How my reading improved in a month with my new Kindle reader!

Gregory Sequeira
4 min readDec 31, 2018

After reading the multiple benefits of reading books from multiple sources, I decided to invest in a kindle (Investment ‘cause of its numerous benefits that I had read, some of which I am experiencing currently). The decision of purchasing one came after a lot of research as I had a tight budget and even the basic version of a Kindle(that I proudly possess now) seemed like a big purchase.

November 7th, 2018, the day my Amazon Kindle reader arrived. Little did I know, a month ago, that this would soon become my most significant purchase in the last 2 years (in just a month of usage).

I linked my amazon prime account with my kindle and downloaded the Kindle App for my Android phone. I learned that I can send my own PDF files on the kindle and read it, something that I find really useful. As you’ll are aware, kindle books are cheaper than their paperback counterparts, but some books are really cheap, as cheap as Rs. 9( $ 0.13) sometimes.

So what real improvement has taken place in my 1 month with the Kindle? Read on.

Number of books read per month has grown 12 fold!

To put it in numbers, I read 4 books in a span of 28 days. 4 Books! That adds up to 48 books/year. That is an insane increase from my previous 4 books/year. I have increased my reading speed by a factor of 12.

To be honest, I had thought I’ll at-least read 2 books a month to justify my investment in a kindle. But what I ended up doing has blown my mind. Just in case you'll wonder, I read the following 4 titles (2 books at a time).

The design of everyday things, by Don Norman.

The design of everyday things needs no introduction, I believe it provides a mental model for everyone who’s got anything to do with designing a product (basically everyone). Read it, thank me(and Don Norman) later.

Raghu, by Raghu Ram.

Growing up I have been a big fan of the reality show Roadies on MTV India, so reading the biography of the person responsible for creating this youth phenomenon was a no-brainer for me. Plus, it was free with my Prime account. Win-Win.

Musings of a financially Illiterate father, by Anand Saxena.

This is one of those books which I highly recommend for anyone who is just starting his/her career. This book is loaded with a lot of financial knowledge. No book can better teach the finances than this one. 10 out of 10. Worth every penny.

Origin, by Dan Brown

I am a Dan Brown Fan-boy. Read all of his titles (except for The Lost Symbol which is collecting dust in my bookshelf). I really enjoyed reading Origin. The story is very well written and I never lost interest in reading it, never felt like putting it down. I really recommend this one. Amazing thriller.

There is one subtle feature in a kindle which has helped me increase my reading speed but it didn’t stand out at first.


At the bottom left of my Kindle screen, lies the real secret. That little indication of how many minutes are remaining in the current chapter has gone a long way in helping me read more. It’s more of a psychological thing really. I kept telling myself that just a little more, 3 minutes is hardly anything. I pushed myself to read more whenever I encountered such 3-minute chapters.

Even Medium has this amazing feature of the length of the article in minutes left, which sometimes decided whether or not I read the article. Subtle nuances really.

I will try to read 4 books or more in December as well, but can’t really commit because I have to join a new company and Christmas is around the corner(yay!).

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Have an awesome day!



Gregory Sequeira

Software Developer ~ Musician ~ Avid reader ~ Multipotentialite| Trying on hats of varied perspectives.