

What would this blog be without an obligatory check this out pic

Yes, that is a homegrown charging station they made just for this ride. 50 riders all charging their phones, gps units, rechargers, bike lights, etc …. one thing I will say about the ESR team: they don’t just run a fully supported ride, but a First Class Fully Supported Ride.

Tomorrow? 90 miles and over 4000 ft of climb … can’t wait!

